Chapter Twenty-Five

The next day Tony got into the car and realized that Dani wasn’t there. He quickly called her up.

“Lo?” She answered groggily after a bunch of rings.

“Where the hell are you? The car's ready to leave.”

“I’m not going today.”


“Because I’m just not. Tell Justin thanks for last night.”

“I need you here. Is this because of JC?”

“Tony fuck off.”

“Thanks Dani, you know you’re not being really professional. I need you here.”

“Fucking fire me Tony. I just want to be fucking left alone.” She said and hung up the phone. Tony sighed knowing she was like this because of him. When he got to the arena he found Justin at the cafeteria eating a bowl of cereal. Tony grabbed an apple and went over to him,

“Hey Justin, I have a message from Dani.”

“Yeah?” Justin said obviously annoyed with his presence.

“She said thanks for last night and that she won’t be in today.”

“Do you fucking blame her? She completely miserable and it’s all your fault.” He said angrily and Tony sighed,

“I know she is and I know it’s my fault, but you just don’t understand. I know Dani and I’m just trying to protect her.”

“You might be protecting her but she just going to end up resenting you. You know that right?”

“What?” He said shocked,

“Yeah, you took away something that made her really happy. She has only you to blame and that anger towards you will only fester and grow till she can’t stand you anymore. Oh and the same thing will happen with JC when he finds out you’re the reason she broke up with him. You’ll lose them both, but I guess you already thought of that right?” Justin said getting up from the table and walking away leaving Tony alone in his thoughts.

Dani came to the arena later that day at the beginning of the concert. She just wanted to talk with Justin quickly and then leave. She knew Tony would be on stage and wouldn’t have to deal with him. The only other person she had to avoid was JC. She knew if she saw him she would completely break down. On her way to find Justin, one of the stagehands stopped her with a question and she had to talk to him even though she wasn’t really even supposed to be there.
JC saw Dani talking to one of the stagehands and quickly moved out of sight. He peeked around a corner and watched her. He tried all night to get over her, but all he ended up doing was tossing and turning. He just needed to know why she broke up with him and he hadn’t been able to talk to her all. Her phone had been off, or she just wasn’t answering it and he just needed to talk to her. The stagehand left leaving Dani with a list that she was looking over. She was distracted and JC saw his chance. He went up to her,

“Dani, I-”

“Jace! Don’t please!” She begged, moving away from him and he caught her arm,

“Just ten minutes Dani, please.” She closed her eyes. She couldn’t look at him or she would give in completely. “Please.” He begged,

“I don’t know if that’s a good idea.” She whispered with her eyes still closed. JC pulled her face up to his, he could tell instantly that she had been crying a lot.

“Please look at me Dani.” He said softly and she shook her head, “Dani, look at me.” He said more insistently and against her will her eyes opened.

“This isn’t a good idea.” She repeated,

“Why? Because you’re miserable without me, just like I am without you?” Her eyes gave the answer her mouth couldn’t and JC pulled her closer, wrapping his arms around her. “Don’t push me away me away. Why are you acting like this?”

“Because I can’t be with you.”

“Why? I don’t understand.” He said cupping her face with his hand and saw the tears in her eyes that were threatening to spill.

“Because I made a promise and I can’t break it.” She whispered,

“Why would you do that? What’s going on Dani?”

“God, this is so hard, I didn’t think it could be this hard.” She whispered to him and JC quickly looked around before pulling her into a secluded room.

“Let me in Dani, tell me what’s going on.” Dani laid her head on his chest.

“Blood is thicker than water.” She sighed as if that explained everything. JC was silent as he let that phrase over turn in his brain. Then it came to him,

“Tony? You promised Tony you wouldn’t date me?” Dani nodded and held him closer.

“Yeah, I already stole Dale from him, he didn’t want to lose you either.”

“You did nothing wrong with Dale, he cheated on you.” She looked up at him in shock,

“You know about that?”

“Not much, just what Tony told me a while ago when I asked him how Dale was.”

“Oh.” She said quietly and looking down,

“Hey,” He said tilting her head up to look at him, “Tony’s not going to lose me because we date.”

“But if things go wrong…” JC dipped down and kissed her,

“Let me talk to Tony. I’ll figure everything out.” She looked at him uncertainly,

“Trust me Dani.”

