Chapter Thirteen

Kiora opened the door to JC's house to see Lance standing out on the front step.  He looked shocked to see Kiora standing there.  She smirked, "Why does everyone have that same shocked look when they see me answering the door at JC's house?"  She teased and held out her hand, "I don't think we've ever been formally introduced, I'm Kiora Jordan."

Lance shook her hand, still looking slightly perplexed, "Hey, nice to meet you, I'm Lance."

She nodded, "The southern gentleman.  It's nice to finally meet you.  Come on in."  She waved him into the house.

Lance took a tentative step into the house, "Where's JC?"

She shrugged, "He said something about going to someone's house today to work on some songs. I don't know when he'll be back.  Do you want me to call him?"

Lance followed her into the living room, "No, that's okay."  He paused, wondering if he should say something to Kiora about JC's behavior the past few nights. "Uh Kiora?"

She plopped her self in an overstuffed chair and looked up at him, "Yeah Lance?  Grab a seat and stay awhile."

He sat down, "This is going to sound weird, because you know, we just met and everything, but, I just have to lay it out for you."

"Okay, go on."

He scratched the back of his head, "Um, see we've been going out a lot this week, and yeah, each time JC has made out with some girl.  I just needed to tell you because I know you're dating and I can't believe he did it, you know?"

Kiora smiled, "Thank you Lance for telling me, I only have a couple of questions."

He took a deep breath, "Okay."

"Could you describe each of the girls to me?"

"Um, yeah, there was this brunette with big hair, a blonde with really long hair, and our bartender from last night, she had really red hair."  He sighed, "This is so unlike him.  I don't understand what has gotten into him and I'm really worried about him."

Kiora reached out and placed her hand over his, "Lance, you don't know how much I appreciate you telling me about this."

"I don't think it's fair to you."  He shrugged,

"Well, thank you and it looks like I'm going to have to have a talk with Mr. Chasez."

Lance frowned, he didn’t want to be the one to break up a relationship, "I'm really sorry."

Kiora waved him off, she knew what was going on, too bad JC's friends didn’t. "Don't be, it's not your fault and really I think that much more of you for telling me.  I'll take care of it." 

Lance placed his hand over hers, "You okay?"

"Yeah, I am."  She squeezed his hand gently.

Lance stood up, "Well, then I should be going."  He looked her over, "Are you sure you're okay?"

She stood up, "Yeah, I just need to talk to JC and work everything out."

"Okay." He sighed, "If you, you know ever want to talk, I'm around."

“Thanks, I’ll remember that.”

JC answered his phone, “Hey gorgeous.” 

Kiora flirted back, “Hey cowboy.” 

“What’s up?”

“Not much, are you busy?"

"Never for you Kee, what's up?"

"I would just like to say that I love Lance."

JC was quiet for a few minutes, "Excuse me?"

"That boy is the sweetest thing I have ever met.  I mean he puts puppies and kittens to shame."  She replied and sighed contently.

“Okay.”  JC replied, “Where did this come from?”

"Lance." She replied, “He came over to the house today.”

"Lance came to visit you?  Why would he do that?  I mean, he doesn't even know you."

"I think he came over to talk to you, but being the nicest girl in the world, I invited him in and we had a talk."

"Okay." JC replied, wondering where this conversation was going. "And what did you talk about?"

"About how he was worried about you and your late night activities."  She replied trying to keep from chuckling.

"My late night activities?"  JC wondered out loud, "What late night activities?"

"Apparently you have been going out with the guys and leaving with a different girl each night, all while I'm in town.  He's slightly concerned with your behavior.  Apparently, that's not your style.  You're a one girl kind of guy."  She said teasingly and JC finally got it,

"He didn't know that I went home with the same girl every night."

"No, he didn't."  She replied,

"Did you clear up the confusion?"  He asked, if she told Lance about her job, it would make his life a LOT easier.

She paused, "I told him that he was sweet for his concern, but that I was okay and I would have a chat with you about it.”

"You didn't tell him about your job?"

"Kind of defeats the purpose, now doesn't it?  I mean it's bad enough that you know about it. Lance doesn't need to know too."

“He wouldn’t tell anyone.”

Kiora sighed, “NOONE is supposed to know.  That’s kind of the point of an undercover operation.”

JC sighed, “It would just make life a little bit easier.”

“Didn’t we say in the beginning that this wouldn’t be easy?”

“Yeah, I know.”  He sighed, “So, I guess I can’t come to work with you tonight.”

With the guys suspecting things, it would just be easier for the both of us, okay?”

JC paused for a few moments, “Well, I guess so.  As long as you come to my place when you’re done.”

“I can do that.  I’ll pack a bag.”  She would need to relax after this night.

“Why don’t you just move your stuff into my place?  That way you wouldn’t have to drive back and forth so much.”  JC suggested,

Kiora kept back the laugh that tickled the back of her throat, “Yeah, not going to happen.  I’ve got too much too move.  This is actually easier for me.”

JC frowned at her comment.  Just how much stuff could she have? “How much stuff do you have there?”

Wigs, weapons, disguises, a closet full of information about JC… “A lot, trust me.”

JC frowned to himself, “Okay, okay.  What time should I expect you?”

“I don’t know, could be a while.  I’ve got a lot to finish up.”

“Okay.”  He said and Kiora knew he wasn’t happy about it,

“I’ve got a surprise for you though.”  She said flirting with him.

“What?”  He asked, instantly perking up at the idea of a surprise from Kiora.

“How would you like to hang out with me at the club on Friday?”

JC was in shock, “You mean, with you, with you?”

“With me, Kiora Jordan.”

JC sighed contently, “I’d love it.”

Kiora figured as much, of course she was as excited as he was.  “Okay then Mr. Chasez.  I’ll see you later tonight when I get home.”

“Okay, see you then, bye Kee.”

“Bye cowboy.”
