Sex goes POP!

She played with our hearts and now the media is in a frenzy.
She's not that innocent, but since when has that been considered a crime?

When Will It Stop…
Ya know I can't help but be pissed every time I hear negative press on Brit. Of course, I guess that means the I'm usually pissed off half the time. I don't know what upsets me more, the fact that people have the audacity to give the negative press they do or the fact that Britney gets blamed for most of it. First of all, let me stress to those of you reading this, that this is purely opinion. MY opinion. If you don't like it, don't read the following. There's that little button on the top of your browser that says "BACK", use it.

The Clothes
Ok, so look. I'll agree to the fact that Britney's wardrobe is revealing, but I don't personally find anything wrong with it. If I had the place to go to dress the way she does, I would too…does that make me the slut people make her out to be? Do you actually think that she'd walk down the street wearing her VMA performance outfit? They're stage clothes, nothing more. If her mother could sit in that audience and not feel a bit of shame, I don't know why America has to make such a big deal about it. Little girls having been playing dress up for centuries, it's about time that big girls got to play too.

The 'Role-Model' Issue
I look up to Britney in a lot of different ways. I'm 20-years-old and I still think she's amazing. I think it's funny that parents dislike her so much because of the clothing issue. Britney is not a mother, she is not asking for the responsibility of raising America's youth. She is a 19-year-old girl with talent and quite frankly, a lot of guts, to put herself out there into the spotlight were everyone can see her. Unless you are out there with her, who are you to judge what she does. I had to laugh at the one show that I happened to come across on how pop music stars are too revealing. They asked teen-agers and parents if they thought Britney and other pop stars were too sexy. What was ironic about this broadcast was that they interviewed a mother who was wearing jeans and a mid-driff bearing shirt, standing next to her 10-year-old daughter and preaching on how Britney wasn't a good role model because of her wardrobe. It seems to me that if her daughter was to be influenced by anyone it would be her, her own mother who she's known for her lifetime. I think that parents want to find someone to blame for their children's actions and if Britney happened to be on the cover of Rolling Stone that week, Britney became the punching bag.

Britney = Madonna
I'm 20-years-old, so I grew up listening to artists such as Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey, Debbie Gibson, Tiffany and of course, Madonna. I grew up with Madonna, it's only fair that girls today get the privilege of growing up with Britney. Madonna's 1984 performance of 'Like a Virgin' can be compared to Britney's performance at the 2000 VMA's. Madonna and Britney have both been known to shock people. They both keep the media on their toes. I hope Britney can pull off the longevity of Madonna's career, and I have every faith that she can.

Sex Sells
Britney gets a lot of bad press for her racy outfits, videos and photos. If we're so worried about America's youth, why aren't we appalled at the "Thong Song" by Sisqo or "Back that Ass Up" by Juvenile? Have parents seen those videos. There's more skin in a Puffy video than Britney has ever shown. The bottom line is that sex sells. For centuries before and for centuries to come there will be nothing more appealing than looking at lifestyles that are not our own.

Where Are Our Priorities?
It's funny that Britney gets such bad publicity for something as miniscule as her wardrobe when there so many other topics in America that need addressing. Drivers drive drunk, people are murdered, children are starving, people are homeless….and we're worried about how our children are going to respond to a 19-year-old superstar's wardrobe. Isn't it about time we worry about what's really important?

Diversity Rules The World
Ya know, everybody has their own opinion and they're entitled to that, it's the American privilege. You don't like Britney, I'm not going to be the one to change your mind. But don't put someone down that you know nothing about. Don't like her, don't watch her…turn the channel, no one is forcing you to watch it.

My mother and I have this personal saying that goes something along the lines of this: "If you have the attitude that you can do anything -- you can, and you will". I respect Britney for entering into the public eye and living her life by herstandards and not America's. Her attitude isn't stuck up and conceded, it's positive and confident. That is what's attractive about this young woman.

Closing Arguments
I'm never going to be the one to convince America that they're wrong about Britney Spears. I'm not going to be the one who opens the eyes of parents and make them realize that she's just a girl living out the American dream. And I'm certainly not the one to convince my readers that I'm right. But I am the one who took the time to write down what others are thinking.

:: in deFense ::