Chapter Thirteen


Larson snuck into her empty hotel room and sighed happily.  No one saw her come in and no one knew she was back yet and she could just revel in her time with JC.  She had had the best time with JC.  Last night had been the best time she had had in a long time.


          She walked into the room and past a mirror.  Larson laughed at her apparel.  She was dressed in JC’s clothes, another reason she was glad that no one had spotted her on her way in.  That would have definitely started some rumors in her family.  That morning he had given her more clothes to wear, with the promise that she would return them when they got back to California.  He then took her out on his boat, where they sat in the back and had breakfast.  It was peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, but she didn’t care.  It was the thought that was sweet.  The morning fog was lifting and no one else was out on the lake.  They sat there eating and talking for at least two hours.  It would be one of her favorite memories for sure. 


Larson flopped back onto her bed and sighed again.  For a few moments, she had entertained the idea of being JC’s girlfriend.  After seeing him in his suit last night, who wouldn’t?  But after seeing some of JC’s pictures in his house, every where he had been and his upcoming new solo project, she had decided that Samantha had been right, that it would be easier to be JC’s friend than his girlfriend.


Someone started pounding on her door, “L!  ARE YOU UP!  GET UP I NEED YOU IT”S AN EMERGENCY!”


Larson groaned at her sister’s voice and covered her face.  It was going to be a long day.


“Argh! I am never, EVER getting married!”  Larson screamed into her phone making JC chuckle,

“Hey L, how’s it going?”

She lowered her voice, “I’m hiding in my cousin’s closet.  What does that tell you?”

JC let out a hearty, long laugh, “That bad, huh?”

“Oh my God!  You have no idea!”  She hissed, “I’m seriously considering NOT coming out of this closet till my flight leaves.”

JC tried to contain his laughter, but was having a difficult time.  “Aw babe, you’re the maid of honor, you’ll have to come out, at least for the wedding.”

“I can’t do it.  I’m going to have a break down and I’m not the one getting married!  I would be insane if I was!”

“You’re going to be fine L.”  JC said trying to keep his chuckles under his breath, “Take some deep breaths.”

“I need to take some Valium.”  She muttered, “Why do weddings turn people crazy?  I mean really!”

“It’s an emotional time L and some people just have to have everything perfect.”

Larson groaned, “My sister’s a maniac and everyone’s on MY case.  Like I can do anything about it!  I’m about to scream!”

“You already did.”  JC teased,

Larson took a deep breath, “Dear Lord, look at me!  I’ve only spent a few days with my family and look what they’ve reduced me too!  I run special education programs for a school district.  I have a doctorate, I give speeches in front of huge crowds and here I am, hiding in a closet like I’m a fugitive.”

“Do you want me to come and rescue you?”  JC suggested and Larson was quiet, “L?”

“I’m thinking about it.”  She said and shook her head, “No, I think just talking to someone who’s sanity is still intact is good enough.”

JC chuckled, “I don’t know about my sanity.”

“It more intact than the women here.”  She sighed,

“So, I take it, that when we get married, there won’t be any fuss, huh?”

“Jace, we’re eloping in the middle of the night.”

“Nah, I’ll fly us to Vegas, how’s that?”

“Like the most perfect plan in the world.”  She said laughing, “You’re the best Jace, thanks for saving me.”

“No problem.  Hey why don’t you take the night off and just, you know relax, take a hot bath, watch a movie with Mel.”

Larson groaned, “I cant, I have the bachelorette party tonight.”

“Don’t sound too excited.”  He teased,

“I’d rather go to the bachelor party.”  She retorted and laughed, “Actually I was invited to the bachelor party.”

“You were?”

“Oh yeah, see it’s the guys in my family that are sane.  They’re normal.  I’d so much rather go to their party.  They’re going out beer tasting at a local pub and then they’re taking a cruise.”

“That sounds like a good time.”

“I KNOW, but no, I’m stuck with bridezilla and strippers.”

“Weren’t you in charge of the bachelorette party?”

“No, cuz if I was we’d be going beer tasting at a local pub before we took a cruise.  Bridezilla wanted strippers and lots of alcohol.  I think we’re taking a limo somewhere too.”

“Wow three limo rides in one week.”

“I know, I’m catching up for lost time.”  She paused, “I know I said it earlier, but really, thank you for taking me to your benefit.  I had such a great time.  You and Mel have been my life lines this week.”

