Chapter Fifteen

JC scanned the club from the VIP railing looking for Larson.  He was anxious to find her and meet this Jason guy.  He wanted to know why he was date material and he wasn’t.  Though he’d never let her know that.  Larson had called him a little while ago and was on her way to the club.

“Dude, stop staring at the entrance.”  Chris teased coming up next to him.

JC gave him a side glance, “I’m looking for Larson.  She’s coming here to meet us.”

A grin jumped onto Chris’s face, “Doc’s coming?  Cool shit!  Why didn’t she come with you?”

JC wondered how he was going to answer that question.  It WAS weird that Larson didn’t come with him.  “She’s coming with…friends.”

Chris wiggled his eyebrows, “Ah, are they hot?”

JC almost laughed, if Chris only knew, “I don’t know, maybe.”  He shrugged,

“Come on, lets get another round.”  Chris suggested, “Doc knows where we’ll be and she’ll find us.”

JC gave one last look to the entrance before sighing, “Kay, I could use a drink.”

Chris laughed, “That’s what I like to hear.”

Larson and her friends walked into the club, “Come on the VIP’s over here.”  Larson waved everyone to follow her. 

Jason wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her close, “Aren’t we Miss the shit.”  He teased, “VIP all the way.”

Larson laughed and kissed his cheek, “I just want you to meet my friends.  Plus…I am the shit.”  She winked,

Jason grabbed her ass playfully, “You definitely are.”

Larson laughed even more, “Thanks for coming.”

He smirked and leaned into her ear, “Hey baby, I ain’t coming…yet.”  He teased with a twinkle in his eyes making Larson burst out with laughter once again.  She was so glad that Jason was here, if only for a short time.  He always knew how to lift her spirits and the fact that she got to relieve some sexual tension…well that was just icing on the cake.

Jason tugged on her waist, “How about we go dance?” 

“After we tell the guys that we’re here.”  She replied, “Then you can feel me up all you want.”

“But I want to do it now.”  He whined playfully,

“You are.”  She told him nodding to his hand that was still seated on her ass and rolled her eyes.

Jason gave her ass another squeeze, “Guess, you’re right.”

“Dude, stop molesting L.”  Their friend Seth came up next to them, “Let her breathe so we can get into VIP.”

Jason sighed, “Fine, let’s go.” He said pulling Larson with him.

          They were allowed into the VIP section and Larson glanced around.  She didn’t see JC or any of the guys.

“Well, where’s Mr. Fancy Pants?”  Jason teased and Larson shrugged,

“I don’t see him, he must be around.  He usually doesn’t stray too far.”

“Then can I have you do dance?”

Larson grinned up at Jason, “You act like you haven’t been able to get your hands on me all night.”

“I got a taste and now I can’t get enough.”  He growled into her ear and she flashed a grin at him as she nodded to the dance floor.

          Seth and his girlfriend Kat smiled at the couple as they made their way over to a table to sit down.  Larson and Jason made their own little spot on the edge of the dance floor.  Immediately Jason pulled her close, keeping his hands on her at all times.  Larson didn’t mind the attention Jason was giving her, she was a woman and she had needs.  She moved her body against him as they grinded away to beat playing through out the club.

“Hey, it’s Doc and it looks like she has a friend.”  Chris mentioned when he saw Larson on the dance floor with Jason.  “Damn, I never knew she could move like that.”

“Huh?”  JC said turning around and almost spit out his drink, “Damn.”  He said swallowing quickly.  He’d never seen Larson move that way either.  Then again, the last time they had been in a club together, all they did was talk.  Apparently, Larson was not in the mood to talk tonight.

“Dude, I hope Doc knows that guy.”  Chris muttered,

“It’s her date.”  JC spat out almost too bitterly.

“Jealous much?”  Chris retorted as Lance walked up to the two.

“What are you guys…” He spotted Larson on the dance floor, “Whoa!  Go Doc!”  He cheered and JC shot him the dirtiest look he could muster.

“He’s all over her.”  He muttered,

“I’ll take care of it.”  Lance said and before JC could protest, Lance was strutting over to her.

“Oh God.”  JC muttered as he watched Lance circle Larson from behind and start dancing with her.


          Larson felt someone come up behind her and start dancing with her.  She glanced behind her and grinned when she saw that it was Lance.  She danced with him for a few minutes before Jason began to get jealous and pulled her closer to him.  Larson just laughed at Jason’s antics.  She nodded off to the side, motioning him to follow her.

          Larson led the two men off the dance floor.  Jason didn’t let Larson get too far without his arm around her waist.  When they were in a clearing Larson turned to Lance, breaking away from Jason and hugging the bass singer, “Hey Lance.”  Lance hugged her back, “Hey Doc.  I was excited to see my girl here tonight.  Where’s my other girlfriend?”  He teased.

