Chapter Ten

Lisa was stretching with Carrie before practice when her phone rang. She quickly picked it up, “Hey brat.” She teased her brother.

Hi, sexy stud muffin!” Carrie yelled into her phone from behind her and both girls laughed. Lisa looked up at her, “He says hi back. I’m not repeating everything he said, because that is just something no sister should have to know about their brother.” She grinned and turned her attention back to the phone, “So what’s up big brother?” She walked away a few steps as she listened to her brother. Then she stopped, “You’re kidding me! AHHHHHH! I’m so excited!!!!” Lisa whipped around and ran/skipped back to Carrie, “Carrie! They got signed! They got signed!!!” She screamed and a look of shock came over Carrie,

They did! Are you serious?!”

Lisa eagerly nodded, “YEAH!!!!”

Oh my GOD!!!” They both screamed jumping up and down, holding on to each other’s hands, not caring that everyone was staring at them.

Let me talk to them.” Carrie said and they both held the phone to their ears, “Congratulations! I’m so excited for you guys!”

I can’t wait to hear what you guys put down!” Lisa said excitably, “I’m soooo excited for you guys!!!….Yeah okay! Talk to you later, give my love to the other guys.”

Me too!” Carrie exclaimed and Lisa hung up her phone.

Lee gave Carrie the biggest hug, “I can’t believe they got signed!”

They’re going to be famous!” Carried exclaimed,

Hey, I'd hate to break up this little party, but can you help me stretch my leg, Lee?”  Amy asked and Lisa shrugged, 

Sure, hon.” She replied and Carrie stopped Lisa before she could move,

Can't you ask someone else, we're kind of in the middle of something.” Carrie told Amy coldly.

Amy crossed her arms, “There's no one else available and Lee's the dance captain.”

Dance captain doesn't mean Amy's lackey.” Carrie retorted and Lisa hushed her best friend,

Carrie, it's cool, I don't mind helping out Amy.”

Carrie’s mouth tightened into a straight line, “But...”

Lisa smiled, “Care, we'll have lots of time to celebrate later, with the guys, okay? We really should be getting ready for practice.”

Carrie shook her head, “Fine.” She said and walked away.

What's her problem?” Amy retorted and Lisa smiled softly,

Nothing, come on and let's get your legs stretched out.” She said and helped Amy hold her leg up to her forehead while pressing down her other leg, “Just tell me when.”  She said gently, but Amy wasn’t paying attention.  She was looking at JC who was passing by,

“Hi, JC.”  She said flirtatiously with a little wave. 

JC smiled and waved back, “Hey Ames.”  He replied and kept walking on by. 

Lisa pressed a little more and Amy let out a yelp, “OW!  Too far!”  She yelled at Lisa and she let go quickly,

“I told you to tell me when.”  She said shortly, tired of Amy's attitude. If there was something that you didn't mess around with, with Lisa, it was dancing or preparing to dance.

“I didn’t hear you.”  Amy said sitting up and rubbing her leg,

“Maybe if you weren’t flirting with JC, you would have.”  She said shortly and got up off the floor, “You’re not here to flirt, you’re here to dance.  Why don’t you act like it?”  Lisa shot off and started to walk away.

“Bitch.”  Amy muttered as she stood up and Lisa quickly turned on her,

“I may be a bitch, but you know I’m right.  If you put the same energy into your dancing that you do into chasing boys, you’d be a fantastic dancer.  Hell, you probably could beat the pants off of everyone here, even me.”  She said softly but forcefully, “You have such talent and you waste it by not giving it your all, and that’s really a shame.”

“We’re not all dance-aholics like you, Lee.”  Amy replied placing her hands on her hips,

“I’m not a dance-aholic Amy, I just don’t settle for second best.”  She turned, leaving a speechless Amy in her wake.

          Wade clapped his hands and called all the dancers around him.  The guys were off for the rest of the day doing promotion stuff for the tour.

“Okay, we’re going to have a little friendly competition today.”  Wade called out to the girls, “Everyone who wishes to join, has to freestyle to a CD of random music.”

“What do we win?”  Amy asked,

Wade grinned at his dancers, “One free day, with nothing to do but spend it at the spa.”

“Oh man, count me in!” Carrie said stepping up,

“Hell yeah, I’m there.”  Dee added as the rest of the dancers joined them.  Lisa went over to her bag, uninterested in the contest.  She hated having a day off when she could be dancing.

“Lee, you’re not joining?”  Wade called out.

“Nah, I’m good. I’ve got something’s I need to go over.”  She told him,

“Okay.”  Wade said and turned back to the other eager dancers.

          Lee went over into a corner and began to stretch out her body.  Her back was to everyone as she practiced because she didn’t want to be distracted.  Lisa wanted to work on a new dance that she wanted to perform as an audition piece.  Wade’s music was blaring in the background.  It was stuff she had never heard before, but it had a good beat and worked well with her piece.

          Wade watched each dancer as they danced to the music he was playing.  This contest was actually a way for him to get ideas.  It was some new stuff he had written and some stuff he had been set up to choreograph.  As he watched each dancer, his eyes always bounced back to Lee.  She was moving to the music on a subconscious level.  The things she was creating were things he had never seen before and he loved it.  She was in that zone, where she became one with the music. Out of all the dancers, she was the one that did it flawlessly and effortlessly.  As soon as she heard the music, she was there letting it take over her body.  It was amazing to watch.

