Chapter Twenty-Three

JC rubbed his face sleepily as he drank down his coffee at the interview the next morning.

“Hey C, you look like shit. Did you even sleep last night?” Lance asked as Justin happily bopped into the room,

“Not much.” He said and Lance knew not to push the grumpy man. JC couldn’t help bit notice Justin’s perky mood, he was practically glowing he was so happy and kept throwing smug smirks at him. By the end of the interview he was ready to explode. He needed to be by himself and thanked God they had a break. The moment the interview was over her jumped up and all but ran out of the room.

He shoved his hands in his pockets and just started walking, kicking a rock as he went. He knew this wasn’t the brightest idea, but it wasn’t that busy of a city, so he was okay. He just needed to think without everyone around. ‘Please don’t let Dani want Justin. Don’t take her away before I even get her.’ He pleaded to the skies and then slowly made his way back to the hotel, kicking that same rock.

When he returned Justin was on him instantly,

“Where’d you go?”

“On a walk.”

“A walk? By yourself?”

“I had to clear my head, so sue me.” He said ending the conversation.

JC’s foul mood didn’t life much throughout the morning, in fact it worsened. By the time they got to the arena, no one wanted to be within ten feet of him and left him to his own devices.

Justin was the first one of the guys that Dani found. Her heart was racing at the thought of talking to JC.

“Hey Justin.” She smiled,

“Hey yourself. You know you’re practically glowing.” She grew bright red and tried to cover her face,

“Stop, Jesus, I can’t talk to him like this.”

“You can too, he’ll probably think it’s cute.” Justin teased and she rolled her eyes,

“Speaking of which, have you seen him?”

“The grouch? Yeah, he was sitting on the stage last time I saw him.”

“Grouch? Bad morning?”

“Lance said something about not sleeping but he is mighty fierce today.”

“Well maybe I should go talk to him.” Justin reached out and touched her shoulder,

“I have to warn you that you might not come out alive.”

“I think I can tame the wild beast.”

“We would all be eternally grateful to you. In fact I’ll buy you a car if you get him in a good mood by the sound check.”

“Hmm, this has possibilities.” She laughed and made her way out onto the stage. JC was sitting on the back ramp playing with the flooring. Dani walked up to him, leaning on the side of the ramp,

“Hey you.” She said and JC looked up in shock. Before he could say anything she grabbed his shirt, pulled him to her and kissed him. The kiss quickly deepened and Dani didn’t want to stop. She wanted to be super glued to those lips for eternity. Finally she pulled away from him leaving him with a goofy smile splashed across his lips. Dani let go of his shirt and took a deep breath.

“Well, I just wanted to let you know I’ve made my decision.” She winked before walking away from a delirious, shocked JC.

Dani triumphantly walked back to Justin,

“You owe me one black convertible XK8 jaguar, buddy.”

“You were gone all of five minutes.” He exclaimed and she polished her nails on her shirt.

“Guess you could take some lessons, shorty.” She laughed. Justin took a look at JC, he was still sitting there shocked silly.

“What did you do to that boy? He’s completely dumbfounded.”

“Well he’s not the only one, I just hide it better.” She giggled almost not believing what she just did.

“Damn, I’m good.” Justin said and she pushed him,

“You have nothing to do with it.”

“I bed your pardon?”

“Okay maybe a little bit.” She laughed,

“Hey C!” Lance called to him, “JC! Yo JC!” He shouted trying to get his attention. Finally JC came out of his trance,

“Huh? What?” He smiled up at Lance, who just laughed,

“Dude, you look like you were slapped silly. What happened to you?”

“I’m not quite sure but I’m going to find out.” He got up and began looking for Dani. She wasn’t hard to find, she was with Joey, Chris and Justin joking around. Lance followed JC in and watched as JC snatched up Dani without a single word. He deposited her a few feet away and planted a wet one on her. The only one who wasn’t shocked was Justin.

