Turning of the Rumor Mill

It's a constant thing with Miss Spears, isn't it. The press likes to put in overtime just to see if they can push Brit over the edge. I'll tell you, if I were her I would have had my say by now. She's a strong willed girl and I say all the more power to her.
[ My comments in RED ]


It seems as if the media has been having their share of fun lately by giving Britney Spears the worst publicity she could ever imagine. They have gone overboard with the whole smoking issue, not to mention how Justin Timberlake ended the relationship everybody thought would last forever. The fact that the virginity issue haunted her since the day she decided to make a statement in regards to staying a virgin till the day she married, has not made things easier for Britney either. It has come to our understanding as fans that we have to support our artist in what he/she does, yet, we should not be forced to agree with everything they do. Some cultures, such as the US culture looks at smoking in a very bad way, it is very hard to gain the respect of people if you smoke and you live in the US, it has just become that way due to all the public service announcements and the fact that tobacco does kill. But the main question here is whether we should give Britney a break. She is now 20 years old and a mature woman. She is not what she used to be and I think we've pretty much realized that through some serious head banging. But ok, she was caught smoking....the question here is, is that really a big deal? I mean......she was not doing drugs was she? Sometimes people tend to light up a cigarrette when they're extremely stressed out, perhaps this was what Britney did.

What the media does not forget though, according to some newspapers in Europe today are three things Britney stated and always have stated:

Thou shall not drink
Thou shall not smoke
Thou shall not have sex before marriage

Apparently, Britney has contradicted herself in all 3 statements. But is this really her fault? Does it really have to be such a big deal that she did not fulfill what she once promised to never breake? What if it's just part of growing up....unexpected things just happen, and you just live with the benefit of doubt.

I think the media lately have gone overboard and it's hard to understand why someone would intentionally just want to blacken someone's name without a valuable reason. The media enjoys the kick of writing stories about this and that is the way they earn their money. Our suggestion for all Britney fans is to just ignore this and don't really care...if she smokes, she smokes, if she doesn't, she doesn't, it's her life and nobody is to decide what is done with it but her.

She does have quite a mess she has to get out of, but as long as she feels the support of her fans, she should do allright.

I agree COMPLETELY that the media has in fact, gone overboard. Fact is though, they've jumped ship awhile ago. For years, Britney has got the bad end of the stick where her personal life is concerned. LET THE GIRL ALONE.... To lay it right down on the line, she does not answer to the American public. Yes, she is a public figure. Yes, people (especially young girls) watch her every move. Yes, she is a role model. But no where in the job description does it say that she MUST remain a virgin till she's married. No where does it say that she can't have a cigarette now and again (Although, Brit, be careful, those things are addicting ya know). And no where does it say that she can't have a good time with her friends now and again. Do you know what "normal" 20-year-olds are doing now-a-days? I'm 21 now and I'll tell you. They're drinking, they're smoking, they're having sex. Shoking isn't it? No, not really. So please tell me why, when a 20-year-old woman tries to do any one of these things the media makes her out to be Satan himself? Just a thought, but why don't they write about the people who do drugs and kill people? Or about the people who drink and drive and kill people or themselves. Or, how about the prostitutes who make their living by screwing others? Just one more thing added to the list of why media should mind their own business when it comes to the stars' personal lives. Do you need more stuff to print to make people dislike her? Really enough don't like her as it is. And us fans, well, we're in it for the long haul. It takes a lot for me to be disappointed in Brit. She's living a dream, and NO ONE can take that away from her. Not even Justin Timberlake.

From: World of Britney

:: in deFense ::