Chapter Twelve

After the benefit, JC let Larson into his house.  They had a little bit of time before everyone planned to show up for their little after party. 

She walked in and surveyed the area, “This JC, is your house.”  She declared.

He chuckled, “Yes, I know.  I paid for it.”

She turned around, “I know that, but I mean, YOU are here, as in your presence.  When I walked in, I sensed you.  It reminds me of you.”  She placed her hands on her hips, “Am I making sense here?”

JC smirked, “Strangely enough, yes.  I’ve lived here the longest.  This is my home.”

“Yes, exactly.”  She clapped her hands together, glad that JC got her meaning. “In LA?  That is just a house, but this,” She said waving a hand around her, “is a home.  I like it.”

JC smiled warmly at her, “Well, I’m glad.  Come on, I’ll give you a tour of my home.”  He took her hand and led her on a tour of his whole house.  He made sure to show Larson her room for the night. 

By the end of the tour, the guest had begun to arrive.  Everyone congregated to JC’s backyard.  His huge backyard made for a great party place as the night was still warm and the full moon lit up the area.  JC turned on some of the backlights to add to the atmosphere and turned on the music for everyone.  The bar was opened and everyone was having a great time.

Larson didn’t have to be on JC’s arm the entire time at his house.  She knew some of the other people there, mainly Joey and Chris.  JC had introduced her to some of the other guest as well.

JC leaned into Larson, “Hey L, I’m going to go check on the drinks.  Do you want anything?”

“No, I’m good, but thank you.”

He squeezed her hand and smiled at her, “Kay.”

Larson wandered into the kitchen to grab something to eat.  She had just grabbed an apple and turned around when she ran into a woman.  “Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t see you there.”

The woman smiled, “It’s okay.  I don’t think we’ve been introduced, I’m Samantha.”

Larson shook her hand, “Hi, I’m Larson.”

“You’re JC’s date.”

“Yeah.”  Larson agreed, “It was a lovely event.”

“Yes, it was.  How do you know JC?”

“Oh, we’re friends.  We live near each other in California.”

“Oooh.”  She nodded in recognition and Larson picked up on it.

“I happened to be in town for a wedding and it worked out that I could go to the benefit with him.”  She explained wanting to dispel any thoughts that she was JC’s DATE.

Samantha smirked at her explanation, “Well that was convenient.”

Larson shrugged not knowing how to really deal with this person, “Yeah.  So how do you know JC?”

“We’re old friends.  We used to hang out back in the day when he did the Mickey Mouse Club.”

“Wow, yeah, old friends then.  That’s cool that you keep in touch still.  Do you still live in Orlando?”  Larson was glad to have the conversation switch off of her.

“Most of the year, yeah.  I fly between here and New York.”

“I love New York City.”

“The city that never sleeps.”  She grinned, “When I need a break I come back here.”  Samantha traced the rim of her cup, “So what do you do in California?  Are you an actress, model?”

Larson chuckled lightly, “I’m quite flattered that you would think that I could be and actress or a model.”

“You’re not?”  She questioned as it was absolutely absurd that Larson lived in California and wasn’t an actress or a model.

Larson shook her head, “No, I head the special education department in the Beverly Hills School District.”

“Oh, wow, my cousins are in that district.  My aunt was just talking about this fabulous administrator that they just hired, Dr. Cathleen Smith, do you know her?”

Larson chuckled again, “Yeah, I do.  That’s me.”

Samantha gave her a skeptical look, “You’re a bit young to be a doctor, and didn’t you say your name was Larson?”

“I just received my doctorate a year ago and Larson’s my middle name.”  She grinned, “Would you like to see my ID?”

“Oh, no I believe you.”  She said with a wave of her hand, “It’s just surprising.  I mean you don’t meet that many young doctors running around with this crowd.”  She smiled at Larson, “So, wow, that’s different from JC’s usual type of girl.”

“What are you talking about?”

Samantha laughed, “Let’s just say that intelligent isn’t one of JC’s requirements when it comes to girls.  I mean all the girls he’s dated combined probably couldn’t equal your intelligence.”

Larson blushed, “Oh, we’re not dating, we’re just friends.”

“Oh, I’m sorry, I just assumed.”

“It’s okay.”

“Well, then that makes more sense.  Not to be rude or anything, but, like I said before, JC doesn’t really go for the intelligent, independent, have a job types.”  She teased, “I think he likes the fact that his girlfriends can drop everything to be with him.”  She shrugged, “Lord knows that’s what every other girl he’s dated has done for him.”

“Oh, well, I wouldn’t know.  I haven’t known JC that long, only a couple of months.”

Samantha laughed and laid a hand on her arm, “Honey, you’ll learn.  I definitely think it’s easier to be his friend, than his girlfriend.”  She glanced out the window, “Well, we better get back to the party outside, come on.”

“Okay.”  Larson said and followed Samantha outside. 

Shortly after they stepped outside, JC was at Larson’s side, “Hey, I was wondering where you went off too.”

Larson looked over at Samantha before looking back at JC, “I was just chatting with your friend Samantha.”

JC gave Samantha a quick smile, “Nothing horrible about me I hope.”

