Chapter Fourteen


Krista felt his arms around her waist pulling her close.  Her breath caught in her throat at the warm caress of his breath on her skin and the warm touch of his tongue. Her lips opened with a groan as JC pulled her flush against him. One hand held the side of her face, the other dove into her hair, tangling itself there as his lips gently brushed against hers seeking an opening.  Krista didn’t resist and his mouth closed over hers, his head tilting as he deepened the kiss. His teeth gently grabbed hold of her lower lip and tugged softly. Her soft groan of assent was all he needed, and his tongue traced her lips.


Krista whimpered softly against his mouth, as his tongue thoroughly claimed her as his own, tangling with hers. She protested lightly when his tongue left her mouth, and hers followed his, learning his mouth as completely as he had hers. It was one of those mind-blowing kisses that took away your breath.  She ran her hands through his hair then around his neck, pulling him on top of her.  She loved feeling the weight of his warm body on hers and she rubbed herself against him.  A moan from JC, told let Krista know that he was enjoying this just as much as he was.


She rolled her head back as his mouth left hers, giving him more access.  JC kissed along her jawbone until he reached her ear. She clung to his shoulders as he lightly nipped at the lobe of her ear before drawing it into his mouth. His tongue traced the outline of her ear, his warm breath sending chills down her spine. JC nipped at that sensitive spot just below her ear causing another shiver to run through her body.  Krista felt JC smile against her skin, enjoying the inferno he was creating in her.  He worked his way from her ear down to her throat, his tongue leaving a wet path as he kissed his way to the throbbing point at the base of her throat. He sucked at it lightly causing a loud moan from Krista. Her fingers dug into his shoulders as her breath came hard and fast.


His hands left her hair, sliding down her rib cage, resting only for a moment on her hip. Then his fingers slid further down her stomach, into her pants and slipping deep into her panties.  Every movement was egged on by Krista’s moans.  He slowly but gently parted her feminine petals as his fingers entered her slowly.  He teased and toyed with her until she was clinging to him, her head thrown back. He grinned, watching her reactions to his fingers’ exploration. "Come on, Krissie…" he whispered,

"Josh…" His name escaped her lips on a rush of air…


Krista smiled and stretched at the thought of her dream of JC last night.  It felt so real this time; she had been hanging out too much with that boy.


          Pauley pulled up a chair next to her and saw her smirk, “Someone’s happy today.”  He commented with his own smirk.


“I am in a good mood, thank you.”  She said and slid down in her chair a little, “I had a really great night’s sleep last night.”


“Uh huh, sure.  It wasn’t the fact that you and the C-man got it on last night, that’s got that smile plastered on your face.” 


Krista froze and looked at her brother, “We didn’t do anything.”


“Oh whatever!  I sleep right above you.  I heard everything.”


“Everything?”  She asked horrified.


“Please don’t sound so shocked. You really didn’t care if anyone heard you last night.  ‘Oh Josh, more…’ ” He mocked and she buried her face in her hands.  Her dream was real!  She had molested JC in her sleep.


“Oh my God!” ‘I’m such a freak!’ She thought to herself,


“Hey Kris, it’s cool.  I’m sure I was the only one who heard.  It wasn’t that loud.”  He said trying to comfort her.

“It was no big deal.  I was just ragging on you.”


“Pauley, you just don’t get it.”  She said shaking her head,


“Dude, I’m sorry.”  He apologized and Krista got up,


“Don’t worry about it.  It’s not your fault.  I just have to find Katie and talk to her.”


“Katie?  Why?”


“Wardrobe?  She’s our wardrobe person.”  She said and left.  Krista quickly found an empty room and locked herself in it.


“Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, oh my God!”  She said as she paced the room, wringing her hands.  “What the hell was I thinking?”  She talked to herself, “My God all the guys heard. They’re gonna mention something to him and he’s gonna be upset.  Why the fuck did I do that?”  She hit her forehead with the palms of her hands, “Stupid, stupid, stupid.  I am so stupid! Why?”  She asked herself, “Duh, you dumb girl.  You’ve been frickin obsessed with the guy since 1998.  He was in your bed, any girl in her right mind would have done the same thing.” Krista sat down in a chair and put her head in her hands, “But you’re not just any girl, Kris, you’re his friend, not just some stupid teeny who wants to get in his pants.  Well you do….ARGH!  It was that type of thinking that got you into this mess in the first place.”  She got up and began to pace again,

“You’re going to drive yourself insane if you keep this up.  Calm down, calm down, calm down.”  She told herself. “Maybe Paul was right, maybe no one heard us.  Maybe they won’t say anything.”  Someone tried to open the door and then knocked,


“Krista?  I need my notebook!  Unlock the door!”  Dan yelled.


“Hold on!”  She yelled back and took a couple of deep breaths, trying to calm down.  She opened the door; Dan took one look at her face,


“Hey.”  He said calmly and walked into the room, “What’s got you so freaked out?” 


Krista closed the door and leaned against it, “What are you talking about?  I’m fine.”  She said playing with the hem of her shirt.


“Okay, then why are you fidgeting?” 


Krista silently cursed him for knowing her so well, “I can’t fidget?”


