Chapter Ten

JC was talking to Joey when he caught Dani sneaking up behind him. She put a finger to her lips and JC just smiled keeping quiet. Suddenly Dani flew from her spot and jumped on Joey’s back,

“Joey!” She yelled making Joey jump five feet.

“Jesus Dani, you’re gonna kill me!” He said making everyone laugh,

“Damn you just figured out my secret plan.” She laughed, “Oh, we have to get Chris, he’s got new toys.”

“He didn’t tell me!” Joey exclaimed,

“He doesn’t want to share.” JC said,

“Oh we’ll take care of that.” Joey said and trotted off with Dani on his back.

JC heard a rumble and went to check it out. Soon he saw Dani fly behind a spare speaker.

“Dani?” He asked coming over to her. She peeked out from the speaker and quickly pulled him down. She was wearing lit up sensor of some sort and was holding a black plastic gun.


“What are you doing?” He whispered,

“Playing.” She said and put a finger to her lips.

“LUCCA I’M COMING FOR YOU!” They heard Chris yell, “Make it easy on yourself and just give up! You’re trapped with no way out! I win!” He shouted with a maniacal laugh.

Dani looked at her surroundings and waited.

“Dan-” She clamped a hand over JC’s mouth and gave him a warning glare.

“Da-a-a-ni, come out, come out, where ever you are.” Chris taunted, walking around. Finally Dani moved around JC and peeked. She found her shot, Chris’s back was to them and she knew what she had to do. Dani looked at JC and quickly grabbed his flip flop while covering his mouth. She threw it at the wall having it make a huge commotion and making Chris turn that way firing his gun. Dani leaped out from the speaker sideways, shooting at Chris. He wasn’t quick enough to react and his sensor went off signaling that he was dead. Dani’s plan had worked perfectly and she had won! The only thing she didn’t plan was her landing. It all happened so quickly that she didn’t see the large box and smacked into it on her way down. She bounced off it slightly and landed on what was beneath it, a set of stairs. The stairs were a short set, but never less she tumbled down and landed at the bottom.

There was about five seconds of silence where no one moved from their spots. Suddenly JC jumped up,

“Dani!” He shouted and ran to her side. Chris was short to follow and found her lying on her side. “Are you okay?” JC asked as he brushed hair out of her face and she smiled with her eyes closed.

“That was the coolest thing I have ever done.” She rolled to her back and put her hands up, “Don’t move me. I’m reveling in kicking Chris’s ass.” She finally opened her eyes and looked at Chris.

“Damn Dani.” Was all he could say,

“That was cool?” She asked,

“Hell yeah, you okay?”

“I think so, just give me a minute.”

“Dani, you could have seriously hurt yourself!” JC scolded,

“It was so worth it. Man where’s Joey’s with his video camera?”

“I know!” Chris exclaimed, “It was like James Bond when you came out shooting sideways, it was insane!” JC rolled his eyes,

“Are you hurt anywhere, Dani?”

“Why are you bleeding?” She asked and JC looked down at his shirt,

“That’s not me.” He lifted her arm to show her, her scrapped up elbow, “It’s you.”

“Ooo, sorry, go put that in cold water so it doesn’t stain.” She said not moving from her spot.

“Dani, come on, you took a pretty good hit. See the medic or something.”

“Nah, I’m good.” She waved off, “I just got the wind knocked out of me.” She turned to Chris, “You have to thank whoever sent you that laser tag shit. That was the best game I ever played.”

“Okay, Ms Rambo,” JC said, “let’s get you up.” He pulled her up into a standing position.

“Chip, I’m cool. You worry too much, all three of you.” She said and JC gave her a worried look, “I was kidding!” She laughed,

“Not funny, can you walk?”

“Since I was two.” She teased and he rolled his eyes. Dani took a couple of steps, “Okay.” She said slowly and put her hands on her knees.

“What?” JC asked,

“I’m good, but I’ll be hurting. I need to lay down.” She moved to sit and JC easily scooped her up into his arms.

“Chris, go get the medic and tell them to meet me in the lounge.”

“No, Chip I’m good.” She whined and JC began to carry her off,

“You can’t walk three feet, my ass your good. You probably have a concussion.”

“Maybe, but it was sooo worth it.” She laughed and JC smirked,

“I have to admit that was an awesome move. I don’t think I’ve ever seen that in real life.” JC walked into the lounge and saw Justin and Lance on the couch. “Guys move.”

“Whoa, what happened?” Justin asked worriedly,

“I got hit by a truck.” Dani said wearily, playing it up for the guys,

“What?!” They both exclaimed as they jumped up from the couch. JC rolled his eyes,

“Oh she did not, it was cooler than that.” He said placing her gently on the couch. She sat up a little,

“Can I get a napkin or something so I don’t bleed all over everything?” JC took off his shirt and threw it at her.

“You already got blood all over it anyways.”


“What happened to you?” Lance asked and she grinned.

“Man, it was sooo awesome! Chris and I were playing laser tag and he thought that he had me cornered. I was behind a speaker and I leapt out sideways, surprising him and killing him! It was so great!”

“The only not great thing was her landing. She hit a large box and then toppled down a flight of stairs.”

“It was like five stairs and I’m fine.”

“I’ll believe you when the medic checks you out.”

“Whatever Chip.” She mumbled and Tony came rushing into the room.

“What happened to Dani?”

“I’m fine, laser tag got out of hand and I fell.” She brushed them off. Tony looked at JC,

“Why aren’t you wearing a shirt?”

“Because he can’t keep his clothes on around me.” Dani teased and held up her arm, “He let me use it to clot.”

“That must have been one hell of a laser tag game. Jesus we’ve only been back here for a day.” He muttered and the medic came in trailed by Chris.

“Who do I need to see?” Dani pointed to JC,

“Him.” The medic moved towards JC and JC shook his head,

“No, it’s her, she’s the one bleeding. She had a pretty bad fall during a game of laser tag.”

“Oh sweet Jesus, I’m fine.” She said and all of the guys gave her looks to which she relented, “Fine, I’m the invalid, please take care of me.” She said sarcastically and the medic nodded. He went to work on Dani checking her over and bandaging up her elbow. He determined that she was just a bit bruised and didn’t have any signs of a concussion. Dani shot I-told-you-so looks to all of her over-protective “brothers”. The medic left and Dani smirked at Chris, “Hey wanna rematch?” She wiggled her eyebrows at him and both Tony and JC groaned,

“NO!” They shouted,

“I promised mom I’d bring you home in one piece.” Tony said and she rolled her eyes,

“I am, you all worry too much about me. I’m not going to break.”

“Only because you haven’t tried hard enough.” JC pointed out and she glared at him,

“Okay MOM.” She teased making him laugh and she leaned back on the couch rubbing her side. “Man is this going to bruise.” She then looked to JC’s shirt and held it up, “Ooo, a look like I owe you a new shirt, Chip, this one’s a goner.”

“Don’t worry about it. I have like twelve of them. Keep it as a souvenir.”

“Maybe I’ll sell it on e-bay, make a little side cash.” She teased and all the guys rolled their eyes,

“That’s completely nasty Dani.” Justin said and she laughed,

“Are you saying it wouldn’t sell?”

“The sad part is that it would and then they’d probably grab his DNA off of it and try to clone him or something.” Justin mentioned and she shook her head,

“Shorty, that’s the last time I let you watch the Sci-Fi channel.” She said making everyone laugh.

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Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven