Chapter Twelve

         Kiora was bartending at the bar that her bad manager was in charge of.  She had on yet another disguise, a wig that was bright red, contacts that turned her eyes almost black, tight leather pants and an even tighter black leather corset.  It was amazing how a costume and a wig could disguise her completely. 

Kiora was filling in for one of the girls and it was an easy way for her to gain access to the manager.  She glanced down the bar and saw Russ in disguise, glad he was there to have her back if she needed it.  Kiora was playing the part of that shrew of a bartender that every guy loved to hate and tried to break.

"JC's on his way in, with the crew."  Russ buzzed in her ear and she silently swore to herself.  How the hell did JC know where to find her every night?  She eyed the door and saw the guys walking in with their bodyguards.  Immediately she looked away as she mixed a rum and coke.  This was getting out of hand.  If JC kept showing up and finding her, her cover was sure to be blown.  Hopefully, she could just ignore them for the night.

Kiora was sure that she hadn’t been discovered by the boys when the head bartender slid a tray over to her, "Hey Anne, this tray need to go to the VIP lounge." 

She threw him an unempathetic look, "Can't Carrie do it?  All she's doing is flirting with the customers."  She retorted.

The head bartender smiled at her, "They asked for you specifically.  Well, rather the hot red head bartender." 

She laughed, "Lucky me, boy are they in for a surprise."  She had been giving EVERY guy there a hard time, especially the ones that hit on her.

"Let them slide a little, they are VIP guest.  I don't think these guys will give you much trouble."

"Okay."  She said picking up the tray.  In just looking at the tray, she knew instantly who it was for and groaned, "So much for ignoring them."  She muttered to herself as she made her way up to the VIP lounge.  She brought the tray towards the boys.  JC saw her and instantly became smug, knowing it was Kiora.  She realized that her cover had been blown by him, but she didn't falter, never dropping her character.

Kiora dropped the tray on the table, "Take your poison, so I can get back."

"Why don't you stay a bit?"  JC said sliding his hand down her back and over her ass, grabbing it gently. 

She glared at him, "Why don't you get your hand off of me?"

"What if I don't want to?"  He challenged playfully to the shock of the guys.

"What did you order?"  She asked rather sweetly.

"Orange grey goose with a lemon twist.  Wanna serve it to me?"  He asked seductively,

"Sure."  She said taking his drink and dumping it in his lap. "Have a nice day."  She said grabbing the tray and walking away from the shocked group.

The stunned JC watched Kiora walk away as the other guys began to snicker, "She did not just..."  He trailed off and got up out of his seat going after her.  He reached her just as she was about to leave the area.  He whipped her around, "What the fuck is going on?"  He hissed at her, "I was only playing around."

Kiora ripped her arm out of his grasp, "Get your hands off of me."  She snarled, "I had every right to do what I did."


"My name is Anne."  She said laying on the attitude and letting him know that he had crossed the line.

JC pulled back a bit, "I was just playing, I'm sorry."  He said quietly, "Can I make it up to you by buying you a drink?  Maybe the whole bar?"  He smiled and she shook her head, unable to resist his charming smile.

"You couldn't afford this bar."  She half teased and waved him with her, "Come on and we can chat by the bar."

          When JC didn’t return Lance sighed, “What the hell is up with JC?  I just don’t get him lately.”

“Jesus, not this again.”  Joey muttered and rubbed his temples, “JC is a grown man.  It’s not our place to say anything.”

“It just doesn’t make sense, that’s all I’m saying.  That isn’t the JC I know.” Lance glanced around the bar and noticed JC flirting and kissing the bartender that had dumped the drink in his lap.  “JC isn’t the kind of guy to do this.”  He said nodding in JC's direction.

Joey shrugged, “Maybe Kiora’s into threesomes and he doesn’t want to say anything.  You know how tight lipped his is about his relationships.”  Joey placed a hand on Lance’s shoulder and gave it a squeeze, “Let it go.”

Lance frowned, “Something just doesn’t feel right and I’m gonna figure out what’s going on.”