“Krissie, just lay it on me girl before you completely flip.”  She was silent and just breathed deeply for a few moments.


“I’m just dealing with something.”  She sighed. 


Dan dropped his notebook on a chair and moved over in front of her, “And that would be?”  He asked and placed his hands on her hips.


“Something I’m dealing with.  I just don’t know how to deal with it.”


“Why won’t you tell me?”  He frowned.


“Because I don’t want to, Dan.”


“You used to talk to me.”


“Yeah, well I used to do a lot of things with you that I don’t anymore.”  She retorted,


“Oh, well, I guess you have JC for that now.” He said and walked away, picking up his notebook again.


“What’s that supposed to mean?”  She shot back,


“Take it the way you want to.”  He shrugged,


“You are such an asshole, Dan.”  She said walking away from him and turning her back in him, crossing her arms. Dan heard her sniffle a little and he sighed, dropping his notebook on the chair again.


“Krissie, I’m sorry.” He apologized and walked over to her again. “I just don’t know what to do.” 


She turned around and wiped her eyes, “Neither do I.”


“I can’t help you if you don’t tell me what’s wrong.” He brushed hair out of her face,


“Dan, I just need to deal with it on my own.”  She looked up at him and he cupped her face,




“Hey Dan-” Pauley said coming into the room instantly drawing the attention of the two, “Whoa, hey you two. I, uh, just came in here to get, my, uh, that,” He quickly looked around the room, “pencil.”  He snatched up the pencil, “Bye.”  He ducked out of the room shutting the door.  Dan and Krista burst out laughing.


“Well, that just made everything a lot better.”  She said and Dan looked at her,





          JC walked backstage looking for Krista. He knew he was making progress with her, he could see it in her eyes.  His dreams certainly were becoming more vivid, especially last night’s.  That was probably because she had been sleeping right there in his arms.  He smiled at the thought and looked forward to more times like that.


JC needed to find her, she was supposed to go on shortly and he wanted to wish her good luck, plus he hadn’t seen her all day.  He found her sitting and writing in her journal with her back to him.  He gently snuck up behind her and covered her eyes.


“Guess who?”  He said and Krista gasped, slamming the journal shut, jumping about ten feet. 


She turned to she JC standing there, “JC, that was not funny!”  She yelled and he pulled away from her.


“Whoa, down tiger.”  He teased.


She sighed as she brushed hair out of her face, “Sorry, just flipped.”  She picked at the edge of her journal. 


JC stood there for a moment staring at her, “Are you okay?”  He asked. 


She kept staring at her journal, ‘Keep calm Kris, he doesn’t know, keep calm.’ She mentally told herself, “Yeah, you just really scared me that’s all.”  She shrugged and JC pulled up a seat next to her.


“Sorry, I was just having a little fun.”


“I told you it was okay.” Krista nervously glanced up at JC and her eyes bounced around the room.


“You sure you’re okay?”  He frowned at her nervousness.


“Yeah, I’m great, just, uh, pre-show jitters.”  She said and JC smiled warmly at her as he patted her knee.


“You’ll do great, you always do.”


“Thanks.”  She looked down at her journal trying to hide her blushing.


“Hey do you wanna watch a movie or something on the bus after the concert?”


She looked up at him quickly, “Bus, huh?”


“Our tour buses?  The things that take us from venue to venue?” 


Krista blushed even more, “Oh yeah, I know.”  She said.


JC waited for an answer, “Well?”


“Well what?”  She looked up at him again and JC laughed,


“Krissie, Jesus, what have you been smoking?”  He said and she looked completely confused,




“Okay, let’s try this again.  Do you wanna watch a movie on the bus after the show tonight?”  He said much slower for her to understand.


“Why on the bus?”


“Better system, but if you don’t want to we could just watch one in my room.”  He shrugged. 


Jesus, her and JC alone together?  Yeah there was a good situation.  She’d probably end up molesting him again.


“Krissie?”  JC called to her,




“You, me, movie?”  He repeated once again,


“Oh, yeah, can I get back to you on that?  I’m kind of tired and don’t know if I feel up to it.”


“It’s a movie, if we fall asleep, it’s cool.  I’ll probably fall asleep, I’m pretty beat.”


“Then why don’t you just go to bed?”


“Because I wanna do something.”  He shrugged.  Krista’s mind was off again, her, JC, together, doing something, sleeping together, all that equaled to disaster.


“Krissie?”  He called out to her and she shook herself free of her thoughts,




“Man, what’s up with you? It’s like your not even here.”  He smiled down at her and she looked confused,




His smiling face became worried, “Exactly, are you sure you’re okay?” 


“I’m fine, I, uh, just forgot to take my medicine today.”  Krista blessed her disorder for giving her a way out.


“Wow, you really weren’t kidding about that.”


“About what?”  She asked and he sighed,


“Spunk I think you’re a lost cause tonight.”  He said shaking his head,


“Maybe.”  She replied, “I’ve got to go on.”  She got up,


“Well good luck Spunky, knock em dead.  Don’t be nervous, I’ll be watching from the side.  So, I’ll be right there with you.”  He squeezed her hand gently.  “I’ll catch up with you later.”


“Thanks.”  She mumbled and walked away.



