Britney Spears - The Girl We Hate To Love:
What's so evil about a Mouseketeer from Louisiana anyway?
(My Comments In RED)

Ask any twelve year old girl who the thirteenth president of the
United States is and they draw a blank; ask them who the leading
princess of pop music is, and they can not only tell you who it is,
but give you her whole background history.  This is so funny because it's so true...and not only for 12 years olds!! And they can probably tell
you how many other people seem to despise their idol.

Britney Spears has invaded the airwaves since her first single, "Baby
One More Time" clogged the radio in 1998. She was nominated for two
Grammy awards in 1999, and created a performing arts summer camp for
underprivileged kids in Massachusetts. She has captured the hearts of
young girls (Not just young ones!) and the attention of young boys (Disgustingly, not just young ones either!) across the nation. 

Britney Spears is bigger than any other name in the media. Everyone
is talking about her. In fact, what seems a couple of months ago,
there was breaking news that her and Justin Timberlake, one of the
*NSync hotties, ended their long-term relationship. She's seen on
billboards in NYC, Pepsi commercials on television, in the Barbie
aisle of Toys R Us, and there are posters adorning this pop princess in
teenyboppers' bedrooms. Her Las Vegas concert was televised on HBO,
and she has a museum in her hometown of Kentwood, La.

She's what every girl wants to be and what every guy wants.  Well, ok, yeah, this may be somewhat true.  I don't want to BE her (maybe for ONE day...just to see), but I respect what she does and how she does it. So if she
has so many fans, why is she the most criticized singer in music
today? We've heard all the trash talk:  Here we go...

1.  "She can't sing! She lip-synchs wherever she goes."  I have no comment for this.... which obviously mean I COULD say something, but I shouldn't.  2.  "She got a boob job. They're not real!"  This is always the favorite.  Once and for all, and I have arguments about this all the time, I don't think she got one.  Sure, I've seen the comparison pictures, but I still don't think it's true.  Growth spurt people, growth spurt!  3.  "Why does she even wear clothes? She's practically naked all the time."  And YOU wouldn't wear it if you looked like her.  Hell, I would..  Should I show some of my favorite shirts that I own...  damn, maybe I'm a slut!  4.  "She's no role model; she's not even a virgin."  Apparently you can only be a role model if your a virgin.  Crap, we're all doomed.  This is actually funny, cuz how many people say that their own mother/father are their role models?  Well kids, I hate to be the one to tell you how YOU were conceived but....  5.  "Britney can't act! Why would they let her star in a movie??"  Because although she may not be Oscar Winner material, she's a name and really, not all that bad.

She's constantly being dissected under a microscope for doing this or
not doing that. So why do people make such crude comments about her?
(1) They're jealous of her, because they wish they could look as good
as she does.  Don't we all, but not everyone thinks she's that pretty.  And although most guys drool when they see here, some actually realize she's not ALL perfect.
(2) They want to stir up controversy so there will always be
something to gossip about.  The media is an unwitting accomplice, huh?
(3) They think they know her, as if she needs the whole world to be
her best friend.  And then there are those of us who just want that simple moment (like me) to get the chance to say "Girl, you rock..."
(4) They've made Britney their target -- if it weren't Britney, it
would be somebody else.  So why Britney?  There are worse singers, worse actors, sluttier dressers, and hell, less virginal role models.  I think it's America's way of taking someone that appears to have it all and knock 'em down a peg or two.
(5) They don't have anything else better to do with their time.  Yep, I think this is it.

But Britney is one of the most talented, dedicated, and charismatic
artists out there. Amen!  She's 20 and is making more money than most her
age. She's acted in her own movie, has produced three successful CDs,
has co-written a great deal of her songs, has hosted award shows, has
her own restaurant in Manhattan, trains day and night to perform on
tour to thousands of hungry fans, has her own video game, and has
written a book with her mom.  God damn, please tell me, whose resume looks that good?  This girls deserves props, man!

I remember the first time I heard "Baby One More Time." I, too, was
16, just learning how to drive, when her song came on the radio. I
begged my mom to buy the single for me, and I raced home and would
listen to it over and over again. It was just one of those songs you
never got sick of. Her albums have been in my stereo ever since.  Me too, me too!  "Britney" is a permanent addition to my car CD player.  Hey, I've turned my anti-Britney roomate into a quasi-fan!!  (She now has TWO Brit CDs!  HeHe.  My life task is done!)  Sometimes you just can't beat a good 'Britney Beat'...(excuse the pun there!)

How can you not like her catchy phrases of "Boys, sometimes a girl
just needs one" or "Oops! I did it again. I played with your heart"
I've caught my friends trash her music one minute and the next they
are humming one of her songs. Of course they try to deny it, but
everyone is conscious of what they do, whether they admit it.
Besides, what's so improper or sinful about singing to one of her
songs? Is there something wrong with a person for buying her CDs or
buying tickets to her sold-out concerts? I think people are ashamed
to acknowledge that this pop princess does have talent just because
she's a pop star.

Why are many people so intolerant of pop music? Is it really that
bad? This will always confuse me! It's just another genre. We've accepted rap and heavy metal, which is constantly looked down upon for its harmful and
violent lyrics. But what's so bad about pop music? It always
promotes a positive vibe. You don't hear the Backstreet Boys
singing about "blunts and b*tches? or Jessica Simpson wailing,
"I don't want no minute man?  Pop music is what people relate
to when they've experienced a broken heart or just want to listen
to something upbeat to dance to.

I admit it: I LOVE POP MUSIC. I've seen *NSync in concert. I have
all of Britney's CDs and a collection of all her unreleased
songs. I have Justin Timberlake on my screen saver. Nick is my
favorite Backstreet Boy. And I love candy just as much as Mandy Moore
does. I'm not afraid to admit that I am an avid pop fan. I'm
also 21 and in college, and I have a tattoo, and I eat Chinese food.  Girl, YES!!  Alright my turn...I've seen *NSYNC in concert, twice.  I have every song recorded by Britney and *Nsync, imports and rare finds included.  And although Justin will never be on my desktop, JC will always be.  Brian was once my favorite BSB.  Jessica Simpson and Mandy Moore are awesome...I can't say enough about those two.  And even amid my animosity towards Christina, I love her CD, both of them.  I'm a pop fan...  Say it proud people:  I'M A POP FAN!!  Not only that, I'm 22 and yes, LOVE Chinese food.  :-)

Britney is trying to make a name for herself, but people are trying
to make it impossible for her.  She's succeeded in that!  I don't think anyone can say that they HAVEN'T at least heard of her. Nobody else can be her, and nobody
else can replace her. She's one of those singers that just makes
you want to dance around your room singing to a hairbrush or drive in
your car with the top down and bop your head to the beat.  EXACTLY!!

Britney may be the person we all hate to love, but at the end of the
day, she's the one most people talk about. She's going to be
around for a long time. So Brit, go sing your heart out girl!
I'll be listening to ya. And so will I!

Written by Jennifer Deleo
I got this article through a group email,
so Jennifer, if you happen to come on this
site, please
write to me.  I love your
opinions in this article!  Thanks!!