Chapter Fifteen

Tim drove deep into the country and finally parked by an old wooden bridge that was over a quiet stream.
“Tim where are we?”
“My favorite spot in the whole world.” The surrounding area was silent except for the crickets chirping and the water running by. Tim hopped out of the Jeep and Hannah did too. She looked around,
“Tim this place is amazing.” She whispered not wanting to disrupt the peaceful place. Tim walked toward the bridge and beckoned her to follow. He laid down the blanket and laid himself out on it.
“Come on.” He said to her and Hannah lay down next to him and stared up into the beautiful night sky. They laid there for a while not saying anything and just staring in awe of the sparkling universe above them.
“It makes you feel insignificant doesn’t it?” Tim asked, “Like any of your problems just aren’t that major out here.”
“Yeah it does.” The night sky reminded her of her first date with Nick. The sky was just as clear and just as beautiful that night. She was so torn over the situation. She wanted to be with him more than anything, but she knew she had to stay here. For Mike's sake, she had just found the guy and she was going to abandon the guy and the bar, how could she do that to her friends, the people who had become her family here? Her thoughts drifted back to Nick, his bright and laughing eyes, his smile, his lips, and his cute dimples. Hannah sighed woefully.
“You’re thinking about him, aren’t you?”
“Who Nick?”
“Yeah, you really love him don’t you?”
“More than most things in this world.”
“Why didn’t you go with him to Florida?”
“Because I’m needed here.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean I just got my twin brother back in my life and the bar, plus all of you guys.” Tim couldn’t believe what her was hearing.
“Hannah you mean to tell me that you gave up the love of your life for us?”
“You are so crazy.”
“Do you realize that you gave up the most pure true love; fairytale love? Most people spend their entire lives looking for that kind of love and you gave it up for what? A twin brother, a bar and some people?”
“Tim it’s more complicated than that.”
“Really.” Hannah was getting frustrated now.
“Yes, really, I have responsibilities here that I just can’t get up and walkout the door on.”
“Hannah, we won’t fall apart if you leave. We’d miss you like crazy but I think we’d understand.”
“I’m not saying that Tim, it’s just…” Tim stared at her.
“You’re scared that if you really let yourself love Nick you’ll get hurt.” Hannah was speechless; Tim had hit it on the head. She was scared; everyone she had loved had abandoned her, whether they meant to or not, Mike, her parents, her uncle, Nick, basically everyone. Granted she got Mike back, but…
“I’m right, aren’t I?” Tim asked. Hannah stared up at the sky.
“Yeah, you are.”
“Hannah you can’t hide here and miss out on this. Sure you may get hurt, but we’ll always be there for you. Like a safety net to-“
“Catch me when I fall.” She completed for him remembering Nick’s tattoo.
“Yeah.” He replied. She looked at Tim,
“You know this is the last conversation I thought I would be having with you.”
“You and me both.”
“What happened? What made you change your mind?”
“You did, you showed me how much you loved Nick. I can’t change that. What kind of person would I be if I tried to? That’s not me, what’s happening right here, is me.”
“I’m glad, you’ve been exactly what I've needed.”
“Well I try.” They sat there and talked some more and were there until the sun rose. Tim drove her to his place so that they could have breakfast.
“God look at me,” Hannah said when they walked into his apartment, “I’m covered in paint still. So you mind if I shower and possible borrow some clothes?”
“Sure, no problem. Let me see what I have that could fit you.” Tim went into his room and searched around. He came out with a pair of basketball shorts and a t-shirt.
“The shorts are mine but the shirt’s my little brother’s so it should fit. Plus, believe it or not I have underwear for you.”
“Timothy Lee Scott!!” She exclaimed, “You kinkster, I never knew!” Tim’s face turned a bright crimson,
“No! They were for my cousin, but they were too small so I was supposed to exchange them or something.” Hannah smiled,
“Okay, sure.” She laughed and he blushed even more.
“Whatever, go shower, towels are on the shelf.”
“Thanks.” Hannah grabbed the clothes from Tim and went into the bathroom. Tim went into the kitchen to start breakfast. He soon had bacon frying nicely on the stove and was about to start on the pancakes when Hannah’s cell phone started ringing. He left the kitchen and answered it.
“Hello? Tim?” It was Nick; he surprised to hear Tim’s voice again. Tim smelled something burning and turned towards the kitchen to see the bacon on fire.
“Shit!” he yelled out and dropped the phone on the couch. He raced over and doused it with baking soda. The fire had just been extinguished when Hannah came out of the shower and smelled the smoke and went into the kitchen.
“What happened?”
“Breakfast, flambé style.” Tim joked waving away the smoke. She laughed and shook her head,
“Why am I not surprised?” Tim laughed and nodded towards her.
“Well I see the clothes fit.”
“Yeah I had to tie the string on the shorts pretty tight but it’ll do until I get to my place. I left my clothes in your room. I’ll grab them when I leave.”
“Well as long as my girlfriend doesn’t see them I’ll be fine.” He joked and Hannah rolled her eyes.
“I’m sure Polly the blow up doll won’t mind.”
“It’s okay, in fact tomorrow’s laundry day. I’ll just throw it in with mine, if you don’t mind.”
“Breakfast and he doing my laundry. You are a keeper.” Hannah looked at the mess in the kitchen.
“On second thought why don’t I take you out to breakfast. I owe you for last night.”
“Now what kind of gentleman would I be if I let you pay for me?”
“A smart one. Now go shower, I’m gonna go back to my place and change. I’ll be back in a few and we’ll go, okay?”
“Kay.” Hannah walked towards the door and noticed her phone on the couch and picked it up.
“Oh yeah,” Tim said, “someone called but I don’t know who because the kitchen caught fire and I dropped it.”
“Oh,” She looked at it and recognized the number.
“It was Nick, huh.”
“What? Oh yeah, he called yesterday morning but you were really tired.”
“Okay thanks, catch you in a few.”
“See ya.”

Nick hung up his phone and sat there in a daze. He couldn’t believe what he had just heard. He couldn’t understand what was going on. So many questions were racing around in his head. Why was Hannah at Tim’s again? Why were they going to breakfast? It sounded like they had spent the night together. How could Hannah do that to him? He was so confused, didn’t she love him anymore? Was that week just a joke? Did she just play him? He needed another person’s point of view on the situation, so he went and found Kevin. He was in his studio fooling around with some tracks.
“Hey Kevin? Can I talk to you?”
“Sure, Nick come on in.” Nick came in and sat down next to him.
“What’s up Nick?”
“Kev, I need your advice on something.” Nick went on and told him about his two calls to Hannah. Kevin listened intently,
“I don’t know, but it does sound pretty fishy that suddenly she needed some space but every time you call she was over at Tim. Both times it did sound like they spent the night together, but my advice would be to call her and ask her. Don’t go assuming things, okay?”
“Okay, but one question, would you be pissed if you were in the same situation, you know, with Kristen?" Nick said asked and Kevin thought a minute,
“Yeah, would be pissed, but we’re in a different situation. If she spent the night at some guy’s place she better have a damn good reason. But in your case, technically she’s a free agent, even though it’s shitty, but then again so are you.”
“No, I’m not. I only want her that’s all. There’s no other girl for me.”