Chapter Thirteen

After a long night at the bar Hannah tried to drag out closing up because she dreaded going home to her empty house.

“Hey slow poke!” Roxy yelled to her, “I wanna get home some time this century.”

“I don’t.” Hannah said to herself as she finished up the register. Tim was wiping down the bar and heard her. He stopped for a minute to make sure he heard what she said.

Hannah stepped it up a little and all too soon they were locking the door to the bar. Hannah sighed and turned to walk home again when Tim picked her up from behind.

“Hey what are you doing?” She yelled.

“Kidnapping you.”

“What!?!?!” Tim put her into his jeep and shut the door.

“Timothy!” She yelled as he ran around and hopped in the driver’s side. “What are you doing?”

“I told you. I’m kidnapping you, taking you back to my apartment to watch old kung fu movies and eat really buttery popcorn and skittles.” Hannah laughed out loud, those were her three favorite things.

“Okay,” she said throwing her hands up in the air, “kidnap away!” Tim smiled and started up the car. He had the best collection of old kung fu movies and the comfiest couch. It was exactly what she needed to get her mind off of Nick for a while. Tim made the best popcorn too. They watched movies well into the morning and stuffed themselves full of popcorn and skittles. They fell asleep on his couch.

The last two weeks were hell for Nick, literally. They had been practicing and recording non-stop for the tour and Hannah still hadn’t called him yet. Every time they got a break he had the urge to call her but he suppressed it knowing she wanted space. He kept her letter with him all the time and read it when he missed her. It always made him feel better. In a way he was thankful for all the work for the tour because it was a constant distraction. Nick had been distancing himself from the boys and they didn’t like it. During one break Nick ran to check his cell phone and Brian grabbed water with the rest of the boys.

“There he goes.” Howie said as they watched him.

“Has he said anything to you about Hannah, Brian?” Kevin asked. Brian shrugged his shoulders.

“He’s talked to me about as much as he talked to you guys. I've never seen him like this over some girl.”

“I know, did you see him yesterday when he thought he lost that letter he’s always carrying around? He flipped out tearing up everything until he found it.” AJ said.

“I know it’s crazy. We have to do something about it. I don’t think I can stand him like this on tour.” Brian said.

“What are we going to do, go call Hannah up and demand that she talk to Nick?” Howie asked.

“No, but we can make him call her.” Brian said.

“Ahh.” The rest of the boys said in unison. They walked over to Nick who was just hanging up his phone.

“Who was that?” Brian asked him.

“No one.” Nick sighed sadly.

“Okay here’s the deal. We’ve been noticing that you’ve been acting down and we’ve concluded that it has to do with Hannah. So,” Brian took his phone and held it out, “call her right now.”

“Come on guys, I can’t.” Nick protested.

“You call her or we will.” Kevin said crossing his arms.

“Okay, okay.” Nick surrendered. He picked up his phone and slowly dialed her number. It rang a few times before someone picked up.

“Hello?” a male voice answered.

“Hello? Hannah?” Nick sad surprised to hear the male voice.

“Oh Hannah’s sleeping. Do you want me to wake her?”

“Who is this?”

“Tim, is this Nick?”


“Hey hold on.” Nick heard Tim in the background.

“Hey Hannah, wake up sweetie.” He lightly tapped her face and she quietly stirred.

“Hmm?” She said not even opening her eyes.

“Hannah, the phone’s for you.”

“Oh,” She said sleepily, “tell them I’ll call them back.” Hannah rolled over and cuddled herself back into the Tim and the couch.


“Yeah?” Nick said.

“Um, Hannah said that she’ll call you later, you want me to leave a message?”

“No that’s okay. Thanks bye.”

“Bye.” Nick hung up the phone. The boys stared at him,

“So?” Brian asked. Nick was confused, what was Hannah doing with Tim? Why did he answer her phone?


“Well what happened?”

“Um she’s sleeping and she’s going to call me back.”

“Okay then was that so hard?” Their manager called them back to rehearsal. Nick was completely lost in his thoughts about Hannah and Tim. It sounded like they had just woken up form a long night. Why was she asleep right next to him? Being lost in his thoughts caused him to forget his steps and he kept getting yelled at.

That night Nick was in his room on his bed. He was reading Hannah’s letter. There was a knock on his door and Kevin poked his head in.

“Hey Nick?” Nick sighed and put the letter down.


“Can I talk to you?”

“Sure I guess.” He sat up in the bed as Kevin came in. He sat down on the bed.

“Nick, we’re really worried about you.”

“Why, I’m fine.”

“No you’re not. Ever since you’ve come back from vacation you’ve been mopey and you jump every time your phone rings. You barely talk to any of us anymore. We just want to help you. So can you tell me what’s wrong?”

“I didn’t mean not to talk to you guys, I've just been preoccupied. That’s all.”

“With Hannah?” Kevin asked. Nick hung his head and nodded. Kevin noticed the pictures by his bed and picked them up.

“This is Hannah? Little Hannah?” Kevin said surprised. Nick nodded,

“Yeah that’s her.” The boys hadn’t seen her for at least two years when she had visited Nick while on tour.

“Wow, she’s really grown up in the past two years. She’s absolutely beautiful.”

“Yeah, she is.” Nick replied taking the pictures from Kevin.

“She’s the most amazing woman. She’s smart and insightful. She’s always has the right thing to say.”

“So what happened between you two?”

“I don’t know, it was so great and then it stopped.”

“I don’t understand.”

“You don’t understand? I don’t understand. It’s just really complicated I guess.”

“Well try to explain it to me and maybe you’ll understand it better.”

“Okay, well, I told her how I felt and she told me that she felt the same way. That’s when we had our first date and it was amazing! It was the best date I've ever been on. But then I asked her to come on tour with me.”


“She said that she couldn’t, she didn’t want to uproot herself from the home that she had just settled into. Plus she just started this night club and it was unfair for her to dump it on her friends and leave.”

“Well that’s a reasonable excuse.”

“I know it was, so we kind of let it see where it would go.”


“We basically didn’t say we would and we didn’t say we wouldn’t and it turned into the best week of my life. You know that feeling when you’ve finished a puzzle and all the pieces fit together just right and everything is perfect?”


“Well it was like that but only a hundred times better. Everything was sickenly perfect.”


“Well, that’s when I had to leave and come back. She wouldn’t date me while I was away because she doesn’t do long distance relationships, especially while we were on tour.”

“Looks like she knows you pretty well.”

“I wouldn’t be like that with her, I couldn’t. I can’t even now. Really just looking at other women that way makes me sick.”

“Amazing how powerful love can be, huh?”

“I hate it. If love was supposed to be amazing, why do I feel so crappy?”

“I don’t know, so how did you guys leave your relationship?”

“That’s the complicated part. We left it as though nothing happened. It was like the last week was a dream, but now she’s not talking to me because she needed some space. She’s trying to figure out things for herself. She said that she would call me when she had. I guess that’s why I've been so wrapped up in my phone.” Nick hung his head.

“Well, this gives you time to figure out thing for yourself.”

“I know what I want and I want Hannah in my life, even if it’s just as a friend. I just can’t handle not being able to talk to her at all. God I miss her.”

“I can see that, but I’m sure that if she feels the same way about you, she’ll call.”

“Yeah, I guess. I just wish she would call soon.”

“She will, don’t worry Nick, she will.”