CHRISTINA ::aguilera::

my :: original :: opinion my :: reasons :: i dislike her my :: new :: opinion

The Original Write-Up
My honest opinion is that I don't like Christina. So there it is in black and white. I was the biggest Christina fan in the world about a year back (sorta like my BSB phase!). In short, I grew out of it.

Right after the Grammy's (2000) Christina seemed to think she was better than everyone else. Christina, honey, you're not Mariah, Whitney, or Madonna. Get over it! I can't knock on her talent. I absolutely LOVE this girl's voice, and no one can take that away from her. She comes off with an attitude problem and frankly I'm sick of it. I don't care how good a person's voice is, I don't care how many records she sells, I don't think she's a nice person. I've seen her towards her fans and it's nothing to respect. Oh, and another thing....can she wear any MORE makeup. Geez! I don't even remember what her face looks like!

So, yeah, I'm Pro-Britney. I guess I'm being pulled into the whole thing where I'm choosing sides, but it's not cuz I think I have to, it's because I truely can't stand Christina. I will be the first one to admit that I have the Christina Aguilera CD, have even thought of getting the spanish album, and will be getting the Christmas CD. As I've said, you can't take away from the fact that her voice is amazing. What I can say is that I DON'T respect her in the least. I can pretty much for-see Christina in the business for the long run, her talent will take her far and unfortunately that's something we can't control.

So there it is. It's only my opinion of course, and to that, I'm entitled. I don't mean ANY disrespect by any means. I give props to anyone that is in the business. They must put up with crap that we can only imagine.

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The New Write-Up
I still don't like her. Really...

Ok, ok. I'm admit it. I bought the new CD, "Stripped", and as much as I might HATE to admit it, the CD is amazing. Of course, I never bashed her talent, and never will. God...AMAZING VOCALS!! Anyway, "Can't Hold Us Down" is easily my favorite song on the album, but believe me I've got others. Me, the avid *Nsync fan, would rather listen to Christina's new CD than Justin's solo album...(but yeah, that's a WHOLE other editorial!)

Still not diggin' her image, but ya know what, she's entitled. I don't agree with her very naked Rolling Stone cover or, well, most things she does. But hey, it's her image to have, not mine. It just makes me laugh when they harp on BRITNEY for wearing nothing...and...well...have you seen Christina's clothes. No? Don't worry, the rest of us haven't seen her clothed in awhile either.

Anyway, I want to comment of this month's (12/02) YM Magazine. Hopefully, it's at home waiting for me, but from the little I got to read at Wal-Mart, I was apalled. As Christina was quoted, the interviewer DID hate her from the get go. As a journalist, you DO NOT include your personal opinion in an article you're paid to write for the public (Take it from a Journalism major). It's not ethical, and it's rude. Right now, SHE'S selling your magazine to you non-subscribers... pay a little repsect.

I still can't bring myself to say that I'm a "fan", but I respect her just a little more for once again blowing me away with an amazing amount of talent.

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I got this in an email on 5/10/02.
Keep in mind I don't know how true it is,
but I wouldn't doubt it.
[My comments in red].

Trash Tallking...Christina Aguilera

Pop beauty CHRISTINA AGUILERA reduced rival BRITNEY SPEARS to tears in an amazing public bust-up where she branded the singer “trash”. The pair were partying at LA’s Moomba club when a fan asked them to pose for a picture together.

But Christina – who has known Britney since they appeared together in TV’s Mickey Mouse Club nearly ten years ago – angrily refused.

Frankly, I think the headline hit the nail on the head, whether they meant it that way or not. "Trash" talking = "Christina" talking. Hey, they said it, not me. Seriously, look at her. Even in the picture from the article, she looks like she just walked off the set of a porn movie! Anyway, if this is true, and I don't doubt it is, she REALLY shouldn't be the one to say a single word. I think anything negative that comes out of her mouth is pure jealousy. YES, I think Christina is more vocally talented than Britney. Doesn't change the fact the Britney is more popular, and that has got to irritate the hell outta Christina.

Christina VS. Britney

Christina Aguilera branded pop rival Britney Spears "teenybopper trash" outside a Los Angeles nightclub recently, according to reports. The blonde pop diva, who has known Britney since the early 1990's, is said to have refused to have her photo taken with the pop princess outside trendy Hollywood club Moomba. Britney, who overheard Christina's very public outburst, reportedly stormed out of the club to avoid a confrontation. "I don't want to be in the same picture as that teenybopper trash," Aguilera is heard to have said. Claiming her career is more credible, she added: "I just could not sing her kind of songs because I think it's sacrificing what you stand for. "Is Britney being true to herself?" she continued. "I doubt it". "My songs are as good, if not better than Britney's. It's just that she gets more publicity." She added: "The acid test will be to see which of us survives the longest."

I can not believe the nerve of this chick! They were best friends!! And even if the jealousy bug has bit Christina lately, there is NO reason WHAT SO EVER to be rude. OH! And saying that she couldn't sing the same songs as Britney. Hunny - YOU SANG ABOUT A GENIE IN A BOTTLE. I know she's changing her image, and that's her perrogative, but don't bash people that don't follow in your trashy footsteps. And once again, about calling Britney "trash"... I guess it takes one to know one. Christina, you're 21, it's time to grow up.

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:: in deFense ::