JESSICA ::simpson::

Full Name: Jessica Simpson

Hometown: Dallas, Texas

Birth Date: July 10, 1980

Astrological Sign: Cancer

Hair Color: Blond

Eye Color: Hazel/Brown

Height: 5'3"

What can I say about Jessica that hasn't already been said a million and one times. I love this girl to death. Her voice is just too amazing for words! When her first CD came out I had to run out and buy it just because of "I Wanna Love You Forever". That song was infectious for me. I think she was smart to introduce the world to her voice first, rather than her looks. A lot of singers are marketed the opposite ways.
   I have a huge amount of respect for Jessica and her beliefs. She is in the position to be a role model for millions of girls across the world and she knows this. She appreciates the fact that people look up to her and takes that into consideration when in public. She takes care of her body and doesn't look at herself as a sex object, just a woman. Too many times women are given less credit than they deserve, and Jessica deserves all credit that she is given.

Favorite Place:
Rome, Italy
Favorite Food:
Chicken-fried steak with gravy, mashed potatoes, and corn bread
Favorite Color:
Favorite CD:
Mariah Carey's Christmas Album
Favorite Movie:
Anything that's romantic or features Julia Roberts, Dirty Dancing, Pretty Women
Favorite TV Show:
Dawson's Creek
Favorite Book:
Message in a bottle, by Nicholas Sparks

Favorite Actors:
Julia Roberts
Favorite Artists:
Mariah Carey, Whitney Houston, Celine Dion
Favorite Author:
Nicholas Sparks
Favorite Song:
"Take My Breath Away" by Berlin
Favorite Song on her Album:
Heart of Innocence and Where you Are
Favorite Restaurant:
Favorite Makeup:
Lip gloss

   Jessica's long relationship with 98 degrees singer, Nick Lachey has been on again off again. But I am SO happy to say that it is ON again. The couple are currently engaged and planning a wedding! I love that they were honest with the public from the beginning about their relationship.
   So here's the question of the page: Why wouldn't you like Jessica? She's talented, she's gorgeous and she's just like you and me. A down-to-earth southern gal makin' it big in this big, bad world. We applaud you Jessica. Keep smilin' and PLEASE never stop singing!!

Official Jessica Simpson Website
Always Jessica Simpson


:: in deFense ::