Chapter Sixteen


JC wandered around the Klemmers “camp” looking for Krista.  She had been acting very strange lately and he couldn’t figure out what was wrong.  He didn’t think he did anything to offend her in any way, but it just felt like she was ignoring him.  He really missed her and was now on the search for her.


He heard music and decided to follow it.  He came upon Dan and Krista, each with a guitar.  They appeared to be writing together.  Dan was singing softly and she was playing along.  JC kept out of sight as he watched them.  Each of them was completely involved in the song, barely noticing anyone around them.  He could see why they were the heart of the band; they were what kept it going and kept the band at the top of its game.  JC really admired them for that.


They apparently finished the song they were working on and JC was about to step into the room when suddenly, Dan launched into another song.


“She doesn’t own a dress, her hair is always a mess,”


Krista rolled her eyes at his song.  JC immediately recognized it as Train’s, “Meet Virginia”.

Dan smiled even more as he kept singing the song.

“If you catch her stealin, she won’t confess,
She’s beautiful.
She smokes a pack a day, oh wait, that’s me but anyway.
She doesn’t care a thing about that, hey,
She thinks I’m beautiful.
Meet Kristina.”


Krista shook her head as she packed up her guitar and her journal.  JC caught the smile on her face and knew she was laughing at Dan’s playfulness.

“You’re a dork.”  She told him as she began packing up the papers they had been writing on.  Dan ignored her and kept playing the song.

“She never compromises, loves babies and surprises.
Wears high-heels when she exercises.
Ain’t that beautiful?
Meet Kristina.”


She rolled her eyes again and tried to ignore his singing.  Dan kept right on singing to her as she worked around him, cleaning up their area.

“Well, she wants to be the queen,
Then she thinks about her scene.
Pulls her hair back as she screams,
I don’t really wanna be the queen.” 
Dan paused from his singing, “I never knew how much this song reflected your life.  Are you sure you didn’t date one of the members of Train when they wrote this song?”


Krista rolled her eyes at Dan, “Yeah, I wish, they’re hot.”


“As hot as JC?”  Dan teased her and she pushed the side of his head,


“No, not even close.”  She retorted and Dan picked up the song again.

“Her daddy wrestles alligators, mama works on carburetors,
Her brother is a fine mediator for the president.”


Krista snorted at the brother comment, “Yeah, okay.  Pauley and the President.  I’d pay to see that one.”


“Well here she is again on the phone,
Just like me, hates to be alone.
We just like to sit at home, and rip on the president.
Meet Kristina.”


“You can stop now, you know.”  She said placing her hands on her hips.


“And what fun would that be?”  Dan smirked and launched into the chorus.

“Well she wants to live her life,
Then she thinks about her life.
Pulls her hair back as she screams,
I don’t really wanna live this life.”


“You need serious help, you know that?”  Krista said shaking her head and Dan laughed out loud,


“Have you listened to these lyrics?  Even your name fits into the song perfectly.”


“Except that the name they use is Virginia, not Kristina, which as you well know, no one EVER calls me Kristina, not even my parents.”


“It still fits.”  Dan said and went on with the song,

“She only drinks coffee at midnight, when the moment is not right.

Her timing is quite unusual.
You see her confidence is tragic, but her intuition magic,
And the shape of her body – unusual.”


Krista rolled her eyes, “Yeah, thanks.”  She muttered and Dan laughed again,


“In a good way Kris, in a good way.  You know you have men eating out of the palm of your hand.”


This time Krista laughed out loud, “In what warped world are you talking about?”


“You have JC.”  He countered and JC’s ears perked up at the mention of his name.


Krista rolled her eyes, “I so do not!”  She protested, “We’re just friends and you know it.”


“Oh please the man follows you around like a puppy dog.”  He teased forgetting about the rest of the song.


Krista sighed, “More like I follow him around.  Remember, I’m the star struck little teenie?”


“Not for the past couple of days you haven’t.”  Dan paused to think, “Actually, it’s like you’ve been ignoring him.”


Krista shrugged off Dan’s observation, “We’ve both just been busy, you know how it gets when we’re on tour.”


Dan shrugged and shifted his guitar to his back to make it easier for him to pick up papers, “Yeah, well I heard from a reliable source that he thinks that you’ve been ignoring him.”


Krista stood up quickly, “From who?  Whatever, I don’t care.”  She said throwing up her hands in surrender, “I haven’t been ignoring him.  I’ve just been busy, you know writing for our next album, that we’ve been recording while we tour?  Remember?”  She said throwing her attitude at him.


