Chapter Seventeen

Emma went to the airport. She was so excited to see Kitty and have her on tour with her. Needless to say Kitty was excited, in fact she was ecstatic. Which is why she decided to pick up Kitty alone, so that she wouldn’t maul the poor guys when she saw them.

Emma had had Kitty flown in on her private plane and met her on the runway. Kitty practically ran off the plane.

“Emma!” She yelled,

“Hey hon!” She shouted back at the tall brunette ran into her arms and they hugged, “How was your flight?”

“Fantastic, private planes are always the best. Thanks so much for flying me out! Are the guys here?” She asked and Emma laughed,

“You have a one track mind.”

“When it comes to five hot guys, yes it is!” She declared,

“Well the boys aren’t here, they had stuff to do, but we’re gonna go meet them for lunch.” Emma said and they began to walk to the car with her luggage.

“I cannot believe that I’m gonna have lunch with Nsync! Eeee!” Kitty exclaimed and Emma laughed,

“What am I gonna do with you?” She said shaking her head,

“Take me to the boys of course!” Kitty said hopping into the awaiting car.

“Of course, what was I thinking?” Emma said getting in behind her. The car took off and Emma sat back in her seat, “Now Kit, you’re not going to freak when you see the guys right?”

“Me? Freak?” She exclaimed holding a hand to her chest, “You’re damn right I’m gonna freak. It’s fucking Nsync!” Emma burst out laughing,

“Well at least try to play it somewhat normal. I told them that you were, well, normal.”

“Hey that was your fault!” Kitty laughed,

“All I ask is that you TRY to not hurt them.”

“Okay, I’ll TRY.” She smiled mischievously.

The girls were a little bit early for lunch and as usual the boys were behind schedule. They settled into the hotel restaurant to wait for the guys,

“I’m so glad you’re here now Kitty. I’ve missed hanging out with you.”

“Emma, you KNOW how happy I am that I’m here. What’s the bus like?”

“Cramped, think of it, six people in tight quarters.”

“Oh come on! Like it was hell to have to spend all that time near JC.” She rolled her eyes dramatically then leaned in over the table, “So have you done the dirty deed yet? I’ve been dying to know.” Kitty wiggled her eyebrows at Emma as she turned a bright crimson,

“No, not yet.”

“Really? I thought you two would be like rabbits, all that pent up sexual tension for three months. I know I would.”

“Well, I’m not you, am I?” She laughed and winked at her best friend, “It’ll happen one of these days, I guess we haven’t really had a chance. We’ve been traveling for the past couple of days, plus,” She said with a twinkle in her eye, “I love the anticipation.”

“Tease.” Kitty shot at her,

“Slut.” Emma retorted playfully and they began laughing.

“This is going to be a great couple of weeks, you, me and five hot guys.” Kitty said and Emma agreed,

“It is, it is.” Emma glanced up, “Hot studs, two o’clock.”

“Where?” Kitty said turning around. She gasped to herself, it was the guys and she whipped back to Emma, “That was NOT funny.” She hissed and then sighed glancing back at the approaching guys, “Why do they have to be so hot?! I think I’m having palpitations.” She whispered to Emma and the guys reached the table. Emma stood up as JC came over and kissed her hello,

“Hey you, were you waiting long?”

“Not that long, it was okay. It gave us sometime to catch up a little.” Kitty nudged Emma from under the table and she turned to the guys,

“Hello guys.” She waved and then pulled Kitty up next to her, “This is my best friend Kitty from back home, Kitty this Joey, Chris, Justin, Lance and JC.” She said and feeling weird calling him JC. Joey muttered, “Meow.” Under his breath but loud enough for Emma and the guys to hear it. Kitty quickly did a little wave to the guys,

“It’s so nice to meet you guys, I’m a huge fan.” She said rather calmly and the boys all greeted her. Joey piped up,

“Hey Emma, she’s not half as bad as you said that she would be, We’re all in one piece still.” He joked and Kitty shot Emma a hard look to which she just gracefully smiled,

“Okay so maybe I embellished on the normal part.” She teased and Kitty shook her head laughing with her.

For the rest of lunch Kitty was actually quiet. Emma figured that she was in shock from meeting the guys. Joey though had been eyeing her from the moment he laid eyes on her. He made it a point to sit next to her and chatting her up. Kitty was eating up every moment of his attention, desperately trying to keep herself from drooling. The funny thing was that Joey was trying to do the same thing.

“Looks like Joey’s eyeing Kitty.” JC leaned over and whispered in her ear.

“Joey eyes anything with legs and boobs. Kitty’s no exception.” She mused and he chuckled. Emma rubbed his leg under the table and he put his hand over hers, squeezing it gently. Emma looked at him and smiled warmly, JC returned the smile.

“HEY LOVE BIRDS!” Chris yelled and the two looked his way.

“Yes Chris?” Emma replied.

“Stop gawking at each other, I want to be able to eat my food.”

“Oh stop, they’re cute.” Kitty interjected,

“More like sickening.” Justin teased,

“Watch it curly, I know where you sleep.” JC teased lightly and slung his arm around her shoulders.

“Like you’d ever leave your bed with Emma.” He shot back.

“You think I wouldn’t go with him? I think I’d have a wonderful time shaving your eyebrows.” She laughed and Justin put a hand to his eyebrows,

“You wouldn’t.”

“Try me.” She smiled mischievously and everyone laughed.

They had fun chatting and eating lunch. Afterward the girls headed back to the hotel to settle Kitty in while the boys did a photo shoot.

Kitty dropped her bags in the suite,

“I can’t believe I get to spend the next two weeks living in places like this.” She walked around in awe.

“Kitty, you act like you’ve never been in a hotel suite before.” Emma laughed and led her to a room.

“Not one like this.”

“Come one, this is our room, though I’ll basically be staying with Josh.”

“So I get the rest of the guys?” She grinned,

“If you can handle them.”

“Oh, I’ll handle them, the question is, can they handle me?”

“Kitty I’m so glad you’re here.”

“So am I baby, so am I.”

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