S.T.A.G.E.S  Britney Spears

Sister.  Best Friend.  Niece.  Daughter.  Performer.



After purchasing STAGES and watching the DVD, I have grown to have even more respect for Britney than I already had.  This woman seems as if she has it all, yet she takes nothing for granted, and continues to be thankful for the little things.  The “little” things are what count. 


The book is filled with dedications to Britney, along with dozens of never seen photos.  They’re beautiful.  The words of her loved ones are moving, and they’re real.  No one quite knows Britney like the people around her.


Never in my life could I deal with any of the “hoop-la” she goes through.  From the nagging questions about her personal life, to the screaming fans, to a camera being her face all and every day.  Now, we think we’re seeing Britney “uncut”, but there’s a camera.  How do we expect her to EVER be able to “cut loose” with a camera in her face?  Britney has never seemed so real to me, than after watching this hour-long DVD.  I had this thought while watching about what I would do if I saw her on the street.  Well, if she even saw me, I used to think I’d tell her that she’s awesome and leave it at that.  But after seeing this, I honestly don’t want to take up any of her “Britney” time.  I’d wave, smile and nod.  Acknowledge her presence (and excellence), but honor her privacy.  As a true fan, that’s the best gift I could give her.


What a lot of people don’t take into account, is that she IS a real person.  She’s just doing a job that is in the public eye and she’s adored above most people.  What’s even more amazing is that she loves what she does for a living.  Honestly, how many people in the world can say that they love what they do?  Career wise, she’s got it made.  No matter how many critics put her down, she has risen above their nasty words. 


She’s a singer, dancer, actress, performer, spokes model, role model.

She’s a daughter, niece, sister, friend.

She’s an inspiration.


We’re suddenly faced with the fact (in print and on DVD) that Britney isn’t just what we see in magazines or on TV.  She’s a woman who loves her family first, and her career second.  She’s a woman, who although is arguably the most popular girl in show business - eats alone, sleeps alone, and does her own makeup.  She’s so much more than what we are force fed through promotions and MTV.  She’s Britney, and no matter what anyone thinks or says about her, she’s living her life to the fullest capacity.  What’s not to be proud off?  If we’d even put half that much determination into the happiness of our lives, wouldn’t we be happier on a whole?


At the end of the hour, I was left with a few thoughts (which is why I sit here writing this thing…) and a final lesson.


            One. Britney, sweetie, no matter how much I love you, I still need to tell you…please wear a bra.  (ok, that’s it about that, I swear, it just really bothered me!)   Two.  I cried to at what Lynne and (Britney’s Aunt) Sandra had to say in the book and the present Lynne sent to Britney on the DVD.  My mom does stuff like that when I’m up at school.  It’s amazing how something as small as a card can brighten your day.  J  And three, after a hour of being up close and personal with Britney, I am more than ever convinced that Britney Spears is truly one of the most beautiful women in the world.  True, her features are more than gorgeous (I’d kill for her nose), but in the end it’s the way she carries herself and the way she knows that she’s not the best at everything.  But she’s true to herself and her morals, and THAT is beautiful.


If it is one thing that Britney has taught me, it’s to live out my dreams.  No matter what they are, no matter how out of reach they seem, chances are they can be reached.  If you’re willing to try, anything is possible…anything.



~Dana Lynn