Britney's Break

First, a little commentary written by the owner of a group I subscribe to. I think it's pretty right on. At least it makes you think. Next, my answers to a survery. And last, the actual survery for you to complete.
[ My comments in RED ]

From: "Sylver"
Date: Tue, 4 Jun 2002 12:09:22
Subject: [Club Britney] Britney Spears : Should We Ask For More?

A lot of people have had this question on their minds lately, what will happen with Britney in 2003 ? Will she release a new album? Is she going to take a break ?. This is obviously something that I wish I knew the answer to, but I don't. All I can really do is speculate and use logic based on the kind of marketing strategy Jive Records has laid out for Britney for the past 3 years. I don't know about you, but I feel that lately, and especially with the media, there has been a saturation of Britney everywhere, and unfortunately it hasn't been a positive one. Whatever she says, whatever she does, it's blown out of proportion, not to mention sometimes made up and fabricated. Within the world of Britney and her fans, we all love her, and we all pretty much ignore whatever or whoever says anything bad about her (*cough*Avril, put a sock in it*cough*) but outside of the world of Britney, and this is how I've understood the situation, most people have grown to have more of a negative view of her than a good one.

The question we all ask ourselves is if these views have a right, or if these views simply exist because Britney Spears has made such a huge impact worldwide and huge impacts get criticized no matter what due to human nature. But there comes a point when arrogance is not an option and the views and opinions from the world outside of Britney Spears cannot be ignored, why? because it belongs to our everyday lives and society. What I think and this is how I see it, is that a lot of people have gotten enough of so much Britney going around everywhere, Pepsi bottles, merchandise, various commercials, movie ads, movies, scandals, rumors and so on. Even though this may not be classified as a bad thing and everyone as a fan will say 'What are you talking about? We will never get enough of Britney' the 'Hey, Get Real' factor will always surface. This is when we once again ask ourselves the question as to if Britney should take a break in 2003 or not.

If I would manage her, this is what I would actually do: I would take a break in 2003 and just basically go behind the spotlight and chill out for a year, perhaps make some movies or write a book. Allow space for newer artists on TRL, and let the world forget about Britney for a little while, let the tabloids go bother somebody else, and let the whole Britney mania cool down. This will create the following effect, and this actually works. It will give time for Britney to mature even more as an individual, slow down, and actually be able to sit down and catch up with her life, you know what I mean? Cause the girl is sometimes so busy, that she barely has time to think and look back, and embrace what she has accomplished in an almost spiritual level. It's like if you work all your life on a project but you're way too busy to spend your money earned or take a long deserved vacation because you have to be working all the time.

Britney will grow, her fans will grow and this will create in due time a question mark and a sort of 'longing' for her. People will really miss Britney and the effect that this will create is that her next album will become 'long awaited' and so requested. We find a similar pattern in movies for example. Let's create this analogy, take Spider-Man for example, they announced it about 18 months before it was released in theaters, there was a huge secrecy behind the movie but the promoters slowly and safely marketed and got the word out little by little and the promotion was boosted up like a crescendo when the movie was nearing its premiere date. The effect of this, a $115 million opening will go on next year's Guinness Book of Records although of course, it's Spider-Man, one of the world's most popular comics, but then again, it's also Britney Spears, one of the world's most popular artists.

What I am trying to say is that unfortunately everything reaches its peak one day, and you have to know when to slow things down a little so that people one day won't go 'Oh no, not her again'. See, this is me thinking not much as the Britney fan I am, but as just a regular person who is stepping out of the world of Britney for a couple of minutes, otherwise, my arrogance would take complete control of me and I would not want to accept something that maybe actually makes sense. I think that in the long term, this will benefit Britney's career so much, so my advise is, chill and slow things down after your tour ends in the summer, make one or two movies where you take serious roles so that the world can get to know you as the person you are and not so much as the music artist that you are. Then, record your new album on the second half of 2003 for a release due late 2003 and throw a 'Celine Dion' at the Garden on New Years Eve, 18 months after your last tour. This will give a huge time frame so that there will be a huge space between the 'old' Britney and the 'new' Britney. In the meantime, also do a Bono or a Angelina Jolie, go visit a community in the far east, get into a project that will finally show the world that you are now a mature woman. Get out of the western world, stop listening to Brian Friedman and experience things outside of the 'fake pop industry'. Then when you come back with your 4th album, like mentioned, you won't be a girl anymore, but a woman, you'll know what you will want, you won't let yourself get driven by 'certain' individuals anymore and you will be closer to reaching the peak of your dream, a spot next to Madonna, Elvis and Michael Jackson, on your own, cause seriously, you're getting there, but note 'getting...', you just have to figure out how, and you'll only get one chance in life for this, cause the world is watching, yet, your fans will be here anxiously waiting for you, that is a promise, make sure you do this for you though, not for us.




Do you think Britney SHOULD take a break?
YES! I was almost shocked when I read a fan say "I don't know whay she needs one..." UM...the girl is 20 years old and has been working on her highly successful career for the last 5! She should have somewhat of a life!

How do you think it will affect her career?
Well, there are two ways to look at this. 1)She'll take a break and we won't hear from her again. She'll vanish from peoples' minds and it might be hard a regain fans. OR 2) She'll come back to a fan base that has matured and she won't have to deal as much with parents who can't keep from bashing her. You choose.

Will she come back better off or worse?
All depends on how you look at. I think, in the long run she'll be better off. Sydney's rigt in the article above. Lately, there has been A LOT of publicity where Brit's concerned. Most of it was negative. Between the Justin breakup, the smoking thing, etc, etc... the media has had their fun. I think what's best for her is to chill as Britney the person and forget about the spotlight for awhile. Of course, she'll never be COMPLETELY out of the spotlight, but hell, she can try, right? NO matter how she comes back, she's Britney "freakin'" Spears. That's something in pop culture that can't be replaced, no matter how hard some people try.

Will you still personally be a fan?
I will ALWAYS be a fan. Sure, I'll grow out of her for awhile. But ya know what, that happens. More importantly than playing her CDs or seeing her movies, I will always support her. I still defend her VMA 2000 performance, I'll forever defend her wardrobe, and whether she comes back into the spotlight as she left it or not doesn't really hold relivence.

READ the completed FAN SURVEYS!!


Do you think Britney SHOULD take a break?

How do you think it will affect her career?

Will she come back better off or worse?

Will you still personally be a fan?


:: in deFense ::