Chapter Thirteen 

Lisa slowly made her way onto the set of the Pop video, on crutches.  She was still pretty sore, but determined not to miss any more dancing.  Even if it meant that she had to sit on the sidelines.

Lee, the dancing machine!  I thought you were supposed to be resting all day!”  Carrie cried as she ran over to Lisa and gave her a gentle hug.

And miss this? No way!  I wanna see what I’m getting into too.”  She said and just then Justin ran by with Chris chasing him and she laughed,

Not much.”  Carrie rolled her eyes, “Do you want a seat?”

Lisa considered her options, “Hmm, not now, it’s better if I stand.”

They began to walk towards the set, where the dancers were hanging out.  Carrie pouted, “I missed my roommate, they flew you out late and everything.”

Lisa grinned at her best friend, “I’ve been Joey’s cripple buddy since he came to the hospital.  But I drew the line at watching him get his shots.”

Carrie laughed, “Hey pics of that would get good money on ebay.”

She laughed and shook her head,Don’t even go there.” 

Carrie was glad that Joey was there with Lisa, to make her more comfortable about being in the hospital, “So the hospital trip went okay?”

Lisa shrugged,Yeah, everything’s cool.” 

How’s the hip?”

Lisa sighed and frowned, “The doctor said no serious dancing till it’s completely healed.  But that’s like two weeks or so.”

No video?”  Carrie asked,

Lisa shrugged, “I’m Joey’s cripple buddy.  I’ll be hanging with him for most of the shots, I guess.  I don’t know, that’s what he’s been saying.”

I can’t believe you’ve hung out with Joey and you didn’t faint.”  Carrie teased Lisa and she rolled her eyes,

Shut up, it’s not the same with Joey, he’s not-”

He’s not Jace, I know.”  Carrie smiled,

Lisa smiled back,Exactly.” 

Wade saw Lisa and grinned as he ran over to her, “Lee, my little dancing machine!  You’re back!”  He greeted her and she grinned back,

Hey Wade, I’m not much of a dancing machine, but I’m back.”  She shrugged,

What was the diagnosis?”

No serious dancing till it’s completely healed, which is about two weeks.”  She replied,

Wade grinned, “So we still have you for the tour?”

Lisa grinned back at the choreographer, “If you still want me.”

Hell yeah girl.  You expect me to find and train someone else to be as good as you in two weeks?  I don’t think so.  Even with the hurt hip, you’re better than anyone else I could find.”

Lisa frowned,I beg to differ, Wade.” 

Wade placed an arm around her shoulders, “Aw, come on my little dance machine.  I’m not giving you up for nothing.  I found the perfect part for you in the shoot.”

Lisa gave Wade a strange look, “I’m just going to be one of the extras, right?”

He shook his head, “Nope, you’re the lead girl in the video.”

What?”  Lisa and Carrie’s mouth dropped,

Yeah, it works out perfect.  The guys didn’t like any of the girls that they sent over from the agency, and since you can’t move too much, it works out.”

Lisa frowned even more, “I don’t get it, what do I have to do?”

Stand around and dance a little bit and I mean a little bit, plus hang out with Joey in his close ups.” Wade explained.

Lisa realized that the part Wade was explaining was exactly what Joey had been telling her that she was going to be doing for the past couple of days.  It sounded simple enough and she didn’t mind hanging out with Joey.  Okay, if that’s what they want me to do.”  Lisa shrugged, “I’m all for it.  Anything to help out.”

Wade clapped his hands and grinned at his favorite dancer. He didn’t doubt that she would be up for the part.  Awesome, let me go tell the guys.”

Lisa had been wondering about one thing ever since she found out about Joey, “Wait, Wade, if Joey can’t dance, how are they going to do the routine?”  Lisa asked and he turned,

Easy, I’m going to be Joey.”  He grinned with a nonchalant shrug,

You’re kidding me.”  Carrie laughed and Wade placed his hands on his hips,

Are you saying that I can’t pull off looking like Joey?”

Maybe if you put on twenty pounds or so.”  Carrie muttered and Lisa stifled a giggle,

Oh boy, I’m leaving before this gets dangerous.  I’m already injured.”  She said hobbling away.

Carrie quickly caught up to her, “Hey do you want to sit down or anything?”

Lisa paused in her hobbling, “No, I don’t know, let me think about it.”

Carrie giggled at her best friend’s indecision, “It’s not rocket science, Lee.”

Lisa let out a deep breath, “I know, I want to sit, but I’m trying to figure out if I’m going to be able to get up again.”

