Chapter Fourteen

Hannah was working in her recording studio the next day. She had the night off, the girls insisted. Hannah was just finishing up a CD that she had made for Nick. She was still confused about their relationship and where it stood. Her music helped somewhat. It definitely showed how she felt. She made the CD and made five batches of her coconut crème cookies, one for each of the guys and one was a special double batch for Nick. She carefully wrapped each batch up and placed the CD with a small note to Nick with his cookies. She had them all good to go and was on her way to the post office when Tim dropped by.
"Hey Hannah.”
“Hey Tim, how’s it going?”
“Good, good, just got out of a class and decided to stop by to see how you were. Man your house smells great!” He said and she smiled,
“Thanks I just baked seven dozen cookies, it should smell good. Would you like some?”
“Would I? You read my mind!” They went into the kitchen and Hannah made him a plate of cookies.
“Would you like some milk?”
“Please.” Tim took one bite, “Oh my god these must be the best cookies I've ever tasted.”
“Thanks, it’s my secret recipe.” She said handing him a glass of milk.
“Thank you.” He said as she sat down across from him. “So,” he said with a mouthful of cookies, “what are you doing on your night off?”
“I don’t know, maybe some shopping, maybe a night drive. I thought of taking a long soak and pampering myself.”
“Good, you should.” There was a quiet silence between them and then Hannah said,
“Thank you for last night Tim, it really meant a lot to me.”
“Don’t mention it, that’s what friends are for right?”
“Right. Let me ask you this. What’s one thing you feel like doing tonight?”
“Me? I don’t know there’s a great rock climbing gym I've been dying to go to and then there’s this place in Burnt Hills up north where you run around and throw water balloons full of paint at people.”
“Do you want to go rock climbing and paint ball throwing tonight?”
“What? Really? Don’t you want your night off by yourself?”
“No, I’d rather spend it with someone fun.” She smiled.
“Great! Let me go shower and we’ll go okay?”
“Sure, I have to run to the post office quick but wait for me here. I’ll leave the side door open okay?”
“Sure.” They went out and did their errands and then spent the whole afternoon together. Hannah had a blast with Tim. She really enjoyed spending time with him; he was sweet and caring but fun and spontaneous. After they did the paint ball thing it was well after dark. Hannah thought they were going home but Tim turned off and began going in a different direction.
“Tim where are we going?”
“Somewhere special, don’t worry.”