The Flip Off

Britney Gives The Finger -- Monday, July 29, 2002

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Britney Spears has been forced to apologise after raising her middle finger to reporters in Mexico last week.

The Princess of Pop came under fire from press and fans alike, after the rare act of petulance, which she claims was prompted by excessive paparazzi attention. Spears was caught on camera making the uncompromising sign on Tuesday, as she departed an airport in Toluca, 40 miles away from Mexico City.

"I'm human too. I get mad like everyone else," said Britney in explaining her actions, which she said had been brought on by photographers and camera crews driving recklessly near her vehicle as they left the airport.

Britney completes her world tour at Mexico City's Foro Sol baseball stadium on Sunday evening, with a crowd of over 50,000 expected to attend.

You go girl! In Brit's defense here, all I gotta say is that sometimes the press deserves this kind of gesture. The collage of pictures are in chronilogical order so you can see the order which events happened. You can also watch the video (THANKS TO BRITNEYSPEARS.ORG). I think it's about time Britney showed that finger off! Other celebs can get away with doing it and be applauded for it. This is just an aspect that I will never understand.

Embattled Britney Bails on Concert
by Marcus Errico

At least she didn't give 'em the bird on her way out.

Already under fire for flipping off photographers last week, Britney Spears bailed on her concert Sunday night in Mexico City--exiting the stage without explanation after just five songs. But Spears and concert organizers said Monday that diva-like behavior wasn't to blame for the abrupt end: They called off the show after thunderstorms posed too much of a safety concern. If it was raining, lightening and thundering...don't you think that people could've figured out WHY she show was being stopped? Think about it....

"The Mexican fans are some of the best in the world," she said in a statement. "However, for the security of my company and the audience, as well as for the show's quality, I had to suspend my performance." Spears had completed the first four songs of her set and had begun performing a fifth, "Stronger," when she stopped cold. "I'm sorry, Mexico," she said, according to Mexico City's Milenio newspaper. "I love you. Bye." Maybe a little odd of an ending, but really...come on people.

With that she left the building, the house lights went up, and a P.A. announcer told the 50,000 fans to exit the Foro Sol stadium. The crowd went cuckoo, with several concertgoers hurling Britney merchandise and shouting "fraud, fraud," according to the paper. And mad they should be. They missed out on the typical Spears concert experience, which runs a brisk 90 minutes and features 14 songs, a dozen or so costume changes, lasers and a bevy of shapely background dancers. I think there are some things that people should just think about before they do. What does Britney Spears have to do with Mother Nature? It was her last concert, people!! Don't you think she would've liked to end her tour on a good note? Don't you think she's upset too? Calling her a fraud wasn't only rude, wrong and un-called for... it was just not true. Yes, I know I'd be upset if my concert was cancelled too. But being mad at Britney wouldn't solve anything.

Concert organizers, however, said fans will be able to get full refunds starting Thursday. Another thing about the cancelation. Do you know how much money was wasted. First, the arena still has to pay. Next, the ticket money will be refunded. Everyone lost out in the situation, blaming anything BUT the weather is just wrong.

Mexico City was the final stop on her Pepsi-sponsored North American tour. Any goodwill the Mexicans had for Spears went out the door last Tuesday, when, shortly after arriving in a Mexico City-area airport, she was caught on film giving the middle finger. Spears immediately went into spin control, saying the gesture wasn't aimed at local fans, but at the swarming shutterbugs.

"Actually what happened was, I got off the plane and everyone was driving really recklessly around me, all the paparazzi. And they almost hit our vehicle and they kept on getting out," Britney explained at a press conference Friday. "But I love my fans here, I embrace them completely. It was the paparazzi that I was mad at.

"I'm human, too. I get mad like everyone else." Yeah people...imagine that! ::gasp::

It's been a tough year for the "Oops" girl. Aside from flipping the bird and dissing concertgoers, the former Mouseketeer was caught--gasp!--smoking. (We should have seen this coming last year when she dropped the F-bomb during a soundcheck without realizing her microphone was on. The recording became a huge hit on Napster.) Her parents have separated, and she broke off her long-running relationship with 'N Sync's Justin Timberlake in March. Do people broadcast your bad fortunes to the world?

Despite her newfound rebellious streak and personal issues, Spears managed to top the Forbes list of most powerful celebrities released last month and has been busy opening a restaurant and trying to launch a movie career. She can currently be seen in a cameo in Austin Powers in Goldmember, as well as an Austin-themed Pepsi commercial. She's also slated to appear at the MTV Video Music Awards August 29 in New York.

All in all, it's a rough life for a 20-year-old popster, and Spears told reporters last week that she's looking forward to shutting things down for a bit.

"I think I am just going to take six months off and just have Britney time and just do what Britney wants to do." Although she'll be missed, I truely think that after this tour and even just the trip to Mexico she does need a break. I say, good for her! :-)

So sue her. She had to cancel a concert after only 4 songs becuase of a lightning storm. Of course the press blamed her. Apparently, us fans hadn't been informed that Britney herself is now mother nature as well. Damn, people. Get new lives if all you have time to do is blame Britney for everything.

In her own defense, she spoke about the cancelation and "the flip off". Credit to Access Hollywood. Click Here. There is also a video on the page.

:: in deFense ::