Are you in pain?”  Carrie said worriedly,

Not much, it’s really not that bad.”  She said wincing, it did hurt, but she wasn’t going to let on how much it did hurt.  They might make her go back to the hotel and she was not about to let that happen.

Carrie noticed Lisa’s wincing and knew she was lying, “Yeah, it sure looks like it.  Come on, you’re going to lie down.”

Care…” Lisa whined,

Stop whining.  You don’t want to injure yourself even more.”

I won’t.”  Lee protested as Carrie helped Lisa lie down in one of the stage areas.

Uh huh, do you want ice?”

Actually, yeah.  That’d be great.”  Lisa smiled and Carrie nodded,

Kay babe, be back in a little bit.”

Kay.”  Lisa nodded and Carrie ran off.  Lisa slipped on her headphones to listen to some music as she rested.  She knew that she should be in bed right now, resting, but she wanted to be here in the mix of things.  Plus, here she had a better chance of seeing JC.  Not that she’d do anything about it, but she was just content to watch him from afar.

Lee!  You’re back!”  Dee exclaimed running over to her and dived to hug her.

Hey Dee!”  Lisa said hugging her back, “Man, did I miss you guys!”

We missed you, it was so boring.”  She said sitting back and Lisa slid off her earphones.

Yeah right, because I add so much excitement to this place.”  She giggled,

True, but anyways how you feeling?”

Lisa shrugged, “Eh, it hurts a little bit, but I’ll be myself again in two weeks.”

Wow, two weeks without dancing?  Have you ever gone that long?”

Who said no dancing?  You can’t stop the dancing machine.”  She grinned,

Does your doctor approve of this?”  Dee teased Lisa.

Yeah, I talked things out with him and made him see my point of view.”  Lisa played along with Dianna’s teasing.

You changed your doctor orders, didn’t you?”  Dianna joked,

I did not, how would I do that?”  Lee laughed, “You think I have a degree in espionage or something?”

I wouldn’t be surprised.”  Dee teased and Carrie came back with the ice in a ziplock bag.  She gently placed it on Lisa’s hip.

You’re my angel Carrie.”  Lisa said closing her eyes at the relief,

I know.”  She grinned.

Lisa, you’re back!  How you doing girl?”  Justin asked as he came over to her,

She opened her eyes, “Oh, hey Jay.  I’m good.”  She smiled a small smile.  Next to JC, Justin was someone else that made her really nervous.

Justin flashed Lisa his famous grin, “I heard you’re our girl for the shoot.”

She nodded, “Yeah, Wade told me a little while ago.”

Justin nodded in response, “Cool, do you need anything?”

Oh, no, I’ve got Carrie.  She’s got me covered.”

Okay hon, but if you do need anything, let me know.”

I will thanks.”  She said and Justin walked away,

How about you ask him to fuck me.”  Carrie whispered as she watched him walk away.

I don’t think that’s what he meant Carrie.”  Lisa laughed at her friend,

He said, if you needed ANYTHING.  Him fucking me is something you definitely need.” Carrie pointed out.

Why would I need that, huh Carrie?  If anything I’d ask him to fuck me, that would be more beneficial.”  Lisa grinned,

You can’t fuck, you have a hurt hip.”  Carrie retorted crossing her arms,

A hurt hip hasn’t stopped me from fucking before.”  Lisa countered as JC walked up to them,

Wow, I came at the right time in this conversation.”  He grinned and Lisa turned bright red,

Oh.”  She said covering her mouth and giggling nervously.  Carrie broke down laughing, more at Lisa than at JC’s comment.

Please, ladies, don’t stop the conversation on behalf of me.”  He teased,

Well, you know Jace.  You come near and we turn into giggling little teenies.”  Dee replied, “We’re in awe of your hot sexiness.”  She teased playfully.

I bet you are Dee.”  He chuckled and looked at Lisa, “Glad to have you back Lisa.  How are you feeling?”

Uh, okay.”  She shrugged and tried to look anywhere but at him.

JC noticed her look and frowned a little bit.  She couldn’t even stand to look at him, “That’s good.  I’ll see you around.”  He waved and walked away, not wanted to be where he wasn’t wanted.

Carrie looked at her best friend, “He came over here to talk to you and you basically shooed him away.”

Lisa shrugged, “I didn’t. I was going to make a fool of myself.”

Carrie and Dee groaned in unison, “You so would not!”

“How do you guys know?  You don’t understand how it is!  You guys can talk to anyone anywhere.”  She pointed out. “And,” She continued, “He was just coming over because I was injured.  It would be rude if he didn’t come by to see how I was doing.”

Carrie rolled her eyes, “You’re impossible.  You know that?”

Lisa shrugged, “Well, everyone has to have their talents, right?”


