Chapter Two

JC was talking to Lance when two hands sneaked up his chest from behind. Lance was a little confused.

“Mmm, a sexy Nsyncer. It’s my lucky day.” The voice from behind purred and JC smiled,

“I hope your brother knows what you do when he’s not around.” He said and Dani poked her head around his arm,

“It’s okay, he betrothed me to you, remember?” She said and JC laughed,

“Oh yeah, that’s right, he did.” He said and wrapped his arm around her neck. JC pointed to Lance,

“Dani, this is Lance Bass. Lance, this is Dani Lucca, Tony’s sister.” Dani stuck out her hand,

“Hey Lance, it’s really good to meet you. Though, I think I’ve met you before.”

“You have?” JC asked and then it dawned on him, “Oh yeah, when you came out to visit me that one time way back in the day.”

“Not that far back, like four years.”

“Oh, yeah.” Lance said shaking her hand, “I thought you looked familiar.”

“I just have one of those adoring faces.” She winked and looked around, “Where’s the rest of the stooge crew. There’s one man I’ve been dying to see.”

“Justin?” Lance asked as Joey walked through the door,

“Nope, he just walked in.” She broke from JC, “JOEY FATONE! IT’S BEEN FOREVER!” She shouted and jumped in his arms. It took Joey a moment to recognize her,

“Dani?! Ahh! It’s so great to see you again!” He hugged her tightly and swung her around, “I was hoping you’d be around since Tony was on tour with us.”

“Yeah the bum convinced me to spend the tour with him.” Joey put her down,

“You’re going to be around for the entire three months?”

“Yeah, pretty much.” She said and Joey hugged her again,

“That’s awesome!” He said and Justin walked through the door,

“Hey, hands off of my girl!” He said wrapping an arm around her waist,

“Your girl?” She raised an eyebrow at him, “If I remember correctly, you were taken as of an hour ago.”

“Damn that’s right. Guess I’m out of the running.”

“Yeah but not all Nsyncers are taken.” She said looking up, catching Lance’s eye and giving him a wink. Joey saw this,

“Uh oh, looks like Dani’s got a crush on Lancey poo.”

“Nah, I’ve got a crush on all of Nsync.” She looked around the room, “Where’s the fifth one?”

“We sold him to an African tribe in the rainforest.” Justin said as Chris walked into the room.

“Sold who to an African tribe?” He asked,

“You.” Joey said, “We needed money to pay for the TV screen. We drew straws and you lost. We’re replacing you with Dani here.” He pointed to her and she laughed,

“Yeah, y’all obviously haven’t heard me sing.”

“Obviously you haven’t heard Chris sing.” Justin teased,

“You boys are so bad.” She said playfully pushing Justin and going over to Chris, wrapping her arms around his neck. “Leave poor Chris alone.” Chris wrapped his arms around Dani,

“Yeah listen to the hot chick. Leave me alone.”

“You know, you should really get rid of Joey, you would save money on your food bills alone.” Dani teased,

“Hey! I resent that.” He said and she pointed to him,

“You picked on Chris.”

“He can defend himself, plus it’s his day to be picked upon.”

“No, it’s Lance’s.” Chris said and they all broke down in laughter till JC interrupted them.

“Chris, that hot chick is Dani Lucca, she’s Tony’s sister and is going to be hanging out for the tour with him.” Chris hugged her to his side,

“I think we should keep her in our camp, she defends me.”

“Naw, the other camp’s family. I can’t leave him, but maybe he’ll let me hang out in this one.” She teased,

“We’ll just change his contract. I know where they are.” Chris said laughing maniacal and rubbing his hands together and she laughed,

“Okay, change it to read ‘Sister Dani must hang out with the Nsyncers.’”

“I was thinking more of sexual favors.” He smiled mischievously.

“Can’t, I’m betrothed to Chip.” She shrugged and Chris was confused,

“Chip? Who’s this Chip guy?” Dani snapped her fingers,

“His name’s JC, you know, he’s in that group you stink?” She teased and Chris slapped his head,

“Oh, that guy, I know him, but I think the group you’re thinking of is ‘N-suck’.” Chris corrected,

“Oh, that’s right, my bad.” Joey sidled up to Dani, wrapping an arm around her shoulders,

“So about those sexual favors…”

The guys started off working for the new tour and learning new choreography. Dani hung out with them because Tony really didn’t need her and she wanted to catch up with the guys. It had been forever since she had seen any of them and she was really excited to hang out with them again.

