Chapter Eleven

The gang was just hanging out in the park the next day when Hannah and Nick met up with them. They walked over to the group hand in hand. Both Roxy and Tim eyed them evilly. The boys rounded up a game of basketball while the girls sat by and chatted at a near picnic table.

“So spill it girl. What’s going on with you and Nick?” Anna practically squealed. Hannah dreamily smiled,

“Nothing at all.” They all laughed at Hannah.

“Please girl you have got it bad for that boy.” Kerrie said and Hannah blushed,

“See! Okay spill!” Anna said.

“Really, nothing’s going on.” Roxy seemed kind of distant, as if she wasn’t really paying attention to the conversation. Kerrie and Anna looked at each other with looks of disbelief on their faces.

“Oh come on.” Kerrie said.

“Okay, okay, okay, a little something did happen last night and it was wonderful.” Hannah sighed happily.

“Really? Oh my god! Where’d you go? Did he fly you to Paris?” Anna asked excitedly.

“No, we just had a nice quiet dinner at my house and then we danced under the stars.” Roxy suddenly got up from the table and stormed off. Hannah went after her.

“Roxy! Roxy!” She yelled after her, “Roxy stop! What’s wrong?” Roxy stopped and spun around.

“Why must you always be number one?!”


“Oh please, every time it looks like you’re gonna be out of the spotlight you have to pull something to be the center of attention again! You couldn’t stand it that Nick started to like me could you? So you had to steal him.” Hannah couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Roxy continued,

“God, it’s not enough that you have all the guys drooling over you. They basically worship the ground you walk on, especially Tim. Did you ever consider his feelings? God ever since you blew into this town he’s been infatuated with you. He is a great guy and you just toss him aside like a piece of trash when something better came along. Who the hell do you think you are?” Hannah stood there staring at her best friend in shock.

“Roxy, what are you talking about? Where is this coming from? I care about every single one of you guys. Everyone, especially you, have been the best friends anyone could have ever asked for.” She took a deep breath before going on. “Roxy, Nick and me just sort of happened. It came out of left field for me. He came on to me, I had nothing to do with it.”

“You knew I liked him! You shouldn’t have even considered it!”

“Roxy you’re telling me that if your best guy friend came up to you and suddenly told you that he was in love with you and that he had been in love with you for a long time, you would had turned him down because your friend liked him?”

“Yes.” Roxy said crossing her arms.

“Oh that’s fucking ridiculous and you know it. You know what? It doesn’t matter because he’s leaving in a few days and that’s the end of us.” Roxy’s face softened,

“What? He tells you that he loves you and then he won’t date you after he leaves? That son of a bitch! No one treats my friends like that! I’ll kill him.”

“No, no, Roxy. It was my idea. Our schedules would be way to hectic for us to work, so we’re going to enjoy it for the time we have and when he leaves…” Hannah trailed off blinking back the tears that were in her eyes.

“Oh Hannah I've been a huge bitch. You really love him don’t you?” Hannah nodded her head as tears trickled down her cheeks.

“I never realized how much I did until he told me how he felt. In a way I wish he never did, then I wouldn’t have to deal with this.”

“I’m so sorry.” Roxy hugged Hannah, “I didn’t mean anything I said before. I was crazy and upset. I jumped to conclusions.”

“It’s okay, it’s not your fault.” Roxy had tears in her eyes too.

“God look at us.” Roxy said wiping her eyes, “We’re such ninnies.” They both burst in to laughter at Roxy’s word. Now they were crying because they were laughing so hard. They went back to the group. Nick gave Hannah a worried look. Hannah smiled at him and sat down at the table,

Nick killed the boys in basketball. They were all very impressed with his skills. They all were on at the bar that night and it was crowded. Nick spent most of the night staring at Hannah, she was dazzling. Hannah was only wearing worn in jeans with a hole in one knee and a simple blue t-shirt with the sleeves cut off. Her long strawberry blonde hair was loose and flowing. To him she looked like a goddess. Hannah felt the same way about Nick, she felt bad that couldn’t spend more time with him, but it was too busy. She was able to sneak in one dance with him, it was to Shaggy’s ‘Angel’. He sang it softly in her ear as they danced. Hannah never wanted the song to end, but it did and she was called back to the bar. The night passed slowly but finally it was time to go home. Once they left the bar they couldn’t keep their hands off of each other. The car ride was the worst because of the confined place they were in. Hannah kept to her side but would slide her hand up and down his thigh. Nick wanted her so bad he couldn’t handle it. He pulled the car off the side of the road suddenly. Before Hannah could object he basically attacked her. She gladly accepted him. Clothes flew off and he forcefully entered her. A moan escaped her lips when he did. It was a fast fierce fuck. After they both came they collapsed in the seat out of breath. Nick was the first to move after they had calmed down, he kissed her sweetly,

“I’m sorry.” Hannah looked confused.

“For what sweetie?”

“I’m sorry for doing this, you deserve better then the front seat of a car. I just had to have you.” Hannah smiled seductively at Nick and held his face in her hands.

“Nicholas Gene Carter, I don’t care where we are as long as we’re together. I would make love to you anytime, anywhere. The car seat, the garage, the laundry room, the garden..”

“You’re giving me ideas, don’t tempt me.” Nick said smiling mischievously.

“That was the idea.” She replied.