Celebrities Speak... in defense of Brit

Avril Lavigne
Beyonce Knowles
Clive Calder (of Zomba Records)
Dr. Steven Small
Nick Styne (ICM Agent)
Kelly Osbourne
Rosie O'Donnell
Shania Twain
Sherry Lansing (of Paramount Pictures)
Steven Tyler
Whitney Houston

Avril Doesn't Hate Britney After All

A lot of magazine and newspaper articles have been reporting Avril Lavigne hates Britney, well she doesn't! Here's what she said in a recent interview to Pittsburgh's radion station B94: "Well, I have mad respect for her. People see me as anti-Britney but I'm not. I don't write songs like she does and I don't dress like she does...I never will. But then again, image comes into play. *high pitched voice* I dress differently, therefore, I hate her. *ends high pitched voice* No, people, I do not hate Britney. People twist things around and want me to hate her. She's done nothing to me. I'd like to meet her and tell her myself that I don't hate her. I'll be the first to admit I know the words to her music. *sings* Hush, just stop! There's nothing you can do or say! BAAAAAAAAABYYYYY!*stops singing* That's some good stuff."
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Access Hollywood - 2002
Beyonce says...

"Of all the female, solo pop artists, Britney is the nicest one. Every time I see her, she is always very, very nice ... very polite. Her mother is very nice. It doesn't matter how tired she is; she's always the same way, which says a lot because she doesn't have to be."
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European Interview
Madonna says...

"My feelings towards Britney have been the same since I first saw her and the attention around her, She is such a young girl with an immense amount of talent that has gotten poked and prodded by every media outlet in the world and she has still managed to come out on top. I look at her and see a part of me only better, she has what it takes to make it in the long run and I feel for her. Anything she does I will support 110%, she makes me feel like a proud parent."
And comparing Britney to Christina: "The comparison between the two is odd, Christina has a great voice for a singer but thats what she is, She isn't a performer like Britney. Performers and Singers are two different fields, Christina just stands there and sings while Britney dances and performs. They couldn't switch roles. The only thing is that Britney actually is able to just bring down the house regardless of what is said about her, she amazes me to no end."
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The Cairns Post
Kelly says...(commenting on Britney's Mexico incident)

"The best thing to do is to just hock one right on them, spit on them — accidentally of course. Everyone should be able to swear and spit and do whatever the hell they want. Britney Spears dug her own grave by doing that white picket fence sh**. I'm sure even Britney's hocked one at someone before."
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Shania says...(commenting on Britney's media buzz)

"Britney's a really sweet kid but things can get rough in this business. Sometimes it can be really hard," Twain said. "I was lucky. It didn't happen to me until I was an adult. I was in my twenties when I got my first record deal and almost 30 when things went really wild. I knew right from the start that I didn't want to be part of the circus that goes with this business. It's different for kids like Britney."
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Clive says...

"Having known and worked with Britney since she was 15 years old, and having watched her mature from a quietly confident teenager to the international star that she is today, I have observed at close hand that she is one of life'snatural winners; I mean this in the broadest sense and not just as an obvious compliment to her achievements in the music and, recently, film world. Her handling of the fame thrust on her at such a young age is a tribute to not only her but also to her mother, Lynne, and the strength of character that she instilled in Britney as a child and the support she has provided her with as she has had to 'grow up' in the, at times, glaring spotlight of the world's media."
-- Clive Calder, chairman and CEO, the Zomba Group of Companies

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Rosie says...

"She is amazingly gifted. One of a kind. A true talent. I can't wait to see what she does when she grows up."
-- Rosie O'Donnell

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Sherry says...

"I was tremendously impressed by Britney's talent and professionalism. We loved working with her."
-- Sherry Lansing, chairman, Paramount Pictures

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Steven says...

"At age 21, Britney's got it all, yet she still gives back. I experienced her generosity firsthand this summer at her performing arts camp, where she offers underprivileged inner city kids a week of 'song and dance their ass off.' Unlike most celebrity charities, which leave their recipients 'philanthropissed off,' Britney holds up her end of the bargain by showing up in person to 'song and dance her ass off.' She's the real deal."
-- Steven Tyler

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Nick says...

"When you think of Britney Spears, or you see her in the videos, commercials, interviews or even just read about her in a magazine, and then you sit in a room with her, it's a completely different thing. She's a great, sweet, funny, loving girl who loves her family very much and is extremely grounded, surprisingly so, for as much success as she's had. She's just an amazing person."
-- Nick Styne, ICM agent

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Dr. Small says...

"I was the one who recommended she take off six months from work - she needed a complete break." He explained, "When we first met I was surprised that she's kind of shy - you imagine her to be outgoing, but she's not. She didn't start chatting right away. She's pretty sensitive and very vulnerable. It's clear fame, money and power haven't gone to her head. In fact, she was impressed with the other stars I see. She asked me about some of my well-known patients and was so excited when I mentioned their names. I really don't think she realises how big a star she is. I was also surprised at how pretty she was in real life with no make-up on - she was radiant and has a lovely smile."
-- Dr. Steven Small, Alternative Medic

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Ms. Houston says...

"I love Britney, I think she's sharp."
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