Chapter Four

“Where are you going?” Dani asked her brother as he packed up his room.

“I have to fly back to California for a few days.”


“Because my manger just called and set up some stuff that he wants me to do. You know a gig and some radio spots, plus some charity thing.”

“I could just go with you.” She said pulling her knees up to her chest and wrapping her arms around them.

“No, stay here, hang out with JC and the rest of the guys. It’s pointless for you to come, you’d just be following me around all day and I don’t know if I can take you to everything.”

“I’m just going to be following around these guys, plus they have to fly to New York for a few days.”

“Look, it’s just easier for you to hang out with them. JC set it up and everything’s cool for you to be with them.”

“So I get to fly to New York instead of California.” She said crossing her arms,

“Be quiet, it’s a free trip to New York, most wouldn’t complain.”

“I’m not, I just feel like extra baggage. Like they have to take me because I can’t handle myself.” She grumbled and Tony sighed before looking at her,

“I just thought it would be more fun for you in New York than with me in California. You’d be miserable and this way you have more freedom to do stuff. You could go sight seeing, shopping, you know New York stuff. Plus you’re going to keep them in line.” Dani scoffed,

“Keep, THEM in line? What do I look like a miracle worker?” She said sarcastically and Tony rolled his eyes,

“You’ll have fun trust me. Bring me back a souvenir, a little empire state building or something.”

“What you don’t want a homeless person? They’re my favorite souvenirs to bring back.” She teased,

“Smart ass.” He muttered and shoved more clothes into his bag. “I should tell JC to LEAVE you in New York.”

“Chip’s wrapped around my little finger, he won’t do anything of the sort.”

“The sad thing is, that is so true.” He retorted with a slight smile, “What do you have on that boy?”

“Nothing, well except for that six years of stories of you guys that could be considered blackmail.” She smirked,

“I knew it had to be something.” Tony laughed, “So you’re cool with going with the guys while I’m gone?”

“No, but then again I really don’t have a choice, do I?”

“Dani.” Her brother warned and she rolled her eyes,

“Yes, I’m perfectly fine with going with the guys to New York.”


Dani flopped down in her seat next to JC,

“Hey you. Guess you get me for the flight.” JC shrugged,

“That’s cool as long as you’re not a bad flyer.”

“He he, you’ve never flown with me before, have you?” She smirked and JC groaned,

“No, why? Should I put you with Chris?”

“No, actually I read, man do you always think the worst of me?” She teased an he smiled,

“It was the way you said it that had me worried.” She shrugged,

“You worry about everything that comes out of my mouth.” She retorted, “Or rather Tony does, which is why I’m here with you, so that you guys can baby-sit me.”


“Tony doesn’t think I can handle myself, so he sent me out here with you guys.”

“He just told me that you would’ve been bored if you went to California with him.” JC shrugged,

“I think he forgot that I lived in California with him. I’m sure I could have kept myself busy for a couple days.” JC stretched as he leaned back in his chair,

“I would have missed you.” He smiled, “I would have had no one to pick on.”

“Aw that was about as sweet as horse shit.” She teased and put up the arm rest between their seats, “You mind? I don’t really like them, too confining.”

“No problem, I won’t notice, I’ll probably be sleeping.”

“Kay, feel free to use me as a pillow. I’m here and you know me, so you might as well take advantage of it.”

“So I’m allowed to take advantage of you?”

“In the middle of an airplane? Chip you kinkster.” She smiled and JC plopped his pillow down in her lap, laying his head down on it.

“For that comment I’m going to take FULL advantage of you.” He murmured making her laugh as she opened her book to read.

Lance popped his head over the seat and saw Dani and JC.

“Hey Dani.” She looked up and put a finger to her lips,

“Shh, I don’t want to wake him.”

“C? Please we could drive a truck through here and he wouldn’t wake up. He’ll be out till we shake him senseless.”

“He sleeps that well?”

“Uh, yeah, You’ve known him how long and you didn’t know that?”

“Believe it or not there are a lot of things I don’t know about him. I know he can sleep in weird positions.” She said absently playing with his hair gently while looking at Lance. He simply smiled at the two.

“So this is the first time you’ve hung out with him in what?”

“Like six years or so, but from what I’ve seen he hasn’t changed that much. A little more mature, but that’s about it.” She shrugged and he nodded,

“He is the big daddy of the group.”

“I know, I see it in the way he takes care of all of you guys.”

“He just knows what needs to be done and makes sure that it does. It really helped in the beginning with Justin because he was so young when we started out.”

“So were you.” She pointed out.

“Yeah, I was, we all were.”

“Good thing you had him then huh?”

“Yeah it was.”

“I wondered if anyone was there to take care of him.” She said more to herself than to Lance,

“He was self-sufficient. He didn’t really seem to need anyone to take care of him.”

“Everyone needs to be taken cared of now and then.” She replied and looked down at JC. Lance watched Dani with JC. There was just a look she had on her face. He couldn’t place it just then, but there was just something between them.

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Chapter Three
Chapter Five