“I know, I’ve been writing too.”  He said taking off his guitar and rolling his eyes at her.


Krista huffed and crossed her arms, “I don’t get you.  First you’re all up in arms because I talk to the guy and now you’re all trying to get me to hang out with him.”


Dan shrugged, “You wrote an awesome song with the guy.  I’m hoping that you’ll write another one.”


Krista stomped her foot in frustration, “I’m not buying that excuse Daniel Houghton.”


Dan let out a deep breath, “Fine, you just don’t seem your happy-go-lucky self lately.  You’re just off and I think it’s because you haven’t been able to see JC.”


Krista’s lips formed a tight line, Dan was right.  She had really missed hanging out with JC, more than she would admit to anyone.  She placed her hands on her hips, “So, if I hang out with him, I fuck up the band, if I don’t than I fuck up the band.  Tell me Dan, what am I supposed to do?”


Dan sighed, “I didn’t say that Kris.  I guess, all I’m saying is that I want you to be happy.  I sure haven’t figured out how to do that.  I guess you’re the only one who can.”


“Dan, I’m just lost.”  She sighed unhappily.


“Why?  Everything was fine in the beginning of the tour.”


“Yeah, well that was before.”  She admitted, biting her lip.


Dan narrowed his eyes, “Before WHAT?”  As JC eavesdropped on the conversation, he wondered the exact same thing.


She blew out a deep breath, “SEE?!  I try to talk to you about it and you flip out and go all big brother on me!  This is why I can’t talk to you about anything!”


“Kris…” Dan sighed and Krista threw up her arms,


“No, forget you, I try to open up to you and you just become this huge asshole.  Maybe that’s my problem Dan!  You’re just a big fucking asshole!”


“You don’t mean that.”  Dan sighed again,


“No, maybe I really do!  I’m sick of you always telling me what the fuck to do.  All I try to do is please your fucking ass and I get screwed up in the process!”


“You don’t fucking care what I think and you don’t always do what I tell you to do, because if you did, we’d be together and everything would be fine!”  He screamed back at her,


“No, everything wouldn’t be fine, because we’d be like this!  Fighting like cats and fucking dogs!  We broke up two years ago and you still can’t let go of the past!”


“Maybe because I’m still in love with you!  Maybe that’s why I can’t let it go!”  He yelled at her and she fell silent and turned away.  Dan sighed and took a step towards her, “Kris, I’m sorry.”


She turned around, “For what? Being honest with me for the first time in two years?”


“Yes, no, I don’t know.”  He sighed again and rubbed a hand over his head, “Honestly Krissie, I just want you to do what makes you happy.  I wish I did, but I know that I don’t and I’m okay with that.”


“Dan, you did make me happy, you still do, but as my friend.  It means a lot to me to have you in my life.  I’m sorry that I couldn’t make you happy.”


Dan smiled a small smile, “Yeah.”  He shook his head as if to say something, but then changed his mind, “I should go get ready for the show.”


Krista raised an eyebrow at him, “The show’s in six hours.”


Dan looked around, “Yeah, I’ve got stuff to do.”


Krista nodded, knowing that Dan just wanted to get out of the situation, “Okay, see you later.”


“Bye Kris.”  He kissed her cheek and left the room.


Krista sighed and picked up her guitar, ready to just chill by herself.  A knock on the doorframe drew her attention.  She looked up to see JC standing in the doorway.  She inwardly groan, wanting only to be by herself.

“Hey Josh.”  She said quietly and snapped her guitar case shut.


JC took a tentative step towards her, “Hey, you okay?”  He asked softly,


“Am I ever?”  She retorted.

“I used to think so.”  He replied,


She rolled her eyes, “Whatever, I have to go.”


JC stopped her, “Hold up Kris, I feel like I haven’t seen of talked to you in days.”


“Yeah, I know.  Tours get busy.”  She shrugged.


“Are you busy right now?”


“Kind of.”  She lifted her guitar case, “I’ve got stuff to do.”


“Look, if you need to talk, you know, about Dan and—”


“What are you talking about?”


JC sighed, “I was looking for you and heard you and Dan fighting.  You guys weren’t that quiet.”


Krista sighed, “Me and Dan fight all the time, don’t mean nothing.  We’ll always fight.  You don’t have to worry.”


“Okay, okay, look just give me a call later, okay?  I just want to hang out with you.  I miss you.”


“Yeah, okay.”  She relented and walked towards the door.  Suddenly she stopped and turned around, “Um, this is going to sound like we’re in high school, but, you wanna walk me to wardrobe?”


JC grinned and chuckled, “Yeah.”



