Chapter Eight

Justin and JC ran into Dani as she was stepping onto the elevator and they were getting off.

“Hey boys.” She waved,

“Hey Dani, you coming out with us tonight?” Justin asked and she shook her head,

“Not tonight, I’m meeting up with some friends of mine from college.”

“Bring them along.” JC said and she laughed,

“Nah, they’re really not, well, they just wouldn’t want to.”

“Why not? Are they such snobs that they don’t want to hang out with celebrities?” Justin teased.

“They just don’t like a lot of, uh, attention or being in the spotlight.” She shrugged, “See you guys later.” She waved and let the door close.

“I can’t believe her friends wouldn’t want to hang out with us.” Justin said, “You think she’s embarrassed by us?”

“Me, no, maybe the rest of you guys.” JC teased and Justin groaned, “No man, Dani’s not like that. She probably just wanted a normal night out, you know without bodyguards and paparazzi.” JC shrugged, “I really don’t blame her.”

Dani laughed at another joke her friend Charlie was telling. For once she was feeling normal. She had only spent a few days with the boys and already she was feeling the pressures of stardom. Dani’s friends had chosen a little dive bar to meet up at. It was chance that they all were in town at the same time on the same night. There were some in for business, conferences and some just passing through. She was there for the obvious reasons, but it felt good to be away from the chaos and to catch up with her friends.

The bar had had live music that night but they stopped playing an hour ago and the announcement of karaoke went through the bar. All of her friends immediately looked to her and she held up her hands,

“Hell no, I’m not singing.”

“Please,” Carrie begged, “You LOVE karaoke, we all know you do.” She teased,

“I’m not drunk enough.” She laughed,

“Well then lets get this girl another round of drinks!” Eddie shouted.

Dani stood up at the mic and shook her head. She looked behind her at her “backup singers” aka Carrie and Julie. “Damn Vodka.” She muttered to herself as the music started up. Dani fell right into it as she began clapping her hands, getting the crowd to do the same thing.

“Doesn’t take much to make me happy,
and make me smile with glee…”

She sang the Emotion’s “Best of my Love”. She pulled the mic out of the stand and began to move around the stage. She really played the crowd, getting them into her performance as well. She, like always, got really into the song and sang her heart out to it.

When the song ended the crowd cheered loudly for her. The loudest were from her friends in the back. Dani blew kisses to the crowd and did a bow. She waved to the crowd as she walked off the stage and the owner of the bar came up to her.

“Honey, why don’t you give them another song. No one else has signed up yet and they really seem to like you.”

“I’ll take a shot of vodka and I’ll go up.” She grinned and he smiled as he ushered over to the bar,

“Calm the nerves?” He said pouring her the shot,

“Exactly.” She said taking it and put her glass down for another, “Make it another and put it on my tab.” She said and the owner smiled,

“For you honey, it’s on the house. Whatever will keep you on that stage.” Dani smiled,

“Tell the crowd, I take requests.” She winked and walked back up the stage.

JC was in his car on the way back to the hotel. It was rather early for his standards but he just didn’t really feel like going out. They were waiting at a long light in barely budging traffic and JC was just staring out the window at the scenery. He noticed what looked like a pretty popular little bar. JC remembered his comment to Justin earlier,

‘She probably wanted a normal night out, without bodyguards, without paparazzi, and I don’t blame her.’

Suddenly he found himself getting out of the car and walking towards that bar. How long had it been since he had been anonymous? Since he had gone somewhere that wasn’t the top club or the thing to do? He craved this normalcy like water on a hot day.

As JC got nearer to the bar he heard music blaring from inside and heard someone singing. JC stopped, that voice was familiar, but why? He couldn’t figure it out, so he entered the bar. Someone was singing Gloria Estefan’s “1,2,3…” and she was pretty good, she was really good, amazing in fact. JC quickly searched for its source since they weren’t on the stage.

After scanning the room from the bar he still wasn’t successful. Finally the girl jumped on stage and JC nearly spit out his drink, it was Dani!

