Decision Time for Britney

SUN Online

 JUST like the title of her panned and soon-forgotten film debut, Britney Spears’ life is at a crossroads. 
Not so long ago she was the squeaky-clean bubblegum pop princess, styled in bunches and school uniform, appealing to the Dawson’s Creek generation.  Baby One More Time stands as one of the pop classics of the last decade.

She dated one of the world’s most eligible bachelors and was the envy of millions of schoolgirls, also in uniforms and bunches, as she showed off NSYNC’s Justin Timberlake.  But it was a sugary-sweet liaison, with Britney famously confessing she was a admission that meant she was still palatable to conservative Middle America.

Then, BANG!

Dumped by Justin, spotted smoking, partying, rumours of boob jobs, plunging necklines, with record sales to match.  Oops! indeed.

So what does the future hold for Britney and why has she allowed her crown to slip?

Can she reinvigorate her career and public image and reawaken the generation who made her so rich? She is just 20, but the music industry is abuzz with whispers of burn out.  Her name has been mentioned alongside those of Debbie Gibson and Tiffany — two 80s singers groomed as the new Madonnas who disappeared up their finely-honed bottoms.  As I told you earlier this week, Britney’s mum is a worried mum. And rightfully so — her daughter has even resorted to herbal remedies for depression.

It’s textbook meltdown.

Perhaps Lynne’s eye has been off the ball — her own sister is fighting cancer and she has to launch the career of Britney’s 11-year-old sister Jamie Lynn, (I’m not Mystic Mohan, but no doubt I’ll be writing this same article about Jamie Lynn in 2012.)  This has left the singer wallowing in LA, a dangerous place for a girl with a no-limit black AmEx card and a taste for cocktails and Marlboro.  But now Mum has stepped back into the game. A friend of hers told me last night: “Lynne has put her foot down. Britney’s not been taking care of herself and has lost focus. 

"The split with Justin hit her hard — and her sorrows weren’t exactly drowned — more buried 3,000 leagues under the sea. She has put on weight and started smoking. Her mum has told her she needs to sort it out.”  The wounds of Britney’s final split with Justin are starting to heal some five months after the event, but as she candidly admitted this week: “The break-up was horrible. Very upsetting and it took a lot out of me.  “He was my first real love and I doubt I’ll ever be able to love anyone like that again.”

She has also started to go on the defensive, trying to justify partying and falling record sales by admitting she has felt stifled by her goody-two-shoes image.  It is a startling insight into the mind of a 20-year-old star who fears she is losing the plot as she says: “I need this break to rejuvenate spiritually and to just play.  “I never wanted to hide who I was, but until about a year ago, I was trying to fit an image and trying to be someone I wasn’t. If I have a drink or I’m with someone, I’m human. I’m no different than anyone else my age.  “Smoking, drinking, sex — why is it such a big deal for me? As you get to 20, you grow up, you experiment.”

There is a joke in the industry that says Britney’s record label has had to move its offices to a skyscraper to accommodate the down arrow on her sales chart.  That may be milking it but the figures make worrying reading for the moneymen. Her debut album shifted 8.9million copies — the Britney album sold half that.  A prima donna with an entourage that could barely squeeze into one of her mansions, Britney may have ditched the uniform but she made a schoolgirl error on her last UK visit.  At the premiere of Crossroads six months ago, she was booed after snubbing fans and refusing to pose for pics. She did the same around the world — Mexicans demanded their money back after she walked off stage during a rain storm.

I am often asked: “Can Britney come back?” My reply is always the same: It depends on the songs.  She must rejuvenate herself, find another Baby One More Time and truly decide whether she wants to try to oust Madonna as Queen Of Pop.

The demons of Justin must finally be put to rest, fitness regained and the partying restricted. The entourage must be dumped and the fans’ love rekindled.

The 21st century music business has no loyalty — and neither do its fans. Just ask George Michael, Hear’Say and Michael Jackson.  But I believe Britney has the beauty and talent to survive. If she can get the right songwriters and image tweaks she can once more become a force to be reckoned with.

That’s unless a certain Jamie Lynn Spears comes along...and usurps her own sister.