Dani lifted her head from the dizzying kiss,

“Well now.” She licked her lips still tasting him and trying to get her bearings,

“You’re not the only one who can kiss someone silly.” He teased,

“Actually I was going more for the kiss and run technique. I heard that you weren’t in the best of moods and figured it was my safest bet.”

“Well I’m in a very good mood thanks to you.” He whispered caressing the side of her face,

“What? Little old me? I didn’t do much.” She smiled innocently up at him and JC couldn’t resist, kissing her again. She pulled away and put a hand to his lips, trying to catch her breath. “Maybe we should talk a little, but not in front of everyone.” She nodded to the crowd that had gathered,

“Good idea. Let’s go.” JC pulled her in the closest empty room. Once the door was closed JC’s lips were on Dani’s and he moved her over to the couch. Dani pulled back a little,

“Whoa, I thought we were going to talk.”

“Yeah, sorry, I got distracted.” JC sat down on the couch and pulled her onto his lap.

“That’s okay I did too.”

“So, talking, yeah.” He said with his eyes drifting to her lips again and again.

“I guess we’re gonna give this thing a try huh?”

“Yeah I really want to.”

“Me too.” She instinctively moved closer to his lips. It was if they were magnets. Dani leaned in further and brushed her lips slowly over his. She leaned in closer and made better contact.

JC pulled her hair band out and dug his hands into it as he lowered her down on the couch.

“So much for talking.” She laughed,

“We are talking, nonverbally.” He teased and kissed her deeply, “Mmm, do you understand what I’m telling you?”

“Uh huh.” She replied and kissed him back.

“Hello?” Dani answered her phone that night,

“Hi, this is your boyfriend.” JC replied,

“Which one?” She teased,

“The only one you have, and will have.” He said causing her to smile.

“Ooo, a man who’s direct and forceful. Mmm,” she purred, “I like that in a guy, it’s such a turn on.” She breathed and then she heard the phone click, “Hello? Chip?” She said but didn’t get an answer. Dani slammed down the phone, “That jerk hung up on me!”

There was a knock on her door and JC came through, picking her up and depositing her on the bed. He kissed her breathlessly till she had to pull away.

“What the hell-” He kissed her gently,

“When you talk like that to me, I damn well better be in the room to do that.” He smiled and she giggled as she pulled him down for another kiss,

“Okay.” She surrendered herself to his assaulting lips and found herself losing articles of clothing. Dani easily undressed JC as well. His hands wandered all over her smooth skin, trying to mesmerize her entire being.

JC moved in between Dani’s legs and looked into her eyes,

“Do you want to?”

“No, I’m naked beneath you because I want to play canasta.” She teased with a kiss,

“We just started dating today though. It’s not moving too fast?”

“It’s a little late to be asking that Chip.” She said stroking the side of his face, “But we don’t have to if you’re having second thoughts.” He kissed her,

“No, I want to, I just didn’t want to rush you.”

“How long have you known me?” She kissed him,

“A long time.”

“Exactly, fucking go for it and give it to me Chip.” She took his bottom lip in her teeth lightly and sucked on it. “I never fault a man for being forceful in bed.” She whispered,

“God Dani…” He entered her slowly, finding her hot and tight. With effort, he held himself still until she relaxed and accommodated him. He alternated between a rocking rhythm and deep thrusts. His beautiful baby wrapped her legs around his hips, holding him closer, her hands stroking his back, letting him know he liked the feel of him.

“Dani,” he demanded abruptly, his breath harsh with exertion. Too far gone in the moment, she couldn’t respond. “Ready to come for me, Dani?”

“Yes!” She barely got out. He kissed her again and his mouth stayed to smother her cries of rapture as he sent them both flying into a tidal wave of ecstasy. They held on to each other as the world slipped from under their straining bodies and they were left floating in the cosmos.

“Dani, damn…” JC soothed her trembling with gentle hands and tender kisses. He moved to her side and retrieved the fluffy comforter to cover their cooling bodies.

“Why you getting that?” Dani finally said after she gathered her brain again, “I was just warming up.”

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Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter Twenty-Four