“I do.” She whispered, “I do.”

“Oh hey JC, what’s up?” Tony said after he answered his door.

“Can I come in?”

“Yeah sure.” Tony said walking away from the door and letting JC in. JC walked in and shut the door behind him.

“What do you need? I tried to talk to Dani but she seriously isn’t in the mood for it, you know?”

“Well that’s okay, because I talked to Dani.”

“You did, when?”

“Earlier today.” He shrugged, “She’s pretty miserable.”

“I know she is.” Tony sighed,

“Do you know what’s going on? Because this just doesn’t make sense to me. She broke up with me and now she’s acting like I broke up with her.” JC said and Tony looked away, shrugging,

“She’s Dani.” Was all he said and flopped down in a chair. JC couldn’t handle it anymore,

“I’m not Dale.” He said and Tony looked at him,

“I know that.”

“I’m not going to hurt her.”

“I trust you. JC.”

“Then why won’t you let her be with me?” JC asked point blank and Tony was silent for a moment,

“I don’t want anybody to get hurt.” He said with a long sigh, “Including me.”

“You? Tony, me and Dani dating doesn’t affect our relationship.”

“What if you guys end up breaking up badly? I have to chose her over you and once again I lose a good friend of mine.”

“Has Dani ever asked you to stop talking to Dale?”

“No, but it’s an unwritten law, you know?”


“Oh come on JC, you mean to tell me that if I dated Heather and then cheated on her you would be okay with it?” JC sighed and sat down across from Tony,

“I’d be pissed as hell and want to kick your ass.” He agreed, “But I’m not going to do that to Dani. I want be with her and really if we’re not together we’re both going to be miserable.”

“God I know! That’s the worst part! I know you’re both miserable because of me, but I don’t want to lose either of you.”

“It’ll be okay Tony.” JC said and Tony was quiet as he went over everything that he had been told over the past twenty-four hours. He let out a deep breath,

“You hurt her and I will hunt you down, understand?” Tony said and smile crept across JC’s face,

“I wouldn’t expect any less, man. Thank you.” JC said standing up and holding out his hand to Tony.

“Just make her happy, she really deserves it.” He said shaking JC’s hand.

“I will, I promise.” JC nodded, “I’m going to go see her now.” He smiled and walked to the door. He stopped before leaving and turned around, “Hey Tony?”

“Yeah Jace?”

“Would you want to go talk to her first?” Tony walked up to the door,

“I probably should. You wanna wait outside her door?” He smirked,

“Yeah, I’ll do that.” They quickly went down to Dani’s door and knocked.

“Go away!” She yelled and Tony winced,

“Dani, I need to talk to you, please?”

“Why now?” She grumbled, “I really don’t want to hear it.”

“Please Dani?” He whined, “For your favorite brother?”

“You’re my only fucking brother!” She shouted through the door,

“So that means I’m your favorite. I just want to apologize, please? PLEEEEEEASSSEEE DAAAAANNNNIIIIIII?” He begged and finally the door opened a crack,

“Will you leave me alone if I do?”


“Fine talk.”

“I’ll make it short. I’m an ass, you were right, I was wrong.” He pulled JC up next to him, “Here’s Jace, he’s all yours. See you later.” He waved and began to walk away, Dani moved outside her door,

“Wait, Tony, what are you talking about?” Tony turned around,

“You deserve to be happy, JC makes you happy.” He shrugged,

“But what about you?”

“Hopefully things will work out and Jace will end up my brother-in-law.” He grinned and Dani ran up to him, hugging him.

“Thank you, so much.” She whispered to him and he hugged her back.

“You shouldn’t be thanking me, you should be thanking Jace and Justin. They’re the ones who showed me the error of my ways.” He whispered back and pushed her away gently, “Go hang out with your boyfriend.” He smiled and she grinned.

“I will.” Tony began to walk down the hall and she turned around to see JC waiting patiently for her. She cocked her head to the side as she walked towards him, “So…”

“So…” He echoed her and placed his hands on her waist when she approached him.

“I guess I’m all yours.” She said as she placed her arms around his neck,

“I guess I’m all yours.” He repeated and she smiled.

“I’m gonna like having you.” She leaned in for a kiss,

“I have the same exact feeling.”


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Chapter Twenty-Four