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This site is for all fans worldwide. No original material and design is to be used without written permission of the website owner.
Do not access the pictures from this site. If you do use them, save them to your hard drive or server. IMPORTANT: Under NO circumstances are any of these graphics to be used on sites promoting pornography, hate, or racism of any kind, in any way, shape or form. I retain the right to ask you to remove them from any site I strongly feel is infringing on my values and beliefs.
ASSOCIATION: I am in no way associated with the Bee Gees, their management, record company, Gibb family etc...... I am simply a fan, and I LOVE IT!!! :o) ADVERTISEMENTS and LINKS: I do not endorse any of the advertisements that appear at the top of each page, nor am I responsible for the content that appears on other sites that I may have linked to. The links that appear on this site are for fans gathering information's about the Bee Gees, Gibb families and Gibb employees. [HOME / WEBRING] [NEWS] [ARTICLES] [ PHOTO GALLERY] [LINKS] |