Chapter Twelve


“Krissie, come on!  We’re going to be late.” JC complained as he watched Krista wander around the room looking for something.  They were going out to a club that night and he had been sent to hurry her up.  Unfortunately that was becoming a larger task by the moment.


“For what Josh?  It’s not like we have an appointment.  The club will still be there whether we get there now or twenty minutes from now.”  She said and came out of the bathroom.  “Is this okay?”  She said doing a little twirl, “I don’t really go to clubs so I don’t know.”  Krista had on a pair of low-slung jeans and a lacy green halter-top that ended short of her pant line showing off her muscular abs.


JC swallowed and licked his lips, “Yeah, you look damn good spunk, perfect.”  She looked amazing and suddenly JC had the urge to keep Krista to himself for a little while longer.


“Okay, then we can leave.  I have to grab a jacket.  Come on.”  She picked up one from her suitcase after rumbling through it for a few moments.  It was the first time he noticed the tattoo on her lower back.  It was a crest of some kind set in a Celtic weaving.


“I never knew you had a tattoo.”  He mentioned finding the perfect way to stall.


She looked up at him, “Huh?  Yeah, I’ve got like five.”  She replied slipping on her leather motorcycle jacket.


“Really?  I’ve never noticed any of them till now.”


Krista gave him a strange look, “That’s because they’re well hidden.”


“Isn’t the reason you get a tattoo is to show other people?”  He asked and she raised an eyebrow at him,


“My tattoos are for me, they mean something to me, they’re apart of me.”  She stated,


“Oh, well can I see them?”


“Fine.”  She turned around showing him the one on her lower back, “This is my father’s family’s crest from our Scottish clan and the Celtic design is symbolic of the region my mother’s family came from.”  She lifted up her hair and flashed the back of her neck; “This is a star with Greek message written around it.”


“Why Greek?”  He asked,


“Because.”  She replied with a tone that let him know that she wasn’t going to explain any further.  Then she turned around unzipping her pants.


“Whoa, Krissie.”  JC said covering her eyes and she groaned,


“My God you asked to see my tattoos, get a grip.  You can’t see anything.”  JC removed his hand and saw the letters ‘KMJ’ surrounded by tiny stars on her hip, just above the top of her panties.  “It’s my initials surrounded by stars to remind me who I am, that I am special and I belong amongst the stars.”


“Interesting.”  JC replied as Krista zipped up her pants again and pulled up her right pant leg.


“Here I have the number 8876 on my ankle and,” She paused to switch legs and moved the strap of her sandal to show him the top of her foot, “And this is Klemmers with DJPK underneath.”


“Wait, I get the whole Klemmers thing, but what’s up with the numbers?” 


Krista shrugged with a smile, “It’s just something that means a lot to me.”  She said and walked towards the door.


“You’re not going to tell me?”  He said catching up with her and walking out the door. 


She came out and closed it behind her, “Nope.”  She smiled at him and they began to walk down the hall.  “Do you have any tattoos?  Oh wait, that’s right you’re scared of needles.”  She teased,


“Hey now, they hurt.”  He said in his defense.


“They’re just needles. Little, itty, bitty things.”


“Can we stop please?”  JC moaned.


Krista stopped in her tracks, “What? Why?  I thought you wanted to go to the club?”  She said and JC groaned as he pulled her arm, leading her down the hall towards the elevators,


“You can be so impossible sometimes.”  He muttered,


“Me?  You’re the one who can’t make up his mind.”  She said and he rolled his eyes,


“Oh please, I’m not being difficult.”  He retorted,


“Okay wonder boy.”  She teased with a smile.


“I thought that was Justin.”  He said and she shrugged,


“Eh, same thing.”  She smirked,


“You did not just say that man.  That’s harsh.”  He said sounding all offended. 


She pushed him playfully, “Punk.”  She winked and walked onto the elevator,


“Hey.”  He said and walked on after her, “I think I know who the punk in this elevator is.”


“Well I’m glad you agree with me.”  She said and smiled up at him.


“The abuse I take from you.”  He shot at her and crossed his arms. 


Krista grabbed his arm and laid her head on it looking up at him, “Aw, poor baby.  So abused, do you want me to play my violin for you?”  She teased and he laughed,


“Krissie, you’re something else, you know that?”


“Hells yeah I know that.  I’m frickin amazing!  You are so lucky that you get to hang out with me.  Everyone should be so privileged.”  She said jokingly and leaned against the back of the elevator.


“Yeah privileged, that’s it.”  He retorted making her laugh.


“Is anyone else coming out tonight?”


“Paul, James, Joey and Justin already left twenty minutes ago.  I was sent to hurry a certain person along.”  He said giving her a side glance.


“Aw, too bad you failed.  Missing out on all that partying with skanky hoes molesting you.  What will you do?” 


JC smiled and wrapped an arm around her shoulder, “I was partying with a-”


Krista smacked him in the stomach, “Watch what you’re saying bucko.”


 “Bucko?  Who are you?  Captain Kangaroo?”  He teased unaffected by her smacks.


“Captain Kangaroo was a man, actually more of a man than you.”  She said crossing her arms defiantly.


“Hey that was mean!”


“Hmm, someone sure could dish it out but they can’t handle it.”  She said taping a finger against her mouth.


“I should leave you here.”  JC retorted as they walked out of the elevator into the parking garage where Lonnie was waiting for them with the car.


“Yeah, you could, but then you’d feel bad.”  She replied with a smirk as she hopped into the car after him.


