Chapter Thirteen


“Party time!”  Pauley yelled as they got off the stage after their concert the next night.


“Where are you going?”  Krista asked as she toweled herself off.  She couldn’t understand how the guys kept up with their partying.  She was simply exhausted and just wanted to go back to her room and sleep.


“Our suite, we’ve got a ton of people from home up and you missy need to be there.”  He poked her shoulder,


She sighed, she knew if she didn’t make an appearance the boys would be on her case for days.  “Okay, but I’m not going to stay long.”


“Why cause you’re going to hang out with Joshy-poo?”  He teased his sister.  Everyone on the tour knew that lately if you wanted to find JC, you had to look for Krista and vice versa because they always were hanging out together.


“I told him I might call him.”  She shrugged,


Paul rolled her eyes, “Oh come on!  You never hang out with us any more.”  He whined, it was true, ever since they had stepped foot on the tour with Nsync, Krista was glued to JC’s side.


Krista sighed playfully and shook her head, “Well, I guess I could stay a little while.” 


“That’s the spirit!”  He exclaimed yanking her hand to go with him. Krista sighed, knowing it was going to be a long night.


          Later that night in the guy’s suite, Krista watched the eighth groupie do a keg stand and rolled her eyes as she drank her beer.  She could out do all of them without even trying.


“Kris! You’re next! Come on!”  James shouted and she laughed knowing they were going to have a long night, but she wasn’t dreading it like she had been before.  She looked at her watch.  She was supposed to call up JC to hang out, but holding off a little longer to hang with the guys wouldn’t hurt.  She had really missed her bandmates.


“James, I have to make a quick phone call and I’ll be right there.”


“Alrighty then!”  He shouted and she enclosed herself in the hallway.  She dialed up JC’s phone and it rang into his voicemail.


“Hey Josh, it’s me.  Um, I’m going to hang out with the guys tonight because I’m afraid if I don’t I won’t have a band.  I’ll see you tomorrow, kay?  Bye.”  She hung up the phone and walked back into the room.  Krista headed straight for the keg,


“Alright, move aside, the keg queen has arrived!”



          Krista groaned as she pulled the blanket up over her head.  She couldn’t move, everything hurt and she felt so sick….no wait she was sick.  She puked in the bucket Dan had set up next to her.  It was going to be a long day.  She drank so much last night, she didn’t remember past the shot races she had done with Dan.  Paul had apparently found her passed out on his bathroom floor this morning.  The boys had carried her to the venue to where she was situated now and where she planned on staying.


“Krissie?”  JC said when he finally found her covered in a blanket on a couch in the back of their dressing room.


“Rghargh.”  Came from beneath the blanket. 


JC got a little closer and saw the bucket, “Whoa, what happened to you?”


“JC leave her alone.”  Dan said as he came into the room.


JC turned to face him, “What happened to her?”


“She’s hung over.”  He shrugged and picked up some papers that were on a table in the room.


“She looks like death warmed over.”  He pointed out.


Dan glanced up at him, pausing what he was doing, “Exactly, she’s hung over, leave her alone.”


JC frowned, “Is she going to be okay for the show?”


Dan went back to going over the papers in his hands, “That’s my problem.”  He resented all the time that JC spent with Krista.  She was in his band and there for his responsibility.  Of course it was partly his own fault that Krista was this hung over today.


“You go on in an hour.”  JC pointed out and Dan threw him a “I know, you idiot” look.


Dan sighed and crossed his arms, “I’ll take care of it.” 


JC cast a worried look at Krista, “She doesn’t have to go on, if she’s like this.” 


Dan sighed again, wishing that JC would just leave.  JC was not the aficionado on Krista, Dan was because he had known her longer and seen her worse than this.  “She’ll be fine, don’t worry.”


JC glanced up at Dan, “I worry about her.”


“She’s not your problem, so don’t.”  Dan argued with the pop star.


“Will both of you fucking shut up!”  Krista yelled and then groaned before puking into the bucket again. 


Dan went to her side, “Sorry, Kris.”  He said softly and rubbed her back.


“When do we go on?”  She asked wearily,


“You don’t have too.”  Dan said and she shot Dan a hard look.  He relented, “An hour.”


She sighed, “I need to see Pauley.”


“No.”  Dan said strongly.


“Yes, I want Pauley and I’ll be ready in a half an hour.”


“Krissie, you’re in no shape to go on.”  JC interrupted, walking over and leaning over the back of the couch.


“Josh, go away.”  She waved him off, “I have to go on.”  She said laying her head down on the couch.


“Krissie, come on.”  Dan pleaded with her and she glared at him,


“Pauley now.”  She demanded and flipped the covers over her head ending the discussion. 


Dan sighed and got up from the couch, “Come on JC.”  He waved him out the door with him.


“You’re not really going to let her on that stage, are you?” JC asked as he walked out of the room in front of Dan.


“JC, this is not your problem.  Krista will be ready in a half an hour.”  He said strongly and walked away.



JC paced in front of Krista’s dressing room.  He was determined not to let her go on stage.  She was ready to collapse.  Paul had gone in there a while ago, but JC knew there was nothing that could make her ready to go on.  The door opened and his head whipped up to see Krista coming out.  She was completely dressed and wiping her nose with a tissue.  She looked like she had never been sick in her life.


“Krissie, are you okay?”  He asked with a slight frown at her sudden turn around.


“Yeah, the show must go on.”  She said distantly and gave him a quick hug, before walking down the hall.  JC swore he smelt alcohol and he looked to Paul, who came out after her.


“What did you do to her?”


“Cold water works wonders for hang overs.”  He shrugged and walked on by.  JC stared after them completely perplexed.  How did cold water cure her that fast?



