Chapter Fifteen


Everyone went straight back to practice when they got back from LA and the pop video shoot.  Lisa was determined not to miss any practices, even though Wade had excused her.  She wanted to dance, moreover she NEEDED to dance.  Even though she was still on crutches, she could do the arm movements and get her placing.  She went over to Wade as everyone prepared for practice, “Hey, where do you want me?”  Wade looked her over,


“On the couch.”


“Oh,” She said disappointedly, “Kay.”  That had to be a sign that Wade was replacing her for sure.


“Lee, you’re injured babe.”  He smiled,


“I’m a lot better.  I’ve worked through injuries before. It’s no big deal.”


“You’re on crutches hon. You need to rest so that you’ll heal faster.  Trust me the faster you get better the sooner I can put you back in.”


“You’re really not going to replace me?”


Wade shook his head, “No, I’d be insane to replace you.”


Lisa shrugged, “I’m a cripple, no one would blame you.”


Wade rested his hands on her shoulders, “Lee, I know a good dancer when I see one. I also know a hard working dancer when I see one. I bet that if you take some time off, at least till you’re off your crutches, within two days tops, you’ll be up to speed.  Heck I’ll even work with you on my down time to help.”


“You’d do that for me?”


“I haven’t seen anyone who’s more dedicated and hard working than you Lee.  Everyday you give me 210%.  You put your heart and soul into this job and to me, that’s worth more than any other dancer I could get to replace you.  So take a rest and get better, okay?”


Lisa smiled a small smile, “Okay.”


“Good.”  He patted her shoulder before walking over to one of the guys.  Lisa made her way over to the couch and slowly sat down.



Towards the end of practice Lee was still taking notes on everything she saw Wade doing with everyone.  This was she could practice in her down time.  She happened to look at the door and was surprised to see her brother’s face smiling back at her.  She waved a little wave back and slowly made her way over to the door.  He opened the door for her,


“Hey Lee.”  He grinned,


“What are you doing here?”  She said walking through the door to hug her brother.  He lifted her up off the ground in a big bear hug.


“I had to make sure that you were okay for myself.”


She closed the door, “I told you that I was fine.”


“Yeah, because crutches are the newest fashion fad.”  He retorted, rolling his eyes.


“Stop, I won’t need them much longer.”


“You shouldn’t need them at all.”


“Jeff,” She sighed, “Please don’t do this.”  She said and leaned against the wall next to the door.


“I know you want to protect mom, but Lee, she lets him do this to you!  Look at yourself!  He could have ended your life!”


“I know Jeff, but if mom calls me, I’m going to go.  What if something happened to her?  I couldn’t live with myself if it did, it’d be all my fault.”


“No, Lee, God, you don’t have to protect mom.”


“If I don’t do it, who will?”


“The police, it’s their job.”


“Oh yeah, the police who all sit in daddy’s pocket.  Good call Jeff.” Lisa rolled her eyes as her phone rang and she picked it up, “Hey,” She turned away from Jeff, “…yeah, no problem mom…yeah, I’ll be right there.”  She hung up and looked at her brother,


“No, you’re not fucking going.”  He said crossing his arms trying to keep in his anger,


“I have too, Jeff.  Please come with me?”  She pleaded,


He thought it over for a few moments before screaming and slamming the wall with his fist, “FUCKING A LEE!  Grab your shit and let’s go!”  He exclaimed throwing his hands up into the air.


“Okay, okay, I’ll be right back.”  She said softly and slowly made her way back into the studio.  Everyone was on break and stared at her as she entered. 


Carrie went over to her, “Is everything okay out there?”


“Yeah, Jeff’s upset and I have to go.”  She said,


“Lee…” Carrie warned handing Lee her things,


“I have Jeff, I’ll be fine.”  She replied and Carrie nodded,


“Call me?”


“Yeah, I will.”  She said giving Carrie a half hug before leaving.


         Dee looked up worriedly at Carrie when she came back to grab her bottle of water. “Where’s Lee going?”


“Off with Jeff.”  She replied,


“Oh, is everything alright?”  She asked worriedly,


“I don’t know, most likely not.”  She sighed with a shrug, “She’s her own person and anything I say won’t get through to her.”


          JC was off to the side and watched the whole situation.  He couldn’t understand what Lisa saw in that huge thug, Jeff.  Any time she spent time with him, she always came back with some sort of bruise on her.  He didn’t like the situation what so ever.  The other thing that JC couldn’t understand, was why Carrie let her go off with guy.  It was obvious that Carrie knew, from the worried looks that she always had on her face when Lisa went off with him.  This was going to drive him crazy if he didn’t do something about it soon.




