Chapter Ten


Krista walked around the arena with JC chatting lightly.  They had some rare down time and decided to stretch their legs.  As they walked through the arena Krista caught sight of Dan playing his guitar on the stage.  She stopped and leaned against the railing as she watched him play, completely ignoring JC as he was talking. 


He stopped and came up besides her, “Spunk?”


She looked over at him with the sudden realization that she had walked away from him mid-sentence, “Sorry, I got distracted.  I didn’t mean to walk away from you.”


JC shrugged, “It’s okay.  What was so enticing that it could tear you away from your favorite Nsyncer?”  He teased and Krista laughed,


“You’re never going to let me live that down, are you?”


JC shook his head, “Hell no, being Krista Journey’s favorite Nsyncer is way cool, didn’t you know?”


Krista shrugged nonchalantly, “Eh, I’ve heard.”


“So back to my original question.”


“Oh.”  She said softly and turned to look back at Dan on the stage, “I was watching Dan.”


JC took a look and was surprised that Dan was the reason she became distracted, “Really? Why?”


Krista let out a deep breath, “Because he’s amazing.”  She whispered, “I love watching him play, always have, probably always will.”  She shrugged with a smile, “He’s an amazing musician, you know? And no one ever realizes it.”


JC was interested in her fascination with Dan, “What do you mean?”


“He’s just…he’s a genius on the guitar.  He can sit down and an hour later have the most amazing melody or song that’ll just blow me away.  He brings so much to table musically, we wouldn’t be here today without him.”


JC nudged her shoulder gently, “You had a large part in the band too Kris.”  He said softly.


“Yeah,” she agreed, “but he kept everyone on track, he helped Pauley and James with their musical abilities.  He kept me together, so that I could write those songs.  He brings out the best in me and takes care of me, even when I didn’t think I needed it.” She said softly as she kept gazing at Dan.  She sighed again, “I don’t think anyone knows how wonderful he is.  He tries to be this rough, rocker guy, but that’s so not him.  He’s the driving force behind the Klemmers.”


JC stood there watching Krista stare at Dan as her words rolled over in his head.  He didn’t know what to make of their relationship.  She kept saying that there was nothing going on between them, but then she would go on about how wonderful he was like a love sick puppy.  What was he supposed to make of that?


JC was about to ask Krista about everything he was thinking when he was interrupted by a man yelling behind them,


“What’s this I been hearing you telling my wife that I made out with you!”


They both turned to see a bulky man walking their way.  A huge smile spread across Krista’s face, “Bobby!”  She yelled running up to the bulky man and flinging herself into his arms.


“Hey Krissie!”  Bobby greeted her back and hugged her as he swung her around.


“When did you get here?”  She asked when he put her on the ground finally, “Is Julie here?  Where’s Emma?”  She asked excitedly,


Bobby ruffled her hair playfully, “Whoa, hold your britches honey.  Take a breath, you’ll knock yourself out.”  Bobby laughed,


She poked him in the stomach, “You’d love that wouldn’t you?” 


“You just want me to give you mouth to mouth.”  He teased back,


“Robert Jones!  Are you bothering the rock star?”  A woman came up next to Bobby holding a baby in her arms.


Krista turned to the woman “Bobby was just telling me how-”


Bobby reached out and covered her mouth, “That’s enough out of you.”  He teased.


Krista pulled his hand off her mouth, “I can get you arrested for that, you know.”  She taunted evilly at Bobby and he ruffled her hair again,


“Like you would brat.”


“Ooo, I’m gonna get you.”  She said playfully punching him in the stomach. 


Bobby easily caught her hands and made Krista playfully hit herself gently, “Aw, why ya hitting yourself?”  Bobby teased and Krista looked to JC, who had joined the little group,


“Josh, help me!”  She screeched playfully,


“You got yourself into this mess.”  He laughed and Krista made a face at him as Bobby put Krista in a headlock and gave her a noogie,


“Are you going to introduce us to your boy-toy Krissie?”  Bobby teased and she groaned getting away from him.  She was completely rumpled now and she brushed her hair out of her face.


“One of these days, mark my word Bobby.”  She threatened and wagged her finger at him.


“You’ll what?”  Bobby taunted her and tickled her side.


“You’re impossible!”  She laughed trying to get away from Bobby. 


Julie rolled her eyes at the two, “I swear I have two children.”  She muttered and JC laughed.  Julie held out a free hand to JC, “Well since tweedle-dee and tweedle-dumb are horsing around, I’ll introduce myself.   I’m Julie, Krissie’s older sister and this little one is-”


“Emma?”  JC asked as he shook her hand.


“How’d you know?”


“I remember Krista was babysitting at an award show.  Oh, I’m JC by the way.”


“Nice to meet you.  That big buffoon over there is my husband, Bobby.  I swear he’s 28, he really is.”  She said rolling her eyes at Krista and Bobby who were still horsing around.


“Don’t worry I have a friend who acts the same way.”  They laughed and Krista came over and hid behind JC to get away from Bobby.


“Oh no, you are not hiding behind me.”  JC protested moving away from her,


“Hey!  Some friend you are!”  She exclaimed,


“You got yourself into the mess, you get yourself out of it.”  He taunted her,


“Ooo, I’m gonna remember that Chasez!  It’s going to bite you in the ass so hard!”  She threatened still trying to get away from Bobby.


“As long as it’s you who’s biting me in the ass.”  He smirked and Krista turned bright red,


“You are so dead!”  She shouted and dove after him.  JC playfully ducked out of the way and now the three of them were all chasing each other.  Finally, Krista gave up and collapsed on the ground. 


JC stopped and went to her side, “Spunk, you okay?”


“Yeah.”  She waved him off, “I’m just tired.”


“Aw poor little rock star can’t hack it.”  Bobby taunted.


“Bobby, when I stop seeing three of you I’m going to smack you.”  She teased and he grinned,


“Come on squirt.”  Bobby said scooping her up in his arms, “Backstage?”  He asked,


“Yeah, that’d be cool.”  She said and they began to walk away.  JC turned to Julie and nodded in their direction.  She smiled back and they began to follow them.


“Krissie really enjoys her family.”  JC mentioned,


“Yeah, she does.  I think it’s because not a lot of people stick by her.”  She said softly as she watched Bobby carefully carry Krista backstage.


“What do you mean?” JC inquired looking over at her,


“Eh, she can get out of control some times and be a handful.”  She mentioned with a shrug,


“Oh I know about that.”  JC laughed, “But that’s half the fun with her.  You never know what to expect.”  He grinned and Julie smiled back at her,


“Just wait till Aunt Joanie gets here tomorrow.  You haven’t seen anything yet.”  She teased,


JC smiled, “I’ve heard all about Aunt Joanie.” 


“Hearing’s one thing, experiencing her is a completely different one.”  Julie laughed as they walked backstage.

Bobby was now wrestling with James and Pauley as Krista was chilling on the couch. 


Julie groaned, “It never ends.”



