Chapter Fifteen


The concert that night was definitely not one of their best and it was all Krista’s fault.  During their whole set she could feel JC’s eyes boring into her and it made her forget parts and was off.  The normal person couldn’t see it; only the people who knew their music inside and out could tell, mainly, Dan, James and Pauley.  Krista was so thankful when her set was over and was able to go back to the hotel.  All she wanted was a long hot shower and her bed.


          Dan knocked on Krista’s door,

“Hold on!  I’ll be right there!”  She yelled from inside.  Suddenly the door flung open and Krista was there pulling her wet hair up on top of her head.  “Dan!  Come on in hon!”  She said backing up from the door letting him in.  Dan walked in and Krista shut the door with her foot as she finished with her hair.  Dan silently paced the room not knowing how to start.  Krista saw this and was instantly worried. “Dan, what’s wrong?”  She asked gently.


“I’m trying to figure out how to tell you.”  He said looking down,


“Well, just tell me.”  She said softly,


“I don’t want to upset you.  It’s the last thing I want to do.”


“What’s the matter?  What’s going to upset me?”


“What I have to tell you.”  He said and there was a knock on the door.


“Hold that thought.”  She said and answered the door,


“Hey Krissie!”  It was JC and Dan clenched his teeth.


“Hey Josh, what’s up?”


“I said that I was going to stop by after the concert and see if we could hang out and watch a movie or something, remember?”


“Oh, yeah.”  Krista said and looked back at Dan and then back at JC, “Really this isn’t the greatest time.  Maybe some other time.”


“Oh, yeah.”  JC said and the disappointment was apparent in his voice, “That’s cool.”


“Kay, I guess I’ll talk to you tomorrow.  Later Josh.”


“Night, Krissie.”  Krista watched JC walk away and then shut the door. 


She went back to Dan, who was now sitting on her bed, “Sorry about that.”  She said and sat down across from him.


“Didn’t mean to ruin your evening plans.”  He shrugged,


“I didn’t have any plans.  So what’s going on in that mind of yours, Dan?”


“I don’t know Krissie, I’m real worried that’s all.”


“About what?”


“You mostly, and the band.”


“What do you mean, me?”


“Tonight, you were a bit off, that’s all.  We can’t afford that.”  He frowned even more.


Krista sighed and shook her head, “I know, I’m sorry I don’t know where my mind was.”


“Did you forget to take you’re medicine?”  He asked looking up at her.


She shook her head vigourously, “No, I took it.  I ALWAYS take it, I know how I am without it.”


“I know, I know, it’s just what it felt like.”  He took a deep breath, “Is it because of JC?”  He asked gently and looked at her.


She looked away, “I don’t know.” 


“Be careful Kris, that’s all I’m saying.  You can’t let your head get in the clouds over some guy.  I know how you feel about him and how it can be really exciting to have his attention suddenly-”


She interrupted him, “We’re just friends-”


“I know you’re friends but, I mean, what if he wants more?  I really need you to keep your head in the band and in our music.”


“It’s not like that with Josh.”  She said half lying to herself,


“You mean to tell me that you haven’t thought of him, you know like that?”


“Well yes, I guess but I don’t think-”


“Krissie, I need you to help me with this.  Paul and Jim are great but you know we are the ones that hold it together.  If you’re off in la-la land over JC, I don’t have you to help me keep it together.  I can’t do it by myself.  I really like what we’ve created with the four of us and I don’t want to make you choose, but I don’t know what else to do.”  He said and his shoulders slumped in defeat.


Krista reached over and touched his arm gently, “Dan, I will always choose the band.  You guys are my family, my loyalty lies with you, Pauley and Jim.”  She said seriously and Dan took a deep breath.


“Okay, I really appreciate it.  I know I was stupid to bring it up.”


“No, it’s cool, you had your worries.  I’m just glad that you felt cool to come to talk to me about them.”


He smiled a little smile at her, “Well you’re kind of my only option.  Paul and Jim aren’t the best listeners.”


“You don’t need to tell me that.”  She laughed, “So you wanna hang out tonight?”  She asked,


“You don’t want to hang out with JC?”  He asked skeptically.


“I hang out with Josh all the time, we never hang out like we used to.”  She reasoned with him and he nodded,


“Kay, yeah, what do you want to do?”


“Movie?  Twister?  Miniature golf?”  She listed,


“There’s a miniature golf course here?”


“I don’t know but when has that ever stopped us before?”


“You are so right.”  He agreed and they set off to find a course.  There wasn’t one near the hotel so they created their own in the hallway with Pauley and James.  They used furniture from the rooms, plastic cups and putters that Pauley had in his room.  The game turned a bit rowdy when Pauley and James brought the beer and turned on music.


          Krista had fun hanging out with the guys.  JC had been taking up a lot of her time and Dan was right.  She needed to concentrate on the group and keep them together.

The next day the group dragged themselves out of bed, they were all a little hung over from the night before.  Krista broke out into laughter when she saw the hallway, the hotel was not going to be happy with them.  Most of their furniture and objects were strewn allover the hallway.  It was hard to imagine how they got to their rooms with out killing themselves.


“Holy shit!  What a night!”  Pauley said rubbing his head groggily,


“Did we really do all of this?”  James exclaimed looking around,


“Looks like it.”  Krista said flipping a chair upright.


“Who wants water and aspirin?”  Dan asked and the trio raised their hands.  “It’ll be right up, let the hotel staff take care of this.  Go shower.”  He directed and the group nodded.


After they were all set to go, the sleepy group went to pack the bus.  Krista could barely stand up straight.  She leaned against the bus and fell asleep.


“Krista!  Krissie!”  Someone yelled and Krista groaned,


“What?”  She asked grumpily.


“Whoa, someone had a bad night.”  JC joked coming over to her.


“Shh!  You’re so loud!  I actually had a good night, too good of a night.”  She said standing up again and rubbing her forehead.


“Really?  Where’d you go?”


“No where, our hallway.”  She said as Dan and James came down to the bus,


“Kris, you forgot your water up in my room.  Did you get aspirin?”


“Yeah, hon, thanks.  Remind me not to suggest miniature golf when we have to get up early the next day.”


“You played miniature golf?  I thought you said that you didn’t go out.”  JC inquired crossing his arms.


“Shh!  Jesus Josh you’re yelling.”  She said wearily waving him off, “We didn’t go out.  I told you we were in our hallway.”


“Someone’s a little hung over.”  Dan teased taking his bag and shoving it under the bus. 


Krista flipped him off, “I wouldn’t be so hung over if you actually lost sometimes.”  She retorted, Dan took her bag and shoved it under the bus.


“Yeah, when did you get so good at golf?”  James said as he shoved his bag under the bus as well and Dan shrugged,


“I’ve been playing with Chris and Justin in our down time.”  He replied and he ushered Krista over to the door of their bus. 


Justin popped down to the bus area, “What the hell did you guys do to your hallways?  The hotel staff was bitching up guys up and down.”  Dan, James and Krista just laughed to themselves.


“Wait you guys played miniature gold in your hallways?”  JC said having everything finally click together.  James smiled and nodded. 


Dan pulled Krista’s arms around his neck, “Come on girly girl you need to sleep.”


“It’s all your fault, Dan.”  She said climbing up on his back.


“Bye guys.”  She half waved as Dan carried her on to the bus.