JC dropped down onto the floor next to Dani and drank some water on a break.

“You like sitting here all day watching us work our asses off?” He said good naturedly,

“It’s actually really interesting. I don’t plan on doing this every day but it’s better than sitting on my duff watching TV. Oh, Tony wanted me to ask you if you wanted to have dinner tonight and hang out.” JC stretched and winced at his neck,

“Yeah sure that would be cool.” Dani moved behind him and began massaging his neck, “Thanks, I think I slept wrong on it.”

“Probably, knowing you and the weird positions you fall asleep in.”

“Me?” He asked innocently,

“Please, I remember when you fell asleep, upside down, side ways and half off the couch in our living room. How you ended up there and slept like that is beyond me.” She laughed and he chuckled,

“Very true. So are you coming to dinner tonight too?”

“I wasn’t planning on it. You and Tony need some time to catch up. Plus Justin wanted me to have dinner with him.”

“Justin, huh?” He smirked and she rolled her eyes,

“Please, we’re friends and he has a very famous girlfriend, I think you’ve met her?”

“He’s mentioned someone a couple of times…”

“Pain.” She teased.

“HEY! How did C get the personal masseuse?” Joey yelled,

“Do we have to go over this again? My brother betrothed me to the man, it’s my job.” She said playfully,

“I’m going to talk to that brother.” Joey muttered, “Because this just isn’t fair!”

“If you’re good, maybe I can fit you in some time.” She winked at him.

Dani stayed the whole day with the guys as they learned their choreography. She enjoyed being with them and learning everything about their lives. When they were done Justin stole her away for dinner at the hotel. During dinner they got into a heated discussion over who was better at basketball. So after dinner, they both decided to shoot some hoops. Dani was definitely dominating the game between them. She loved to play basketball growing up and actually played it in college.

Dani shot at the hoop and sunk the ball.

“Oh, I do believe that’s another point for Dani, the queen of basketball.” She teased as she tossed the ball back to Justin.

“Yeah, you’re not going to get past me again.” He said and started dribbling towards her,

“Oh yeah? Bring it on shorty.”

“I’m taller than you. You do realize that.” He said trying to get past her, she faked and took the ball from him, shooting and sinking another shot.

“Yeah, but you’re still a shorty.” She winked shooting the ball and sinking it once again. Justin came up to her,

“I have to say that for a girl, you are really good at basketball.” Dani got the ball and held it on her hip,

“For a girl?” Justin smirked, grabbing the ball and dunking it.

“Yeah.” Dani shook her head,

“Punk, you can only win by cheating. Just like when you were younger. Looks like I still got it.” She said polishing her nails on her shirt and Justin held the ball on his hip,

“Whatever I was young when we played before.”

“I kicked your ass tonight and you know it.” She smirked and Justin took another shot, missing this time. Dani shook her head as she laughed and then sat down on the ground,

“Aw, is the mistress of basketball tired?” He teased dribbling the ball around her,

“It’s the queen of basketball and yeah, a little, my God why aren’t you? You’ve been practicing all day. I can’t believe that you still have energy.”

“Comes with the territory.” He shrugged and sat down next to her, “But I am a little tired.” He flopped down on the ground, “Okay, maybe a lot.” He said and she laughed,

“Maybe we should get you back to your room before you fall asleep out here.” She nudged him and he shook his head,

“Naw, I’ll just sleep out here. Wake me in the morning.” He said propping his head on the basketball and closing his eyes.

“Fine have it your way. I’ll have one of your big burly men come and get you tomorrow.” She said getting up and began to walk away. She was almost to the door when she heard,

“You’re really leaving me?!” Dani turned around to see Justin sitting there with a shocked look. She put her hands on her hips,

“You said to.”

“I was kidding.”

“Well I wasn’t.” She said and walked back to him. Dani held out her hand to him,

“Come on big boy, let’s get you home.” Justin let her help him up,

“Carry me?” He asked playfully and she rolled her eyes,

“Nice try, you’ve got legs, use them.” She laughed and they began to walk up to their rooms. Justin wrapped his arm around her neck,

“I think I’m gonna like having you on tour Dani.”

“I think I’m gonna like being on tour with you guys.” She winked

“It’s nice to finally have a challenge with basketball. I want a rematch.” Dani playfully rubbed his head,

“Bring it on, anytime shorty.” She smiled.

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Chapter One
Chapter Three