Chapter Fourteen


Lisa laid down while the director was filming other sections of the video.  Her hip was killing her; she had been on it way too long today.  She was tired and exhausted; all she wanted to do was go to bed.  She probably should have stayed at the hotel and taken the day off, but she wouldn’t trade her time at the video shoot for anything in the world.


Her phone rang and she picked it up, “Hey Jeff.”  She sighed tiredly,


“What the hell happened?”  He demanded and she sighed again,


“I’m fine.”


“Bull shit.  Carrie said that you were in the hospital.”


Carrie and her big mouth.Was, I’m out.  They just wanted to make sure I was okay to tour.”  It was a small fib, but anything to make Jeff chill out.


“What did Dad do?”


“Nothing.”  She lied,


“Lisa Marie Pratt, don’t fuck with me.”  It was obvious that Jeff wasn’t going to take a lie, so she tried a different route.


“Jeff, please calm down.”  She said softly and felt the tears burn behind her eyelids, being yelled at was the last thing she needed right now.


“Calm down?!  Fuck that Lee!  Don’t go there!”


“I have to protect mom, Jeff.  You know that.”  She said softly.


“And get yourself killed in the process?  He’s not worth it.”


“He’s your father Jeff.”  She replied quietly,


“When has that fucking bastard EVER been our father?  My fucking fondest memories of that asshole are ones where he used his belt to hit me instead of the switch because it hurt less!  Never has he ever done anything worthy of being a father!”


“Jeff, please, don’t get upset.”  She sighed and covered her eyes with her hand, “I promise you that I’m fine.  I’m in LA, doing the video shoot for a couple of days.”


“Till when?  Till you go back home and get your head bashed in?  Just leave Lee, don’t go back there.”  Her brother pleaded with her, the tears were evident in his voice.  She hated to hear her brother cry, he only did it when he was seriously scared.


A tear slipped down her cheek, “I can’t Jeff, why can’t you understand that?”


“I don’t want to go to your funeral Lee.”


Lee sniffled as she wiped away another tear, “You won’t, I promise that you won’t.”


“Don’t promise me Lee, because you’ll be lying to me.”  He said seriously,


“I’m not lying to you Jeff.”  She defended,


“How bad are you?”


“I sprained my hip and a few bruises from falling down the stairs.”  She said softly, knowing that her brother was going to flip.


“HE PUSHED YOU DOWN THE FUCKING STAIRS?!?!?  I’m going to kill him Lee.  I’m going to take a fucking gun and do what I should have done years ago!”


Lisa winced at her brother’s yelling, “Please calm down Jeff.  I don’t like it when you’re upset.”


“Well don’t go home and I wouldn’t get upset!  He fucking pushed you down the stairs! Damn it Lee, you could of broken your neck!  You could have died!”


“I know, it’s my fault.”


“NO!  Fucking A Lee.  It was NOT your fucking fault!  Get that thought out of your fucking head!”  Lee winced at her brother’s screaming and wiped away more tears.


“I know, but I pushed him, I really did.”


“No you didn’t Lee. Argh, I’m going to fucking kill him.”  Jeff muttered,


“Jeff please, just let it be.”


“Did you press charges?”




“Why the fuck not Lee?”


“Because I didn’t want too.”


“You could’ve DIED Lee.  No more dancing for you, do you understand?”


She closed her eyes, “I know what dead means Jeff.”


“If you don’t fucking call me next time, I’m going to go there and take him out.  I want to know.”


“Okay, okay, I’ll call you.”


“You promise to call me?”


“Yes, yes, I promise to call you.”


“Okay.”  He sighed, “I’ve got to go Lee.  I’ll talk to you later.  I love you.”


“I love you too, bye.”


“Bye.”  He replied and she hung up her phone.  She uncovered her face and jumped when she saw a concerned looking JC watching her.  “JC!  You scared me!”


“I’m sorry Lee.  Is everything alright?”


She wiped away her tears as she moved to get up, “Yeah, I’m fine, just a little tired, that’s all.”  JC helped her to stand up and handed her, her crutches, “Thank you.  I have to go fix my make-up, excuse me.”  She said softly and hobbled off.


          JC watched her leave.  He hadn’t meant too, but he had eavesdropped on her conversation.  He had been walking by when he had heard her sniffling.  He just wanted to make sure that she was okay.  Her conversation hadn’t been a happy one that was for sure.  This Jeff guy just seemed to be more trouble than he was worth.