“You’re welcome, and I’m willing to take you away if need be.  I can fake emergencies with the best of them.”

“Nah, I’d feel too guilty about it considering I’m the maid of honor.”  She sighed, “Guess I’m just going to have to suck it up, get really wasted and join in the fun.”

JC laughed, “Take lots of pictures for me, especially the ones of you dancing on the table.”

Larson scoffed at the idea, “Yeah, right.  I don’t dance on tables.”

JC laughed to himself, “Uh huh, sure L, I’ve heard some stories from Mel.”  He teased,

“What has she been saying about me?”  Larson asked with a little bit of worry seeping into her voice.

“Oh nothing,” He replied with a smug smile,  “just about a little spring break trip to Mexico.” 

“I’m going to kill her.”  Larson muttered, “Did she tell you about what she did?”

“No, only about a little instance when you ending up on top of a table with a little skirt on.”

“Remind me to tell you about Mel and her Mexican experience.”  Larson looked at her watch, “I think I’m ready to leave the closet.”

“You’re ready to come out of the closet and face your family?”  He paused and chuckled at his words,

“Something like that.”  She laughed with him, “Thanks for the talk.”

“Anytime babe.  Have fun tonight.”

“I will.  Goodnight Jace.”

“Goodnight L.”


“So, tell me, how was the benefit?”  Mel asked during the bachelorette party.  It was the first time they had been able to get a conversation in all day.  They had escaped to the bathroom to talk for a little bit while the rest of the women were being entertained by strippers.


Larson smiled at the thought of last night, “It was amazing. I had so much fun.”


“And man, did JC look hot in his suit, he made me almost reconsider my favorite Nsyncer.” Mel teased playfully.

Larson closed her eyes, “Ooh, and he smelled sooo good.  I mean he normally smells good, but he REALLY smelt good.”  She groaned, “And he was the nicest, sweetest date EVER.”

“Anything happen?”  Mel wiggled her eyebrows,

“No.”  Larson shook her head, “You know we’re not like that.”

“I know, but damn girl.  I would have jumped his ass.”  Mel giggled,

“I know, I was tempted.”  Larson giggled with her.

“So tell me more.”  Mel said moving closer to Larson eager to hear all the details.

Larson took a deep breath, “Well, the benefit was fun, we took a limo.”

“Well yeah, I figured he would.”

Larson grabbed Mel’s arm gently, “No, from the hotel to the benefit, as in Jacksonville to Orlando.”

Mel’s mouth dropped, “No way!  I am so jealous that I didn’t go with you.”

“You should have, it was a lot of fun.  This limo was stocked with everything, I mean champagne, food, you name it.”

“That’s so cool.”

“So we get to the benefit and it’s like that whole red carpet thing to get inside, which really wasn’t that bad.” Larson shrugged, “It went by really quickly and the benefit was just like any old benefit.  A prom with adults.”

Mel nodded in acknowledgement, “Whatcha do afterwards?”

Larson’s eyes lit up, “Afterwards we went to JC’s house for a little after party, you know just his friends that were at the benefit.  That was a lot of fun too, you know, drinking a little, hanging out.”  She paused, “He has lake side property and has a boat.”

Mel gasped knowing her friend’s fear, “Oh my God, did you freak?”

“Only when Chris and Joey tried to throw me in.”

Mel slapped the counter they were leaning against, “Shut up, they didn’t!”

“Yeah, but they didn’t know and JC stopped them before they could do anything.”

Mel sighed a sigh of relief, “That’s good.”

“Oh here’s the real good part.  This morning, JC took me out on his boat and I was completely okay with it.  He even  made us peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for breakfast. It was so sweet.”  She gushed.

Mel’s mouth dropped, “L, he’s practically in love with you!”

Larson rolled her eyes, “Will you stop?  We’re friends and he was just doing something nice for me because he knows how crazy I am here.”

Mel grinned evilly, “Did you make out with him?”

Larson gasped in horror, “OH MY GOD NO!”

“Did you want to?”  Mel asked already knowing Larson’s answer.

“Mel…”  Larson sighed not wanting to answer Mel’s question, knowing that it would lead to more of her insinuations.

“Come on, did you?”  Mel pleaded,

Larson sighed her surrender, “Are you kidding me?  I wanted to fucking jump his ass!”  She said and they both broke down into a fit of giggles.



