Chapter Fifteen

Dani stopped by JC’s room and knocked. He quickly answered the door,

“Hey Dani, what’s up?” She held something behind her back,

“I got you something while I was out. You know to thank you for the other day.”

“Really? Come on in.” He said and she brought the wrapped box out from behind her back, giving it to him. They walked into the room,

“It’s nothing much.” She shrugged, “But I saw it and I just had to get it for you.” She flopped down on his bed.

“What is it?” He asked shaking the box and sitting down next to her,

“Why don’t you just open it Sherlock and find out?”

“Not even a hint?”

“It’s a vibrating vagina.” She said sarcastically and he grinned taking the bow from the box and placing it on her head,

“Well then what’s with the box?”

“Chip, just open it!” She laughed taking the bow off her head. JC gave in and opened the box, sifting through the tissue till he pulled out a small stuffed animal.

“Aw, Dani, this is the best.” Dani reached over and petted the chipmunk doll affectionately,

“Chip needed the real thing.”

“Thank you, no one else will get it. I like it.”

“You’re welcome.” She smiled up at him,

“Does Dale have Dale?”

“I don’t know.” She said distantly and spotted something on the bed. She quickly snatched it up, “What’s this?”

“An interview that I did.” Dani read through JC’s interview,

“Boring, boring, boring…” She trailed on as she skimmed the document,

“Well thanks.” He huffed and she glanced up at him,

“It is, JC’s eyes are blue, his hair is brown, he’s 6’1” and his favorite color is blue. His favorite type of date is where he can have long talks and Christmas is his favorite holiday.” She rolled her eyes, “Could you be any more conventional? Is any of that crap even true?”

“Christmas IS my favorite holiday.”

“Oh how freaking original.” She said sarcastically and JC narrowed his eyes on her,

“Everyone loves Christmas.”

“Everyone does NOT love Christmas. I don’t.” She stated and JC was taken back,

“Excuse me?” He asked and she sighed,

“I don’t like Christmas. In fact I border on hating Christmas.”

“You hate Christmas?” JC said in disbelief,

“Is there an echo in here? YES, I hate Christmas, it fucking sucks ass.”

“How can you hate Christmas? Obviously you’ve never had a good one if you hate it.”

“You just don’t get it.” She sighed,

“What’s not to get? You just said that you hate Christmas. What is it? Too materialistic for you? People are too happy? Too much good will and cheer in the world?”

“I think the world needs more good will and cheer, personally.”

“I just don’t get you.” JC sighed.

“If you would just listen, you would. I said that I hated Christmas, not CHRISTMASTIME. There’s a big difference. From like Halloween till Christmas Day there’s this feeling in the air and everyone’s happier. People take time to do things that they normally wouldn’t do and people in general are better to each other. I LOVE that season, I wish it could go on year round.”

“So what’s wrong with Christmas?”

“That’s when it ends.” She shrugged, “The magic is gone, all the presents are opened, the food’s been eaten, parties are all done, the trees are down and thrown out and people go back to normal. Christmas is always such a let down from the whole season. You’ve spent the past two months on level 200 and drop to 10 in one day. It’s awful.” She sighed,

“So what IS your favorite holiday?”

“Easy, Christmas Eve.” She said and her eyes sparkled at the thought, “Everything is just at the highest it can get, the anticipation, the happiness, the attitudes, just everything. I absolutely LOVE Christmas Eve.” She breathed and JC cocked his head at her,

“How do you do that?”

“Do what?” She shrugged,

“Put me in awe.” He said and she shook her head,

“Chip, you’re a piece of work.” She flopped down onto the bed. “This would be the time that I’m gonna go.”

“Aw but you just got here.” He teased and she rolled her eyes as she got up from the bed,

“You need quality time with Chip, to get acquainted.”

“We’re old friends.”

“Then reacquainted.” She waved, “See you around.”

“Bye Dani, thanks again.”

“You’re welcome.” She said and walked out the door. Ten minutes later Dani opened her door to see JC,

“You just can’t stay away can you? I’m beginning to think that YOU have a the secret crush on ME.” She teased and he rolled his eyes,

“Yeah that’s it.” He laughed,

“So Chip, whatcha need?”

“My laptop’s on the fritz and I’m expecting an important e-mail. Can I use yours?”

“Yeah sure, come on in.” She said letting him in and shutting the door behind him. “It’s on the bed, help yourself.” She said and went back to her toolbox in the middle of the room.

“Thanks a lot.” He said sitting down on the bed and bringing the computer out of its sleep mode.

“No problem, it should be all connected. I was just checking my e-mail.”

The desktop came up and JC did a double take at the wallpaper. It was a picture of his backside while he was dancing at some party. He laughed a little,

“Harboring an obsession for my ass Dani?” He asked and she looked up at him,

“Huh?” JC flipped the laptop around and showed her the picture. She rolled her eyes and smiled,

“Hell yeah, your ass is one fine thang, Chip.” She joked, “It was from a bunch of pictures I took at the first after party. They’re all on there and my desktop switches them like every ten minutes.” She said inspecting a paintbrush.

“Damn, you got my hopes up that you had the secret crush on me.”

“Sorry, no secret crush here.” She laughed, “I know way too much about you to have a crush on you.”

“Jeez, not even enough to get you to make out with me?” Dani pulled some slides out and stared at them through the light of the balcony door.

“Nope, sorry, making out could lead to friendship head. Can’t let that happen.” She teased,

“Hey now, Tony did betroth you to me.”

“When I was thirteen! I don’t think it counts now.”

“Hey I’m gonna hold him to it. I mean if I don’t get any better offers.” Dani threw one of her spare flip-flops at him,

“Only in your dreams could you get with this.” She retorted and walked back to the middle of the room, placing her hands on her hips.

“I don’t need dreams, you’re right here in flesh and blood.” He smiled up at her,

“Are you sure that no one dropped you on your head when you were a baby?”

“Ooo, harsh Dani. Way harsh man.” She reached over and ruffled his hair,

“That was the point.”

“What is it with you and ruffling my hair?”

“You just have hair that screams to be ruffled.” She shrugged, “It’s so much better than before.”

“You didn’t like it before?”

“The long surfer hair? Eww. The caeser was better but still not great, then you got better with the spiky hair cut, then you started growing your hair out. I’ll forgive you for it because the end result was this.” She said ruffling it again,

“What was wrong with my hair when I was growing it out?” He asked and she sighed as she pulled out a magazine from under her bed. She flipped a few pages and threw it down in front of him,

“Can you honestly tell me that you look straight here?” She raised an eyebrow at him and he looked at the picture,

“Okay, point taken. So this is good?” She tilted her head to the side,

“Yeah, it’s real good, Chip.”

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Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Sixteen