Chapter Thirteen

That night JC opened his door sleepily to see a smiling Dani.

“Hey Dani, you okay?”

“Yeeahh.” She slurred a little and twisted her smile to the side, “Can I come in?”

“It’s like three in the morning.”

“Please?” She asked and stumbled forward. JC easily caught her in his arms,

“Whoa, how much have you had to drink?” She shrugged,

“Just a little.” She smirked and he rolled his eyes as he helped her stand. Dani found her feet and moved past him into his room.

“Wow, your room is so much better than mine or Tony’s.” She walked around and kicked off her shoes in the process.

“Uh, Dani?” JC said, really just wanting to go back to bed,

“Yeah Chip?” She said turning around really fast and losing her balance once again, sitting down hard on his bed.

“Maybe you should go to bed, in your room.” He crossed his arms and she waved a hand at him,

“I’m fine really. I’ll just sleep here.” She said and flopped down on the bed. JC groaned,

“Where the hell am I supposed to sleep?” Dani closed her eyes and patted the bed next to her lack-a-dasily,

“Right here.” She said and threw her arm over her face. JC sighed and went over to her,

“Dani, you should go back to your room. You’re gonna freak when you wake up here and it’s not your room.” Dani didn’t move her arm from her face,

“I’m good, I’ll be fine when I see you.” She mumbled and shifted to her side, snuggling deeper into the bed.

JC simple gave up and turned off the light and crawled into the other side of the bed. She was sleeping on the side that he normally slept on,

“You owe me big time for this.”

“My first born.” She mumbled and JC smiled,

“You already gave me that.”

“My second born then.” She murmured and moved closer to JC, throwing her arm over his waist and resting her head on his shoulder. JC wrapped his arm around her, to get more comfortable.

“I hope you told your future husband that you gave away all your children.”

“He won’t care, it gives us more time to ourselves.” She said and suddenly she sat up drowsily, “I can’t sleep like this.” She said getting up out of the bed,

“Just shut the door when you leave.” JC said rolling on his side and putting his back to Dani. He heard rustling in the room,

“I’m taking one of your shirts.” She said and then she flopped back into bed, this time under the covers. JC sighed,

“You are so lucky that I’m too tired to care right now, you know that?”

“You love me, Chip. You would die without me.” She smirked.

“I would definitely get more sleep.” He mumbled and she giggled a little before settling down into bed to sleep.

Dani opened her eyes to see JC moving around the room as he finished getting dressed.

“Chip? Don’t you have your own room to get dressed in?” She mumbled and pulled a pillow over her head. JC chuckled,

“Yeah, I do and I am.” Dani moved the pillow away,


“Dani, this is my room.” He said as he slipped his wallet in his back pocket. Dani sat up in bed,

“What? Ow!” She grabbed her forehead, “Ooo, bad move. Remind me not to that again.” She moaned and JC came over handing her water and two aspirins.

“What, get really trashed or sit up straight when you first wake up?” He smirked at her,

“Ha ha, laugh it up Chasez.” She took the aspirin and drank all the water, “Thanks.”

“You’re welcome.” He sat down on the edge of the bed to put on his shoes. Dani pulled her knees up to her chest still slightly confused,

“Did you go out, wait you weren’t out with us last night. How did I end up here,” She looked down and saw his shirt, “and in your clothes?” JC started laughing again as he put on his shoes,

“You showed up on my doorstep and decided that this is where you were going to sleep. I guess my room is better than yours.” Dani glanced around,

“It is.” She started laughing herself, “Wow, I really don’t remember anything past getting back to the floor. Did I do anything weird?” She asked and JC looked at her,

“Besides showing up at my door at three in the morning and taking over my bed as well as my clothes? Not really. Although you gave me your second born last night and you mentioned that I would die without you in my life.” He smirked and she began laughing,

“Man, I’m a riot to be around! You should have videotaped that.”

“If you want that, try Joey’s room next time.”

“I’ll remember that.” She noticed that he was ready to go, “You got a lot of stuff today?”

“A radio interview and other random crap that I’ll be doing all day. I was supposed to be at the car five minutes ago.” He said looking at his watch and just then the phone rang. Dani reached over and answered it,

“JC’s room.” She answered and there was a slight pause on the other side.

“Uh, is he there?” It was Lance.

“Oh, yeah Lance. He’s just running a little late this morning. He’ll be down in a few minutes, okay hon?”

“Dani? What are you doing in JC’s room?”

“It’s a long story and I’m sure that JC will be all to willing to tell you about it.” She giggled and looked at JC who was laughing and shaking his head,

“You bet! You want me to say how you propositioned me too?” Dani threw a pillow at him,

“I did not! That I know is a lie JC!” She turned back to the phone,

“You guys didn’t…” Lance asked,

“No, Lance! If he mentions anything about me propositioning him, don’t believe him. He’s just trying to inflate his ego because I’m the closest he’s gotten to getting action in a long time.”

“Hey! I resent that!” He put his hands on his hips and she stuck her tongue out at him,

“That’s what you get for making things up about me!”

“Uh Dani?” Lance asked interrupting their playful banter and she turned her attention to him,

“Yeah Lance?”

“I hate to interrupt this whole thing you’ve got going on there, but we really got to get going and we’re already late.”

“Sorry Lance. I’ll send him down now.”

“Kay thanks. Have a good day, Dani. Thanks for the entertainment.” He teased and she rolled her eyes,

“The things I do for all of you. I just hope y’all appreciate it.” She teased back, “Have a good day Lance. See you later babe.”

“Bye, babe.” He said and they hung up. Dani looked at JC,

“You’re late and they want your ass down at the car, right now.” JC just gave her a look and she rolled her eyes, “I was just relaying the message.” She smirked and looked around; “I’ll clean up and leave later if that’s okay with you.”

“Yeah, that’s cool. Just be sure to shut the door when you leave.”

“No, I’m going to leave it wide open for all the little teenies to get in here.” She said sarcastically and this time JC rolled his eyes and walked to the door,

“Bye Dani.”

“Bye Chip.” He was halfway out the door when she called out, “Chip?” He poked his head back in the room,

“Yeah?” She smiled,

“Thanks.” She said and a smile appeared on JC’s lips,

“You’re welcome.”

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Chapter Twelve
Chapter Fourteen