Chapter Sixteen

“How’s my girl?”  JC rang over the phone, “I can’t believe I finally nailed you down.  We’ve been playing phone tag the whole day.”

“Yeah, I’m busy as hell.  I can’t talk long.”  Kiora said as she watched JC having lunch with a friend.  She was in a car across the street.

“When are you going to be done tonight?”  He asked,

“I’m not, I’m pulling an all nighter at the office.”  She said and saw JC lean back in his seat,

“At the office, you’re going to sleep there?”  He said teasingly.

“Who has time to sleep?”  She retorted, “I actually may work at my place, that way when I’m done I can just fall asleep in my bed.”

“I can stay at your place.”  JC offered,

“No, that’s quite all right.  You’ll be bored.”

“I don’t mind.”  He said frowning slightly.  JC realized that she was pulling away from him.

“I don’t need to be distracted and you in my bed is one hell of a distraction.”  She flirted and she saw the smile spread across his face,

“Okay.  Do you want me to bring you dinner or anything?”

Damn, he was trying everything and she truly wanted to give into him.  “Nah, I’ve got delivery, but thank you.”

“So, I’m not going to see you today?”  He asked pouting slightly,

Kiora needed to get off the phone before she gave into him.  “Nope, sorry.  Hey, I’ve got to go.”

“Okay.”  JC sighed, “Bye Kee.”

“Bye JC.”  She said and hung up the phone. 

The next morning Kiora slumped down in her chair as she drank down her coffee.  She had attempted to sleep last night at the office, but it wasn’t a good one. 

“Well, if that’s not the scariest thing I’ve seen in the world.”  Russ teased when he walked into her office.  “Wait, those clothes look familiar.  Either, you haven’t gone home, or your washer broke.  Hold on, you don’t know how to use a washer, so I’ll go with the first option.”

“Fuck you Russ.”  She muttered from behind her coffee mug.

“Tempting, but I’ll save the fucking for JC.  Did you even sleep last night?”  He said leaning against the edge of her desk.

“Tried too, but I couldn’t sleep.  I think it was something I ate.”  She groaned rubbing her stomach.

“Uh huh.”  Russ smiled to himself, knowing the real answer, “So, what do you need from me sunshine?”

Kiora had about enough of Russ’s smug, perky attitude, “Some days I wonder why I even have you as a partner.”

“Because you love me.”  He grinned at her, knowing that she could never be that mad at him.

“Yeah, something like that.  I need those forms signed.”  She said throwing a folder over to him, “Put them on my desk and I’ll get them when I get back in.”  Kiora stood up and stretched a little. 

Russ flipped through the folder, “Are you field scouting today?”

“Yeah, I haven’t done much here in Florida.”

“Kay sweetie, have fun.”  He waved as she walked out of her office,

“Thanks.”  She waved.

“Hey.” Kiora yawned as she answered the phone.  She sat back in her bed at her apartment.  It was midnight and she had been going over her field scouting for the past couple of days, trying to find anything that could help her catch JC's stalker.  Of course she had been avoiding JC as well, trying to come to grips on her feelings for him.

“Hey, where have you been?  I’ve been trying to reach you for the past couple of days.”  JC said slightly upset.  Kiora had been avoiding his phone calls and trying everything she could to keep from contacting him.  The only thing she had been managing was a couple of text messages and a few voicemails so that he wouldn’t worry about her.

“Sorry, I haven’t really been able to answer my phone lately.”  She said evasively,


“Um, because I’ve been working.”  She retorted, not wanting to argue with JC, but couldn’t help herself.

“Working?”  JC said suspiciously,

“No, I was fucking Russ.”  Kiora she said shortly.

“Well, I don’t know, because I haven’t seen you or talked to you in a couple of days.”  He shot back at her. “But I’m sure you’ve talked to Russ eight times today.”

“God damnit, Jace, I’ve been working like crazy.  I’ve barely had time to shower, never mind cheat on you!”  It did actually hurt that JC would even think of her like that, “That hurts that you would even think that, knowing how Russ and I are!”

JC knew he had crossed a line and immediately softened, “Okay, okay, I’m sorry. I just miss you.  Are you coming over tonight?”

“No, I’m half asleep now.  I’d never make it.”  She yawned again, gathering up her work.

“How about I come over to your place?  I don’t mind, I miss having you in my bed.”  He pleaded.

“Ooo, me too.”  She yawned again and placed her work on the floor beside the bed.

“Give me your address and I’ll be there in ten.”  He was willing to do anything to see her.

“Jace,” she whined, “I’m about to fall asleep.  I’d never make it and you’d be locked out.”

“You could leave the house unlocked.”  He suggested.

“That would require me to get…out…of…bed…” She yawned to emphasize just how tired she was.

“Come on Kee…”

“Hmm?”  She said sleepily,

“I’m going to see your place one of these days.  Tonight’s a good night.”  He said hopefully.

“Mmm, good night.” She said and hung up the phone.

“Kee?”  JC questioned and realized that she had hung up on him, “Damnit Kee.”  He muttered.