“Holy shit!” He said to himself and then it dawned on him. It made perfect sense with who her family was and all. But why hadn’t he known this till now? He realized that he had never heard her sing in all the years that he had known her. How could she have hidden such a beautiful voice? He remembered back and remembered something Tony had mentioned when they were younger about how Dani had tried out for the Mickey Mouse Club and had been rejected. He said that she just gave it up because she lost interest in performing. But from the looks of it she seemed to like it just fine, in fact she appeared to love it.

Dani finished the song, came up to the bar a couple of people away and ordered a drink. Someone else had gotten up on the stage and began to sing, “Pour some Sugar on me”. Visions of Joey flashed through his mind and he laughed. JC turned back to Dani and moved up next to her,

“This rounds on me.” He said sliding money across the bar and the bartender slid it back,

“She’s on the house all night.” Dani turned to see JC and a shocked expression crossed her face,

“Chip? What are you doing here?” She asked throwing her arms around his neck in a huge hug and JC hugged her back,

“I was just passing by and decided to come in. What are you doing here?”

“Hanging out with my friends.” She said as she sipped her drink,

“I saw your last performance, that was amazing.”

“You’ve been drinking if you thought it was amazing.”

“No, it was. And you know what I just realized?”


“That, that was the first time I have ever heard you sing.”

“Lucky you, too bad these poor saps are so drunk that they keep wanting to hear it.” She laughed and grabbed his hand, “Come meet my friends!” She said dragging him across the bar to her table. “Hey guys!” She cheered and wrapped an arm around JC’s waist holding him close to her. JC naturally wrapped his arm around her shoulders, “This is Chip! He’s one of my boys and this is the one that was Tony’s best friend during the Mickey incident.” JC turned to Dani with a smile,

“Mickey incident?”

“Would you prefer accident?”

“It was that bad.”

“Says you, but then again you never had to watch yourself on TV.” She teased,

“Don’t hold back now.” He laughed,

“Never have, never will.” She winked an turned back to the group, “Okay Chip, pay attention, this is Charlie, Sam, Eddie, Carrie, Julie, Alana and Jeff. Got it?”

“Yeah, hey everyone, it’s nice to meet you.” JC waved and Dani hugged his middle,

“Chip, you gonna sing for us?” JC looked down at her,

“How much have you had to drink?” He teased,

“A lot, if she’s singing up there.” Charlie teased,

“I’m fine, I’m drinking water now.” She said waving the drink a little,

“Does that water have vodka in it?” Julie asked playfully and Dani took another sip,

“Maybe.” She giggled,

“So are you singing again?” JC asked,

“Only if you sing with me.” JC eyed the piano on the stage,

“How about I play with you?” He suggested and Dani acted shocked,

“Chip! In the middle of the bar! I don’t really think it’s the proper place. Maybe when we get back to the hotel.” She winked and smacked his ass. JC just laughed,

“So was that a yes or a no?”

“To what question?” She smirked and he groaned. Dani took another sip, “Well I have to go perform for my fans.” She said dramatically and walked up to the stage. JC and the group just laughed at her antics.

“She’s gonna be a handful tonight. I can just tell.” JC said as he sat down at the table,

“When isn’t she?” Carrie teased,

“So true.” He agreed,

“So Chip, was it?” Eddie said leaning forward,

“Actually it’s JC. Dani’s the only one who calls me Chip.” He smiled warmly and turned to see Dani performing Diana Ross like her life depended on it.

“How long have you guys been dating? She’s mentioned you every time I’ve talked to her in the past week.” Carrie asked and JC turned back to the table,

“Dating? She said that we were dating?” He said completely surprised,

“No, I just figured it out from watching you two.”

“Oh, we’re not dating, we’re just good friends.” He said,

“You treat all your good friends like that?” Julie asked and JC was silent for a moment. He really didn’t like these perfect strangers prying into his relationship. There was nothing wrong with the way he and Dani acted together.

“Me and Dani have known each other a long time.” He shrugged and turned his attention back to Dani, ending the conversation. JC had to admit that he loved watching Dani up there on the stage. It must be genetic because she looked like she belonged up there.

When she finished the song that she had been singing, she took a long drink of her concoction and turned to the mic.