Larson grinned at him, “Home, she had a ton of work to catch up on because of the whole Florida trip.”

“Oh that’s a shame.”  He pouted, “Maybe I’ll call her to cheer her up.”

“I’m sure she’d love that.”  Larson glanced back at Jason who had claimed Larson in his arms again, “This is my friend Jason.  Jace, this is the love of my life Lance Bass.”  She introduced,

“Aw Doc, you’re going to make me blush.”  He teased and shook Jason’s hand, “It’s nice to meet you.”

“Yeah, same here.”  Jason answered gruffly.

“Have you seen JC?”  Larson asked Lance, “I was looking for him before and I couldn’t find him.”

“He’s at the bar with Chris.”  He replied,

Larson did a little jump, “I didn’t know that Chris was here too!  JC just said that he was out with friends before, he didn’t say it was you two!”  She exclaimed excitably.

“Yeah, well he didn’t tell us that you were coming out either.  He’s weird.”  Lance shrugged and then waved him to follow him, “Well come on.”

Larson slid her hand down to take Jason’s as she pulled him to follow Lance, “You have to meet these guys, they’re the best!”  She gushed sounding like Mel.  Then she stopped suddenly, “Oh wait!  Seth and Kat!  We forgot about them!”  She took Lance’s hand and dragged both men over to the table that Seth and Kat had occupied.  “Guys, you have to meet-”

“Doc, baby.”  Lance soothe her excitement with his southern charm, “You wait here and I’ll get the guys.”  He winked making her grin,

“Thanks honey pie.”  She flirted back.

          Lance left and Jason shook his head at Larson, “You’re a gushing teeny bopper.”

Larson was slightly offended, “I am not.”  She protested.

Jason smiled at her and bopped her affectionately on the nose, “Yes, you are.  You’re completely giddy over pop stars.”

Larson pushed his hand away, “They’re not pop stars to me.”  She protested, trying to give Jason the evil eye. 

He simply wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close, “No, they’re LAAAAAANCE, the love of your life.”

“It’s an inside joke.”  She explained,

“Sure it is honey pie.”  He mocked her and she rolled her eyes,

“You’re a pain in the ass.”

Jason reached down and grabbed her ass with both hands, “Is that an invitation?”

“What if it was?  What’re you going to do about it?”  She challenged him.

Jason leaned in closer, staring her straight in the eye, “Fuck you like you should be, right here on the dance floor.”

“AHEM!”  Someone cleared their throat loudly and Larson turned to see three Nsyncers eyeing her questionably.  A smile lit up her face as she left Jason’s arms to hug Chris and JC.

“Hi!  I was wondering where you guys were!  We didn’t see you when we walked in.”

“Yeah, it’s hard to see things when a guy’s attached to the front of you.”  Chris teased and she pushed him playfully,

“Stop.”  She shook her head, “Guys, these are my friends, Jason, Seth and Kat.”  She looked at her friends, “Guys, this is Chris, Lance and JC.”  She introduced everyone and cordialities were passed around between everyone.  They all sat down at the table that Seth and Kat were at.  Jason made sure that Larson was sitting close to him, practically on his lap.  JC took the other side of Larson, followed by Lance and Chris.

“So,” Jason placed his arm around Larson’s shoulders, “L never told us how she befriended all of you guys.  I mean it’s not like you guys hang around schools, right?”

Larson nudged Jason for his jab, “Will you stop?”  She scolded him playfully, “I was introduced to JC by one of my former students.”  She explained,

“How is that?”  Seth asked,

“I told you guys about Sam and the basketball game.”

“Oh yeah.”  All three of them said together.

“Then I was trapped on an elevator with JC and after that we just kept running into each other.”  She shrugged, “Lance and Chris just came along with the territory.”

“Kind of like a packaged deal.”  Jason teased, “What?  No matching outfits?”

Larson shot Jason a hard look and was about to scold him again but Chris butted in, “No man, we only wear our coordinated outfits when we work.  Right not we’re off duty.  Though we’re looking for a new member because Justin’s gone solo.  You look like you’d fit in perfectly.  We wouldn’t have to change a thing.”  Chris joked making everyone laugh except for Jason. 

He squeezed Larson’s side, “L, I wanna go dance some more.”

She gave him a look, but relented, “Yeah sure.”  She looked back at the table, “We’ll be back in a bit.”  She waved and let Jason lead her away form the group, “You know, you don’t have to be so rude.”

He looked back at her, “They were rude to me.”

“Only after you were rude to them.”  She shot back and noticed that he was leading her towards the exit of the VIP section.  She pulled back, “I thought you wanted to dance.”

He stopped and turned to her, “I do, I just wanted to dance on the main floor.”

Larson didn’t budge, “Why?”

Jason crossed his arms, “Are you too good for the common dance floor?”

