Chapter Twelve


Wade called the dancers and guys to practice.  “Okay everyone.”  He said mentally scanning the crowd taking attendance. “Wait, where’s Lee?  Carrie, do you know?”  He asked and Carrie quickly moved up to Wade,


“She’s not coming in today.”  She said quietly,


“What?  Why?”  He asked and Carried pulled him aside,


“She’s in the hospital Wade.” Carrie said softly,


“Holy shit!  What the hell happened?”  He exclaimed and she sighed,


“Wade chill, she had a rough couple of days off.  She fell and sprained her hip.  She’ll be back in a few days.”


Wade crossed his arms, obviously concerned about his favorite dancer, “Can she still dance?”


Carrie nodded, “She’ll be good for the tour if she takes it easy now.”


Wade frowned, “How long will she be in the hospital?”


“She should be out by tonight, possibly tomorrow.”


“We have the Pop video shoot this weekend.  We needed her.”


Carrie sighed, “She can probably do the shoot Wade. Nothing hard core, of course, but she can still do it.”


“Okay.”  He sighed running a hand through his hair, “She’s okay though?”


Carrie smiled a small smile at Wade’s concern, “Yeah, she’s okay.”


“Good, I’m glad.  She’s the best dancer I’ve had, I’d hate to lose her.”


Carrie smiled even wider, “She’d never let that happen.” 


“I know.”  Wade grinned and then clapped his hands together, “Alright everyone, we’re going to practice entrances!  Girls from the side and guys we’ll practice your entrance from the floor.”


Carrie nodded and jogged over to her space to prepare for practice.



Lisa laid in her hospital bed and stared at the ceiling in her room.  She hated hospitals and everything about them, the smell, the sight, the nurses, doctors, scrubs, everything.  She had nothing but bad memories of them.  She couldn’t believe she was still stuck here, she should have been at rehearsal getting her placing.


          The door opened and she expected the nurse to come in, when a gurney was rolled in.  She was surprised to see that it was Joey.


He smiled as they rolled him next to her, “Well hey there fancy meeting you here.” 


“What are you doing here?”  She asked,


He teased, “You’re not the only one who likes to get out of rehearsal, you know.” 


“I’d rather be there, than here.”  She said staring up at the ceiling again.


Ahh, either you don’t like hospitals or you’re a workaholic.”  He said putting his hands behind his head, looking like this was a vacation for him.


Lisa grimaced, “I hate hospitals and I love to dance.  So, yeah this sucks.”  She couldn’t understand why anyone would like to be in here at all.


“Come on, hospitals are great!  You lie around all day and get served jell-o.”  He cheered,


“They poke you and prod you and half the time they don’t even know what’s wrong with you, and when they do, they keep you for no reason. It smells awful, the food’s terrible and every view sucks.”  Lisa grumped crossing her arms, wishing that she was any where but here.


Joey was surprised at the dancer’s answer, “Wow, I guess you really do hate them.”


Lisa sighed, “Yeah, I do.” It finally clicked that something serious must have happened for Joey to be in here, “What happened to you?”


“I got my leg trapped in my trap door on the stage.”  He lifted his sheet to show his bandaged leg.


Lisa gasped, “How horrible, but you’re okay?”  She asked.


Joey shrugged, “I guess, I don’t think I’ll be dancing for a little while.”


Lisa’s mouth dropped, “Wait, the Pop video is this weekend!  What are they going to do?  You have to be in the video!”


Joey shrugged again, “I don’t know, we can’t move it.”


She frowned, “How are they going to do it, then?”


“I don’t know, they’ll figure something out.  Weren’t you gonna be in it too?” Joey asked eyeing her leg.


Lisa sighed completely depressed at the thought of not being able to dance in the video, “Yeah, Wade wanted all of us dancers in it.”


“Guess you can sit with me on the cripple bench.”  He grinned trying to cheer up the dancer.


Lisa lifted her chin, “I’m still gonna dance.”  She said defiantly.  She had worked through injuries before, this one shouldn’t be any different.


Joey looked at her skeptically, “With a broken hip?  Come on now.”


Lisa gasped and covered her mouth, “Good Lord, my hip’s not broken!  I only sprained it slightly.”


A look of relief came over Joey, “Oh well that’s good.  How did that happen?”


Lisa shrugged, “I fell down a staircase at my house.  Smooth huh?”  She grinned,


Joey grinned back, knowing that he had done a few stupid stunts like that himself, “Sounds like it.  So you’re going to be okay for the tour?”


Lisa nodded, “Yeah, I heal quickly.”


“Well good, wouldn’t want to lose one of out best dancers.” Joey winked as he flirted with her.


Lisa blushed, “Please, I’m okay. I just love to dance.”


Joey shrugged, “Whatever you’re doing keep it up because Wade’s loving it.”


Lisa looked at Joey, completely surprised, “Really?  He said that?”


Joey nodded, “Yeah, he really likes your style.”


“He said that?”  She repeated, completely shocked that Wade would say that about her.


Joey chuckled at the dancer’s surprise; he couldn’t understand how she didn’t know that.  Everyone knew that Lisa was the best dancer on the tour, “Yeah, you’re a great dancer Lee.”


Lisa blushed, “Thank you.” She glanced back over at Joey, “I’m glad you got hurt.” As soon as the words came out of her mouth she gasped, “Oh my God, I didn’t mean it like that!”  She exclaimed and turned the brightest shade of red she could imagine, “I just meant that I’m glad that you’re here and I’m not by myself, I’m so sorry!”


Joey laughed incredibly hard, “Lee, I’m glad you got hurt too.”


Joey’s laughter spread to Lisa and she began to laugh as well.  Soon they were both laughing so hard that the doctor came in to see what was going on in the room.  Lisa was glad that she had someone to be with her and she didn’t have to feel so alone for once in her life.