          The music switched from genre to genre.  Wade did that more to see if it would throw off the dancers than anything.  It didn’t throw Lee off a bit; she flowed into the next beat as she had been expecting it.  Wade simply loved to watch her dance.

“Okay!  I’ve made my decision!”  Wade clapped and everyone turned to him.  Everyone except Lee, she kept to herself in the corner.

“Who wins Wade?”  Amy asked excitably,

“I’ll tell you, I watched you all and you all put in a great effort. The dancer who did the best free styling with the perfect transitions is…Lisa!”  He declared and every dancer’s mouth dropped as Lisa’s head whipped up,

“She wasn’t in the competition!”  Amy whined,

“Wade, I wasn’t in the contest.”  Lee protested and Wade walked over to her. 

He placed an arm around her shoulders, “I know, but you were over here doing your thing and you were the best.”

“Big surprise.”  Amy muttered crossing her arms.

“Wade, please, I don’t want a day off.  Give it to someone else.”  She pleaded,

“Come on Lee, out of everyone, you deserve a day off and a trip to the spa to be pampered.”  Wade said trying to plead with her.

Lisa frowned, “I hate the spa Wade, I won’t use it.  It’ll be wasted on me.  It’s not fair to the girls who were competing in the contest.  They should win it.”

“But you were the best Lee.”  Wade smiled at her trying to charm her into taking the prize,

“No, and I’m not changing my mind Wade.  It simply isn’t fair.”

“She doesn’t want it Wade, we do.”  Amy said and Wade sighed,

“You sure?”  He asked Lisa one more time,

She nodded, “Yes. I am.”

“Okay, then the prize goes to Diana.”  Wade sighed,

Whoo hoo!  Spa here I come!”  She cheered and the other dancers congratulated her.

“Why don’t you guys take a five and then we’ll get back to practice, kay?”

          The dancers all nodded in agreement and went over to the corner to grab water and chill for their break.  Amy sat smugly in one of the chairs; “I’m having dinner again with JC tonight.  I think our relationship is moving along smoothly.”

“Then why does he barely acknowledge your presence whenever we see him?”  Carrie shot at her, still irritated from that morning.

“Because he’s not like that.  He’s a on the down low kind of guy.  Our relationship is a personal thing and he wants to keep it that way.”  She retorted giving Carrie and angry glance for challenging her.

“Honey, I’ll believe it when I see it.”  Carrie scoffed, “You may be having dinner, but there ain’t much going on.”

“That’s what you think, Carrie, but you’re not there and you don’t know the special bond we’ve created between us.  It’s probably something that you could never understand.”

“You're right Amy, I really don't understand the psychotic little world you live in.  I don't think anyone could.” She replied with a smug smile.

“You little bitch.”  Amy said diving at Carrie.  Diana and Lisa were quick enough to catch Amy before she could get very far.

“Chill Amy.”  Dianna said sternly.

Amy glared at Carrie, “You don't know nothing, you're just jealous.”  She spat out and shook off Diana and Carrie, “Let go of me.”

Carrie opened her mouth to say something but Lisa covered it for her, “Don't, you're making it worse.”

Carrie pulled Lisa's hand away, “You're siding with her?”

“I'm not siding with anybody.  Who really cares if Amy's seeing JC or not?”

“I AM.”  Amy protested and Lisa glanced back at her,

“You know what Amy, if JC IS a 'on the down low' kind of guy, I'm sure he wouldn't appreciate you blabbing about your relationship to us.”

Amy sat back and crossed her arms, “I just don't like being called a liar.”

Dianna intervened, “Well if you keep your trap shut, then we have nothing to call you a liar about.”

“Whatever,” Amy said standing up, “I don't have to take anything from you guys. You'll all be proven wrong soon.”  She said and stalked out of the room.

“Can't wait.”  Carrie called out after her and Lisa shook her head,

“You're an instigator.”

Carrie pointed to herself, “Me?  That girl brings it on herself!  You know that you are ten times better for JC than she ever would be.”

Analisa crawled closer to the two girls, “You like JC?”

Dianna rolled her eyes, “Like?  No, Lee's in love with JC.”

“Will you stop?”  Lisa said turning a bright shade of red, “I'm not in love with JC.”  She protested.

“Oh whatever!”  Carrie exclaimed, “You so are.”

Lisa stood up, “I'm not having this discussion with you three.  I'm going to the ladies room, excuse me.”  She said and left the room.

The three girls looked at each other, “She would be so cute with JC.”  Analisa said with a wistful sigh.

“Too bad the girl's too shy to even say boo to him.”  Carrie replied.

“No, not Lee!”  Analisa gasped,

“Yep,” Dianna nodded, “if we could just get the girl to talk to him, he'd totally go for her.”

Carrie thought back on her interactions with JC, “You know, I think JC likes Lee.”

Both girls looked at her, “He does?”  They asked together.

Carrie nodded, “Yeah, and I think they would be great together.”

“We should help them out.”  Dianna suggested,

“But what about Amy?”  Analisa asked cautiously,

Carrie smiled evilly, “You know what they say, all's fair in love and war.”