“Well, I have a surprise for you all tonight. Instead of singing to tapes like I have all night long, how about some real music?” The crowd cheered its response, “Well to do this I’m gonna need my good friend Chip to come up here and man the piano. Give a hand for Chip!” She held out her hand and JC bashfully got up. No one seemed to recognize him here. He let out a deep breath and walked up to the stage. He leaned over to her,

“So what are we doing?”

“Shadow boxer.” She looked up at him with a smile, “Know it?”

“Yeah, I do.” He said and sat down at the piano, which was directly to the right of Dani. She sat down at a stool in front of the mic and lowered it to her mouth.

“Okay, we’re gonna take it down a notch, but for some reason this song just seems right.” She took a side-glance at JC and smiled. He returned the smile and nodded to her as he began playing strongly. Dani began to softly sing,

“Once my lover, now my friend.
What a cruel thing to pretend.
What a cunning way to condescend.
Once my lover, and now my friend.”
Her sultry voice crept over the crowd enchanting them and pulling them into her.

“Oh, you creep up like the clouds.
And you set my soul at ease.
Then you let your love abound,
And you bring me to my knees.”

“Oh, it's evil, babe, the way you let your grace enrapture me.
When well you know, I'd be insane,
To ever let that dirty game recapture me.”
Dani looked at JC who was intently watching her, pausing only to glance at the keyboard for seconds. She winked as she belted out the chorus.

“You made me a Shadow boxer, baby.
I wanna be ready for what you do.
I've been swinging all around me
Cuz I don't know when you're gonna make your move.”

“Oh, your gaze is dangerous.
And you fill your space so sweet.
If I let you get to close,
You'll set your spell on me.”
Dani moved off the stool and walked around the stage. She made her way slowly over to JC,

“So darlin', I just wanna say,
Just in case I don't come through,
I was onto every play,”
Dani gently stroked the side of his face and he looked at her,

“I just wanted you.” She sang and gave him a wink, before moving on to the crowd.

Carrie sat back in her seat,

“Not dating my ass.” She muttered, “My God they look ready to jump each other right now.”

Dani moved around on stage but stayed near JC and obviously catching his eye.

“Oh, it's so evil, my love.
The way you've no reverence to my concern.
So I'll be sure to stay wary of you, love.
To save the pain,
Of once my flame, and twice my burn.”
It felt like a game of tag with their eyes as they batted back and forth between each other on stage.

Dani moved up to the mic stand and grabbed it as she wailed out the last choruses.

“So I’m a Shadow boxer, baby.
I wanna be ready for what you do.
I've been swinging all around me
Cuz I don't know when you're gonna make your move.”

“Yeah, I’m a Shadow boxer, baby.
I wanna be ready for what you do.
I've been swinging all around me.”
She took her final glance at JC and sang,

“Cuz I don't know where you'll make your move.”

The crowd was silent for a moment before they began to cheer and whistle for the duo. Dani pulled JC up from the piano and made him take a bow.

“Looks like we make a good team.” She whispered to him,

“You know it was mainly you.” He said with a warm smile,

“Nah, it was the sexy man at the piano.” She said with a wink.

The rest of the night was spent with Dani doing shots and singing till her voice gave out which wasn’t till the bar closed. Dani was plenty drunk by then and JC took it upon himself to take care of her.

He wrapped an arm around her waist and helped her stand as she said good-bye to all of her friends outside the bar.

“Bye Carrie I love you!” Dani shouted,

“I love you too!” Carrie shouted back as she walked down the street backwards, “Bye JC! It was really nice to meet you!” JC simply waved and turned towards the car that just arrived for them. The driver opened the door and JC tried to put Dani in when she shouted,

“NO!!! Eddie!” She cried out and JC pulled her back up standing,

“What’s the matter?” He asked and there was a tap on his shoulder,

“She didn’t get to say goodbye.” JC turned to see Eddie’s smiling face,

“Of course, I’m sorry, I thought she was done.” JC turned Dani to face Eddie and she basically fell into his arms.

“I love you Eddie.”

“Love you too brat. It was good to see you. I miss you.”