Larson couldn’t believe he even said that, “It’s just too crowded for me.  I don’t enjoy it.”

“So you ARE too good.”  He challenged pointing a finger at her and Larson ran a hand through her hair,

“What is going on with you tonight?  Why are you acting like a pouty little boy?”

“Oh, so now we’re into name calling?  Is that something you picked up from your pop star friends?”  He sneered.

Larson glared at Jason, ready to have it out with him, till she realized something, he was jealous.  She started laughing, “Oh my God, you’re jealous.”

“I am not.”  He protested,

Larson laughed even harder and held her stomach, “Yes you are!  That’s why you’re acting like this!  You are completely jealous of those guys.”

Jason crossed his arms completely pissed off at Larson at this point, “Will you stop?”

Larson’s giggles died some, “You know they’re normal guys, who do normal everyday stuff.  JC’s idea of a good time is pizza and a movie.”

Jason rolled his eyes, “And he just happens to have millions of dollars sitting in the bank.”

“So, that doesn’t mean anything.  They’re normal people, just like you and me.”

“You’re telling me that Justin Timberlake is normal?”

Larson smirked, “That’s an isolated case.”  She teased and took Jason’s hand, “But these guys are really great, down to earth kind of guys.  They’re my friends and I’d appreciate it if you’d be nicer to them, out of respect for me.”

Jason sighed as he pulled her into his arms, “Fine, but only because of you.”  He brushed his lips over hers lightly.

“Thank you.”  She replied and then smiled up at him, “Who knows, you might find out that you like them.”  She teased,

Jason rolled his eyes, “Ha, yeah right, we ain’t got that much in common.”

“You all own benzes.  There’s a common trait.”

“Yeah, but I only own one, not ten.”

Larson rolled her eyes, “JC only owns like five.”  Jason gave her a look and she laughed, “I’m kidding. I actually don’t know how many cars he has.  I think it’s like four and one of them he gave to his little brother.”

“That was nice of him.”

“Cuz, he’s a nice guy.  He bought his parents and each of his siblings a house.”

“Damn, can I be related to him?”

“See?  He’s a really nice guy who happens to be in the music business.  He just wants to make other people happy.”

Jason smirked at her, “You have a crush on him.”  He teased.

She groaned, “God, not you too!  We’re just good friends.”

“I’m not saying you’re not.  But you have a crush on him!  You get all sappy when you talk about him.  You absolutely light up.”

“I do not.”  She protested, pulling away from Jason.

Jason only grinned more, “Okay L.  How long have I known you?  I’ve seen you through multiple crushes.  You’re crushing on JC big time.

Larson covered her face, “I’m not having this conversation with you.  I’m going to the ladies room.”

“You know I’m right.”  He yelled back at her as she walked away.

Larson came back to the group only to find the Nsync boys sitting at the table.

“Jason and Seth and Kat, went to get another round of drinks.” Lance said as JC moved over so she could sit next to him.

“Okay, thanks.”  She let out a deep breath, “Look, I’m sorry Jason was so rude before.  He’s usually not like that.”

“Doc, don’t.  We all worked everything out.”  Lance grinned at her and Chris smirked,

“Yeah, we’re used to guys being jealous of our mad manly talent.”

Larson giggled, “Okay, good.”

          Lance and Chris went off into a conversation and JC nudged her gently.  He leaned over towards her, “Are you okay?”

She turned to face him, “Yeah, why?”

“I noticed you arguing with Jason before.”

“Oh.”  She rolled her eyes, “I kind of reamed him out for being rude to you guys.  No biggie.”  She shrugged,

“Okay.” He smiled warmly at her, glad to have her individual attention, “I just didn’t want you to have a bad time.”

“I’m not.”  She said returning his smile, “Just how me and Jason are.”  She shrugged, “I just hope he didn’t ruin your time tonight.”

“Nah, he couldn’t even if he wanted to.”  JC said flirting slightly, okay so he was outwardly flirting, so what?  He wasn’t going to let Jason take over Larson tonight.

A drink was thrust between their faces.  Larson and JC sat back and looked up to see Jason standing there with a smirk on his face, “I thought you’d be thirsty.  It’s an amaretto sour.”

Larson gave Jason a tight smile, “Thanks.”

“No problem honey.”  He said sneaking in a kiss before sitting down on the other side of her.  He draped an arm around her shoulders and leaned around the side of Larson to talk to JC.  “So, JC, tell us about yourself.  What do you do for a living? Oh wait I know that one!”  He laughed, obviously having had a few drinks while he was apart from Larson.

“Jason.”  Larson shot him a hard look and he feigned innocence,

“What?  I’m trying to make conversation.”

