Chapter Ten

          Kiora woke the next day to an empty bed.  JC hadn’t woken her up when he left.  She rolled over and found a note waiting for her.

’I tried to wake you, but you wouldn’t stir.  I’ll be home around twelve for lunch.  – JC.’

She heard someone climbing the steps and she smiled, ‘Perfect timing’.  She thought to herself and JC popped into the room.

“Hey sleepy head!  I can’t believe you’re still in bed.”  He said and sat down on the edge of the bed. 

Kiora stretched a bit, “You do realize that we went to bed at like four in the morning AND I just flew in from California.  I have jet lag.”  She pouted and JC kissed her forehead,

“Well I guess that’s a good reason.  What do you want to have for lunch?”

Kiora crawled out from underneath the covers and into his lap, “I think I’ll have you.”

“Maybe after you brush your teeth.”  He teased and Kiora covered her mouth with a giggle,

“Okay, hold on.”  She ran into the bathroom and brushed her teeth.  JC wasn’t in the room when she came out so she wandered downstairs to his kitchen.  She grabbed an apple and sat on his counter while she ate it.  JC came up from downstairs.

“Where ja go?”  She asked and JC held up CDs.

“Some demos I’ve been working on.  Our manager wanted to hear them.”  He placed them on the counter and moved in between her legs.

“Kee, baby, I gotta know, when are you gonna give it up and be my girl?”

Kiora smiled, “As soon as you give it up and be my boy.”  She took another bite of the apple. 

JC wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer.  “Don’t you understand?  I’ve been yours ever since that first night at the promo party.  I was hooked on you.” 

Kiora sighed and rested her forehead against his, “It’s not going to be easy.”

“Well someone once told me that the right road isn’t always the easiest.”

She grinned, “That person’s really smart.” 

JC smiled back at her, “I know, that’s why I want to be with her.”

Kiora’s smile turned soft as she ran a hand down the side of his face, “Don’t you understand?  I’ve been with you ever since I met those beautiful blue eyes of yours.  I couldn’t deny you.”

“You tried.”

“I failed.”

“I’m glad.”

“Me too.”  She smiled and JC kissed her gently, making love to each of her lips.  He took the first one and then the bottom one, and soon she was a puddle of mush in his arms.  Kiora pulled him tighter to get more of him; she could just drown in his lips.

“Hey C!” Joey called from the doorway and the couple groaned as they both turned towards the sound.

“Joey we’re in the kitchen!”  JC shouted and Joey popped in.  He looked a little shocked to see Kiora there.

“Hey C, Hey Kiora, didn’t know you were here.”  He looked to JC, “I thought you left with…” he paused, “never mind.”  He said shaking his head.

Kiora gave him a small wave, “Hey Joey.  I flew in yesterday.”

“Oh that’s cool.”  Joey said nodding as Kiora continued to eat her apple.

She turned to JC, “I thought you were going to have lunch with me?”  She pouted slightly.

JC looked back at her, “I was, when I thought you were going to be up and ready to go out.”  He teased bopping her gently on her nose.

She frowned slightly, “We can’t eat here?” 

“I guess.”  He sighed with a shrug.

“Don’t whine, I don’t date boys that whine.”  She said playfully tapping him back on the nose. 

JC kissed her, “Pain.”

“You like it.”  She retorted and Joey cleared his throat.  JC and Kiora turned to see him,

“Sorry.”  She smiled and pushed JC away.  She hopped down off the counter. “I’m starving, what are we going to eat?”  She said opening the fridge, she instantly closed the fridge, “I think I just saw something move, maybe we should order in.”  She said looking back at JC who rolled his eyes,

“It’s not that bad, but we can order in.  I’m picking for that comment.”  JC said picking up the phone, “We’re having Chinese.”

“Chicken Lo Mein with an order of fried wontons.”  She said and began walking up the stairs.  “I’m going to take a shower and get dressed.”  She said and ran up the rest of the stairs leaving Joey and JC alone.

Joey let JC order the food before he let into him, “What the hell is going on?”  He asked as JC hung up the phone,

“What are you talking about?”  JC asked as he leaned against the counter.

Joey lowered his voice, “Kiora being here and you going home with that knock out last night.  I don’t get it, how did you get away with it?  Did you go to her place?”

JC contemplated his answer, Joey would be able to keep her secret, but Kiora would not be happy if he told anyone.  “Kiora’s just an understanding person.  It’s kind of complicated.”

“She lets you bring women home?”  He inquired,

“Kiora doesn’t LET me do anything.”  He retorted and Joey grinned,

“She’s into threesomes?”

“No!” He exclaimed and then paused, “At least I don’t think so.  I don’t know.”