Samantha pushed him playfully, “Who says that we were talking about you?  We’re very capable of having a conversation that doesn’t involve you.”

JC chuckled and held up his hands, “So sorry Sam.  My mistake.”

“Of course it was.”  She smirked at him and looked across the crowd, “Oh jeez, Brent’s sitting at the bar.”  She looked at Larson, “It was so nice to meet you Larson, I look forward to seeing you around more often.  Nice to have some class around here for once.”  She winked and waved as she walked away.

JC leaned into her ear, “Sam likes you.”

Larson glanced up at him, “I take it, that’s a good thing?”

JC rested his arm around her shoulders, “Oh yeah.  She’s a good judge of character.”

“I like her too.  She’s very sweet.”

“I could see you two getting along.  You have very similar personalities and ways of thinking.”  He said and took a sip of his drink.

“Hey C!”  Joey yelled grabbing their attention, “Let’s go on your boat!”

“I don’t think so.”  JC laughed, “None of us are sober enough to drive it.”

“What the hell are we going to hit out in the lake?  There’s nothing to hit!”  Chris yelled,

“We’re not going out on the boat and that’s final.”  JC said putting on his best dad impression.

“Kay Dad.” Chris mocked, “You’re no fun any more.”

“Yeah, yeah.”  JC waved off.

“You have a boat?”  Larson asked him and he looked back at her,

“Yeah, it’s down at the dock.”

“What dock?”

“At the edge of my property.”  He said nodding towards the lake that stretched out before them.

Larson squinted out at the lake trying to make out where JC’s property met the lake. “You have lake side property?  I didn’t even notice.”

“You want to see my boat?”

“Yeah.”  She nodded and he took her hand as he led her towards the dock.  They walked down the little path that led to the dock.  Larson stopped before they set foot on the dock.

JC stopped and looked back at her, “L, it’s okay, the dock’s very stable.”

“I know, I’m just more comfortable up here, right now.”  She said softly and he backtracked a few steps till he was by her side.

“Okay.”  He looked out over the lake to his boat, “Well, that’s my boat.  I love that thing.”

She smiled at him and his enthusiasm.  “You would spend your life on it if you could, right?”

“Hell yeah, wake boarding everyday, swimming, sailing, everything.”

“I’m beginning to think you were a fish in a past life.”  She teased,

“I probably was.”  He grinned, “Can you go on boats?”

Larson nodded, “I can do boats.  As long as I don’t end up in the water, I’m great.”

“Maybe we’ll take a ride tomorrow.”

“That’d be nice.”  She smiled.

“OH! I see how it is!  He won’t take his own BROTHERS out on the boat, but he’ll take a chick!”

Larson turned around placing her hands on her hips, “Who you calling a chick?”

Joey and Chris hopped down to them with a few of the guests.  Joey came up to her and bopped her on the nose, “You, whatcha going to do about it?”  He challenged and she grinned,

“Take your hat.”  She said quickly swiping it and running away with it.

“Oh, you did not just take my hat.”  Joey said taking after her, “You’re in for it girl!”  He said chasing her around the group that had formed.

“You’re never gonna catch me!”  She taunted,

“Yes he will.”  Chris yelled catching Larson as she passed him.

“Chris!  Not fair!”  She laughed as Joey caught up to the pair and grabbed her legs lifting her completely off the ground.

“Oh it’s plenty fair.  You messed with my hat and now you’re gonna pay for it.”  Joey teased and the group around them joined in laughing at their playfulness.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry!”  She screamed playfully, as she tried to suppress her giggles.

“Too late for that.”  Joey grinned evilly and looked to Chris, “What should her punishment be Chris?” 

Chris smiled devishly and leaned down to her face so that only Joey and her could hear him, “I think a nice dip in the lake should cure her.”

“That sounds perfect.”  Joey grinned back as the two trotted down to the dock.

“NO!”  Larson screamed and tried to get free, “Guys, please, don’t, please don’t.”

“Aw someone can dish it out but can’t handle it.”  Joey teased holding on to her tightly and they began swinging her over the water.

“I’m serious, let me go!  Come on let me go!”  Larson began flailing trying to get away as she was screaming and crying all at the same time. 

JC ran down to the dock, “GUYS!  PUT HER DOWN!”  He grabbed her and pulled her out of Joey and Chris’s grasp.  She collapsed onto the dock and JC held her to him.  “L, it’s okay.”  He soothed as he stroked her hair.  Larson keep sobbing as she shook with fear.  JC scooped her up into his arms and jogged all the way up into his house.  He went into the down stairs bathroom and made her sit on the counter.  He shut the door and took out a huge bath towel to wrap her in it.  “Everything’s going to be okay L.  You’re inside now.”  He soothed as he hugged her to him. 

Her crying died and she stopped shaking as much, “Thank you.”  She whispered and he kissed her forehead,

“No problem.  I just expect the same treatment when someone comes chasing after me with a needle.”  He teased lightly and she smiled a weak smile,

“Sure.”  She took a deep, shaky breath, letting it out slowly. “Jace?”

He pulled away slightly, “Yeah, L?”