“I miss you too. Don’t leave me Eddie. Come with me and hang out. Have everyone come too.” She turned to JC, tugging on his sleeve, “Chip, tell Eddie he can come on tour too. I’ll give up my bunk.” JC chuckled,

“They can’t come on tour but they can come and visit you whenever you want.” He said and Dani moved to him hugging him,

“Thanks Chip! I love you! You’re the bestest and a half.” She giggled and moved back to Eddie, “You hear that? You can come and visit me whenever you want. Just call Chip and he’ll set it up.” She began hitting JC’s arm, “Chip, give Eddie your number so he can come and visit me.” JC looked at Eddie with a smile,

“She’s so endearing when she’s like this, isn’t she?”

“Completely.” Eddie agreed and Dani hit him again,

“Chip! Give Eddie your cell phone number now!”

“Okay, okay, you hug him goodbye and then sit in the car. Then I’ll give Eddie my number okay?”

“Okay.” She said and hugged Eddie tightly,

“Bye Eddie. I love you.”

“Love you too, Dani. Be good.”

“I’m always good.” She winked and then JC helped her into the car. He stood up and held out his hand to Eddie,

“It was nice to meet you and really if you want to come and visit, just call up Dani. She can do much more and knows more than I ever do.”

“Okay, it was nice to meet you too. Take care of my girl for me, I know she can be a handful.”

“I will and I know, trust me.” He looked around, “Hey do you need a ride somewhere?”

“Nah, I’m down the street, no biggie. You probably should get that one home and into bed.”

“You’re right,” JC turned to the car, “I guess there’s no hope in shoving you off on your brother tonight huh?” He teased,

“Nope! He’s probably drunker than I am!” She giggled to herself and JC rolled his eyes,

“Later Eddie.”

“Bye JC.” He said and started walking down the street. JC ducked into the car and shut the door. He propped Dani up against him and she instantly cuddled into him,


“Yeah, Dani?”

“Why do you put up with me?” She asked quietly,

“You put up with me too.” JC pointed out,

“Yeah but, you don’t get drunk and expect me to take care of you.”

“No, I just get to yell and scream at you when I’m upset.” He said playfully,

“Okay.” She was quiet for a moment, “Chip?”

“Yeah Dani?”

“Can I stay with you tonight?”

“That’s what I was planning on. Why is it that when you’re drunk you always end up in my room?”

“It’s better than mine.” She teased,

“Oh yeah, that's the reason.” He chuckled.

They made it back to the hotel and it seemed like forever till they reached their floor. JC was basically carrying Dani by now as she was half passed out. They slowly made it down the hall when they ran into Justin,

“Whoa, what happened to her?”

“Vodka, lots of it.”

“Did she call you to go and get her?”

“No, I ran into her on my way home from the club and this is the first I got her to go home.”

“Holy shit. She’s gonna be hurting in the morning.”

“I know, can you help me get her into my room?” Justin raised an eyebrow at JC,

“Your room huh?” JC rolled his eyes,

“I don’t trust her by herself. I just feel safer keeping her in my room, unless you want her.”

“No, Chip.” She mumbled and Justin laughed,

“She wants you, man.” He took the other side of Dani and helped carry her into JC’s room. “Where do you want her?”

“Put her on the bed. I can take it from there.”

“Okay.” He said and they placed her on the bed. “You got a long night ahead of you.”

“Nah, she’s half passed out now and will probably sleep the rest of the night. As long as she doesn’t puke, I’ll be good.” He said and pulled off her shoes, “Thanks for the help.”

“No problem man, have a good night.” He leaned down to Dani, “Good night Dani.”

“Night Justin.” She mumbled and rolled to her side, Justin simply laughed and began walking to the door.

“Good night Justin.” JC said and Justin waved as he left. JC moved over to Dani as he pulled off her jacket, “Do you want pajamas?” Dani shook her head no, “Do you want water?” She shook her head no again. “Do want anything?”

“Chip.” She mumbled and he chuckled. He quickly got ready for bed and slipped under the covers. Instantly Dani snuggled up to his side, “Night Chip.”

“Good night Dani.”

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Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine