Smoking Section?

There have been several articles lately about Britney being seen smoking. I picked one of them to comment on. I don't think this subject bares too much importance to dwell on excesively.
[ My comments in RED ]

Here's the shocking photo Britney Spears doesn't want her millions of teenybopper fans to see. It shows the blond pop tart with a cigarette in her hand as she relaxes on the balcony of her hotel room in Sydney, Australia.
Was it really necessary to refer to her as "the blond pop tart". Are there that few of words in the English language that they couldn't print anything more intelligent than that? They're right about one thing though. She doesn't want her young (not teenybopper...) fan to see that. And that's a GOOD thing.

Moments before the picture was snapped, Britney, 20, spotted the lensman and made a dash inside to hide. But it was too late.
She realizes fans watch her every move, but she can NOT live her life for them. And ironic that that photographer was outside, under her balcony at that VERY moment. Huh.

Last night, Britney's spokeswoman issued a terse "no response" when asked about the sexy hitmaker's smoking and whether it might encourage her followers to light up.
If fans, even young kids, aren't old enough to think for themselves then their parents should be around. As I've said in previous articles, and I'll say it again. It is not Britney's job to raise the American youth. She is a celebrity, doing her job as a performer, not a babysitter.

For years, the curvy singer has preached to her fans about the benefits of clean living - no sex before marriage, no boozing and no smoking. "I don't believe in drugs or even smoking. I believe in God," she told the Knoxville (Tenn.) News-Sentinel two years ago.
You said it yourself, "...for years". Things change. Are you the same person you were two years ago? (BTW: Brit, in the future, I'd stay away from comments that could come back to haunt you.)

The smoking, as well as reports that Britney occasionally boozes, has infuriated the Rev. David Kelly, pastor of the Louisiana church she used to attend. "Smoking and drinking isn't what Christ wanted. It is disobedient," Kelly told Heat magazine.
This particuarally makes me laugh. With all do respect, did Christ wanted you to turn your back on "your children" and sell her out to a magazine, most likely for a lump sum?

"She is such a well-known person that we want her to continue being a good example of what it is to be a Baptist."
And because she smokes, OCCASIONALY, she's a bad person. Damn, I'm cursed for life then!!

I'll be completely honest with you here. I smoked for three years. I quit, plain and...not so simple. Recently, I had a cigarette for the first time in two years. It's not a habit thing anymore. It's a stress thing. I'm not making excuses for myself or Britney. It's not like she's doing anything illegal. Yes, I realize she's in a position of influence. She realizes this, but what exactly do you want her to do? Nobody in this world knows what it's like to be Britney Spears. Only her. Not you, not I...not her mother. (Hey Lynne!!) Only Britney knows how to live her life. In short...won't you just let her...let her BE.

:: in deFense ::