“Yeah something like that.”


“Oh yeah, you would, especially if I called up the Inquirer and told them what a meanie you were.”  She teased and JC laughed,


“You do that, I would love to see the headline, ‘Tour mate calls JC Chasez a MEANIE. Details on page 9’.” He laughed again, as he felt the car begin to drive away. 


Krista leaned forward over the front seat, “Lonnie, come on and back me up here.  JC can be a meanie, right?”


“Damn right girl.”  The bodyguard grinned back at her, “Especially in the morning.”


Krista nodded in agreement, “Tell me about it.  He’s a grouch till he’s had a cup of coffee.”


“Excuse me, I am still in the car.” JC said pouting playfully and Krista looked back at him innocently,


“Oh Josh!  I forgot that you were even here.  But that happens when Lonnie’s near.”  She cupped her mouth towards JC and whispered loudly so that everyone in the car could hear her, “I have a secret crush on him.”


“Can’t date the help.”  JC replied with a smirk and Krista laughed as she sat back in her seat,


“And who’s going to say no to Lonnie?”  She said haughtily.


“His paycheck.”  JC replied with a smirk and Lonnie laughed loudly,


“If I’m with Krista, I’ll dump your ass and work for her.”


Krista crossed her arms smugly, “See, problem solved.”


“Except for the fact that Lonnie’s taken.”  JC replied and Krista pouted,


“Damn.”  She leaned forward, “You’re breakin my heart Lonnie.”


“Sorry pumpkin.”  Lonnie grinned back at her, “I’m sure C would take my place.”


“Yeah, I guess, but he’s not half the man you are…literally.”  She replied and the whole car erupted in laughter.


They arrived at the club and were ushered up to where the guys were supposed to be waiting for them.  Unfortunately, they had taken such a long time to get to the club that everyone was up and roaming the club, probably on the search for some girls to hang with. Lucky for them, they didn’t have to search too far because there were girls clamoring to get to them.

Krista and JC decided to chill for a little bit and ordered drinks before taking up residency at a booth. 


Their sitting didn’t last too long, mainly because JC was anxious to get up and dance.  He stood up, “Hey Krissie, come and dance with me.” 


She frowned slightly, “I don’t really dance to this music.”  She said nodding to the grinding music that was thumping through the system.


“I’m being turned down?”  He pouted, “Don’t kill my ego, spunk.”


“Josh, I just really don’t know HOW to dance to this.”  She explained,


“It’s easy, I’ll teach you, come on.”  He waved her up,


“Teach me how to grind?”  She grinned, who would turn down that invitation?


“Hell yeah, come on, it’s fun.”  He waved her up and she slowly stood.


“How many women in America would die to have JC offering to grind with them?”


“Exactly, you need a story to tell your grandkids.”  He teased,


“And then there’s the ego.”  She laughed shaking her head, “Okay master grinder, how do we do this?”  She said placing her hands on her hips.


“Come here.”  He motioned her to get closer and took her hand, twisting her in his arms, so that her back was against his chest.  He placed his hands on her hips keeping her body in contact with his.


“How am I supposed to move if I’m attached to you?”  She questioned, “Not that I mind being attached to you of course.”  She teased throwing a smile over her shoulder,


“Work with me Kris.”  He laughed and began to roll his hips. “Just follow my movements.”


“Like this?”  She said moving her hips like his.


“Yeah, that’s great.”  He replied, “Keep doing that and that’s the basics.”


“Really?”  She asked completely surprised on how easy it was.


“Yup.”  He agreed and Krista naturally fell into dancing with him.  As she moved with him she began to pump her hips in time to the music.


“This okay?”  She asked,


“Yeah, you’re a natural.”  He smiled,


“You’re just saying that.  How’s my ass?  Is that good?”  She questioned sticking her ass into JC a little. 


JC swallowed hard, “Yeah, uh, yeah, that’s great, Spunk.”  Her ass was better than okay, it was wonderful.  Maybe it was a bad idea to grind with Krista.


“So this is all there is to grinding?”  Krista asked interrupting his thoughts.




She twisted her head to look up at him. “What else is there?”


JC spun her around to face him and pulled her close, “You’re an eager learner aren’t you?”


“Yeah.”  She grinned up at him, “So what’s next master?”


That phrase made JC’s mind spin with fantasies.  “I’m beginning to like teaching you.”


“Come on, teach me.”  She pleaded innocently,


“Okay.”  He laughed and slid his one leg between hers and had her riding his leg.


“This is the same, except closer and more personal.”  He said staring into her eyes,


“I like this.”  She said and blurted out, “This is like sex.”


JC’s eyes went wide for a second before he laughed, “Yeah, I guess you’re right Spunk. Except we’re wearing clothes.”


“I know that.  I’ve got this grinding thing covered now.”  She said as realization came over her, “Why didn’t you just say that it was like sex?  That I KNOW I can do.”


JC smirked, “Can you now?”


Krista dipped her hips seductively, “Yeah, I do.”  She said with a wink and turned in his arms again.  She moved against him as she lowered to the ground and then worked her way back up.  “See?”  She grinned back at him,


JC pulled her close and wrapped his arms around her waist, “I think you already knew and you were just playing with me.” He grinned into her ear.


She glanced up at him with an innocent smile, “Now why would I do a thing like that?”


JC just laughed and shook his head, “Some days I don’t know what to do with you Spunk.”


She laughed with him and turned to face him, “Then we’re in the same boat, cuz I don’t know what to do with myself half the time either.”