“I think I’m going to puke.”

“Oh, well here.”  He said pulling her off the counter and pointing her towards the toilet. “You want me to-”

“No.”  She shook her head and JC left quickly, closing the door behind him.  It was good she didn’t want him there, he didn’t deal well with puking.  When JC went into the kitchen to grab a glass of water he found a sorry looking Joey and Chris standing there.  JC shot them a look before opening a cabinet for a glass.

“Dude, we were just playing around.  We didn’t mean any harm.”  Chris said breaking the tension in the room.

JC shot them another hard look, “She was freaking out.  You didn’t hear the panic in her voice?”

“She was laughing a few seconds before.”  Joey defended and then paused, “Is she okay?”

JC was about to answer when Larson appeared in the doorway of the kitchen and all eyes went to her, “Hey.”  She shifted her weight nervously and pulled the towel tighter around her.

JC filled the glass of water and handed it to her.

She smiled appreciatively, “Thank you.”  She said softly, “I was just going to ask for one.”

“Feeling better?”  JC asked gently,

Larson took a sip of water and nodded, “Yeah, thank you.”

Chris came around the counter, “Doc we’re really sorry.”

Larson shook her head, “Don’t, it’s not your fault.”

“L, come on.”  JC said, not believing that she was letting them off the hook.  Larson glance over at him, “They didn’t know, they were just playing around.”  She looked back at Chris and Joey, “I’m sorry for freaking out on you guys.”

“L, you don’t have to apologize, you didn’t do anything wrong.”  JC interrupted and she gave him a hard look,

“Neither did they.  How were they supposed to know that I would react that way?  You didn’t know until I told you and you could have done the very same thing, IF you didn’t know about it.  It was a mistake and now they know and they won’t do it again,” she looked over at Chris and Joey, “Right?”

“Oh yeah, we’re not like that Doc.”  Joey said quickly and she smiled at them,

“I know, you guys are good guys.”  She turned back to JC, “See?  Problem solved.”

JC let out a deep breath, “Yeah, okay.”  He looked back at Joey and Chris, “Sorry about giving you guys a hard time.”

“No problem.”  Joey said, “We understand.”

“Good.”  JC said and took another deep breath, “So, you guys want to get back outside?”

“Actually,” Larson shifted her weight again, “I don’t really feel like partying.  I’m kind of tired, I think I’m going to go to bed.”

“Don’t leave because of what happened…” Chris started and she stopped him with her hand,

“It’s been a long day.  I was up at six this morning sewing little roses on cloth napkins.”  She shook her head, “I’m pretty beat and I need to turn in.”

“Okay.”  JC said and placed an arm around her waist, “I’ll help you get settled in.”

She smiled up at him, “Thanks.”  She looked over at Joey and Chris, “I’m sure I’ll be seeing you guys around.  I had a lot of fun tonight.  Good night you guys.”

“Night Doc.”  They both waved and walked out the door.

JC glanced over at Larson, “You don’t have to-”

She turned and placed a soft hand on his chest, “I’m exhausted JC.  I really need some sleep.”

JC nodded, “Okay, come on.”  He said taking her hand and leading her out of the room.

Larson sighed at she passed through the house, “I really like your home JC.”

He smiled, “Yeah, I really like it too.  You were right before, LA’s just a house, this is my home.”

“Yeah, I mean you even act different in this house.”

JC was surprised at that remark, “How so?”  He asked as he guided her up the stairs,

Larson thought over her words carefully, “You’re, more relaxed…more at peace.”  She observed and JC nodded.

“Yeah, I guess I am.”  He confirmed as they reached his room.  They both went inside and JC went into his closet to get clothes for Larson.

He grabbed some clothes and handed them to her, “Here are some things you can sleep in.  I don’t know what you like to sleep in.”

Larson took the clothes from him, “These are fine, thank you.”

JC took her arm, “I’ll take you to your room.”

Larson stopped him and looked up at him, “I can make it to my room by myself, you have guest to tend too.  I’ll be fine.”

“Are-okay.”  He nodded and took a deep breath, “If you need me I’ll be down stairs or in my room.  You can just call my cell if you don’t want to come downstairs.”

“Call your cell from your house phone?”  She laughed, “Okay.”  She shook her head and then hugged him, “I had a really great time tonight.”

“Oh yeah, except for that whole traumatic experience.”  He retorted shaking his head,

Larson pulled back a little with a smile on her face, “Hey, back in college a night where you puked and you could remember what happened, WAS a good time.”  She teased and he chuckled.

“Okay, well thank you for coming with me.  I had a really great time, too.”  He said and he had the look of expectation in his eye, like he wanted to kiss her. 

Larson smiled smirked as she stepped away from JC, “Yeah, now it’s sounding like the end of a date, so I’m going to go to bed now.  Good night Jace.”

“Good night L.”

          JC stood there for a moment as he watched her disappear down the hall.  What did she mean with that?  From what she said, it sounded like she didn’t want to think of him in the date kind of way.  It was a little chip off of his ego.  Wasn’t he good enough to date?  JC shook his head and went downstairs to hang out with the rest of his guests and decided to forget about her comments.