Larson shook her head and sighed, obviously frustrated with him.  JC had to smirk at the situation.  It was apparent that Jason wanted everyone to know that Larson was his.  The only thing was, the way he was acting was repulsing her more than attracting her.  Jason would be lucky if she even wanted to be in the same car with him when they left.  JC sat back, “So Jason, we all know what I do for a living and we know what L does for a living, what is it that YOU do for a living.”

Jason looked surprised that JC would even ask something like that, “Oh, I’m a broker on Wall Street.”

JC leaned in a little, “Isn’t that a stressful job?”

“Not if you’re good at it.”  Jason scoffed arrogantly.

JC ignored his comment because he knew that it was one more nail in Jason’s coffin, not his, “So how’s the market looking these days?”

“Depends on what market you invest in.  Pick a good one, the market looks great, pick a bad one, the market looks like hell.”  He shrugged,

Larson looked at JC, “You’re good at financing, right?”

JC smiled back at her, “Well, my financial advisor is.  So he should get all the credit.”

“I could so use one of those.”  Larson mentioned,

“Well in three years you get one.”  JC joked,

Larson was confused for a moment, “Three years…”  Then it hit her, “Oh that’s right!  Rock on, you gonna pay off all of my school loans too?”  She teased,

“Sure babe, I know you’re just looking for a sugar daddy.”

“With a nice ass.”  She teased back. 

Suddenly Jason stood up, “I’m going to use the restroom, excuse me.”  Jason said shortly and walked off.

JC gave Larson a smirk, “Well, I guess I didn’t make friends with him.”

Larson rolled her eyes, “Jason’s a jealous prick sometimes.  Some things never change.”

“I don’t want to cause problems between you two.”

“You’re not.  Don’t worry about it. If there’s one thing I can handle, it’s Jason.”


Larson squeezed his hand, “I’m gonna go catch Jason on his way out.  I’ll be back.”  She said getting up and leaving the table.

          Lance slid over to JC, “You’ve got a thing for Doc, don’t you?”

JC rolled his eyes, “Wow, you’re right on top of things aren’t you?”

“Well, it’s pretty obvious, don’t you think?”

JC stood up, “I’m getting another round of drinks, anyone want anything?”

Lance shook his head at JC’s obvious dodge of the conversation, “Yeah, sure.”

JC went up to the bar and ordered another round.  He was dodging Lance’s questions because he didn’t know how he felt about Larson.  He loved spending time with her and it was irking him that she was spending so much time with a jerk like Jason.  His only comfort was the fact that Jason was acting like such a jerk, that Larson wouldn’t want anything to do with him.

A hand tapped his shoulder and he looked to see Jason standing there.  This should be good.  JC turned to face him, “Hey man, what’s up?  I just ordered, do you want anything?”

Jason gave him a look, like he couldn’t believe that JC was being this nice to him.  “Look man, I just wanted to chat with you.”

JC looked back at the busy bartender before looking back at Jason, “What’s up?”

Jason leaned in, “L’s my girl.”

JC raised an eyebrow at him, “Okay, what’s that have to do with me?”

“I’m not stupid man, I see how you look at her.  I just wanted to set things straight.”

JC leaned back, “Well, look man, maybe you need to talk to L, because she doesn’t think that.”

Jason rubbed his forehead, “That’s only because I’m on the east coast and she’s here on the west coast, but things are going to change.”

“Are they now?  Does Larson know this?”

Jason shook his head, “No, she doesn’t, but that’s not the point.”

“Then what is the point Jason?”

“Do you honestly think you have a chance with her?”

JC was taken back by his comment, “What makes you think I want a chance with her?”

Jason rolled his eyes, “Like I said I see the way you look at her.  Just think about it, she has a DOCTORATE, from UCLA, that’s not some schlump school she went to.  Have you even set foot in a college?”

“What does that have to do with anything?”

“Please, who ever heard of a doctor dating a pop star?  It just doesn’t make sense.  What would you have to talk about?  She has to stay here and do her job, she can’t be flying everywhere and partying it up every night.  She needs a man with a nine to five job.  Your worlds just don’t fit together, they never will.”

At that moment the drinks arrived and JC grabbed them before turning to Jason, “Thanks for the chat.”  He said and walked away.  Inside JC was fuming, what right did Jason have to tell him if he was right for Larson?  That was Larson’s decision to make, not his.

          When he got back to the table, Larson was no where to be seen.

“Doc’s off with that jerk she came with.”  Lance answered JC’s silent question.  “I don’t understand what she sees in him.  He doesn’t seem like the type that she would hang out with.”

JC sat down, “He’s an old friend from college.  I think she’s changed a lot from then.”  He shrugged.  “Though, I have a feeling that we’re not going to see much of her for the rest of the night.”  JC was right, they didn’t see much of Larson after that.  She spent the night by Jason’s side and it was obvious that he didn’t want to spend it near the Nsync guys.