“JC, I’m not getting this here.  When you left with that brunette last night, you were not just dropping her off at home.  You were making out with her at the club for Christ sake!”

“Making out with who?”  Kiora said bouncing into the room fully dressed in shorts and a blue halter top. 

Joey grasped for words, “I, um, at, the…”

Kiora put her hands on her hips, “Mr. Chasez, we’re not even dating for an hour and already you’re cheating on me?”

“Oh, shit.”  Joey muttered and JC just smiled,

“Joey was talking about Susie Keyes.”

“Oh,” She waved a hand at the duo, “That’s cool, pish.  I thought you were actually serious.”

“Huh?”  Joey said, “You two are just too confusing.”  He said shaking his head,

“Yeah, I guess you can say we are.”

“So, since you are in town, are you coming out with us tonight?”  Joey inquired and JC looked at her expectantly.

Kiora frowned, “I can’t, I have to work.”

Joey looked at her skeptically.  Kiora was notorious for being a socialite, when did she work?  Kiora caught his look and shook her head, “I work for my father Joey.  He has be running all over Orlando for the next month or so.”

“Ah.”  He said, “So there will be plenty of time for us boys to take you out on the town.”

“Of course.”

Joey saw the opportunity, “So, since you’re working, do you mind if we steal JC for the night?”

Kiora laughed, “Why are you asking me?  He’s standing right here.  I don’t own him, he can do whatever he damn well pleases.”  She shrugged off and walked over to the sink to grab a glass of water. 

Joey snickered slightly at the attitude and looked to JC, “So man, you up to going out again tonight?”

JC sighed, what he really wanted to do was spend time with Kiora.  “I don’t know.  I kind of wanted to stay in.”  He shrugged.

Kiora walked around the island and brushed a hand over his chest, “Go,” She looked him in the eye seductively, “you’ll have fun.”  She winked and JC knew that she would meet him out somewhere.

JC cupped the side of her face in his hand, “You sure?”

“Oh yeah, like Joey said, I’ll be working anyways.”

JC smiled, “Okay.”  He looked up at Joey, “I’m game.”

JC stood off to the side and glanced over the crowd looking for any sign of Kiora.  He knew she would be at this club tonight, she had mentioned it in passing earlier that day.

          A knock out blonde passed him giving him the once over with a coy smile.  He didn’t even look twice because he was trying to find Kiora.  She took a stance across him and stared him down.  JC sighed and glanced over at her.  He raised an eyebrow at her; didn’t she get the hint that he wasn’t interested?  She ignored his look and flashed another smile his way.  Something about that smile caught his attention and he stared harder at her.  A grin grew on his face as he sauntered over to her,

“Hey, babe.” He said and wrapped an arm around her waist,

“Hey cowboy.”  She whispered back.


Lance nearly spit out his drink as he caught JC making out with yet another chick.  “Jesus!  What the hell is up with JC!  It’s like he’s…I don’t know, but that’s not the JC I know!”

“What are you bitching about now?”  Joey complained and Lance pointed to JC. 

Joey did a double take, “What the hell?  Who the hell is that?”

“I have no idea, I’ve never seen her before.”  Lance replied as they both watched their friend make out with the strange girl.

“Damn, it’s a good thing Kee’s working tonight.”  Joey muttered,

Lance glanced over at him, “Why?”

“Because if she saw that,” He pointed to JC, “she’d rip his balls off.”  He said seriously and Lance froze with his drink mid-way to his mouth.

“She said that?”  Lance exclaimed, wincing slightly at the visual Joey was giving him.

“No, just got the impression from her.”  He replied and took a sip of his own drink.

“Well, I doubt she’d see that, considering she’s in LA.”  Lance said and Joey shook his head,

“Uh, no, my friend.  She’s here in Orlando for at least a month.”

Lance’s eyes went wide, “She’s here in Orlando?”

“Yeah, when I went over to C’s for lunch she was prancing around his house in her underwear like she’d always been there.”  Joey said and smiled slightly at the thought.  He had immediately taken a liking to the girl after spending time with her at lunch.

“And then C does that shit?  What the hell is going on with him!  He never acts like that!”

“Tell me about it.  God, I actually feel sorry for Kee.  She was the one who pushed him to go out, because she was going to be working and didn’t want him to sit home waiting for her.”

“Should we do anything?”  Lance asked and Joey shook his head,

“Dude, that’s not our place.  We barely know her and he’s our boy.”

Lance sat back in his seat watching the scene play out in front of him, “This just doesn’t feel right.”

“I know, but there isn’t much we can do about it.”

“So, we’re just going to let it happen?”

“JC and Kiora are grown people.”  Joey shrugged, “There isn’t much we could do.  They’ll just have to work it out between them.”



