Chapter Seventeen

JC was flipping through channels on the TV when he heard the door open.

“Hello?”  He yelled,

Kiora appeared in the doorway of the living room, “Hey.”  She smiled and quickly joined him on the couch.  Kiora sighed contently as she snuggled into his body.

“A ‘hey’ is all I get after a week?”  He retorted and she kissed him quickly,

“Let me nap for a little bit and you’ll get lots more than a hey.”  She said snuggling down and closing her eyes.

“I missed you Kee.”  JC said softly and wrapped his arms around her.

“I did too, work sucks.”  She mumbled, her voice barely audible because it was buried in his chest.

“Take a nap baby.”  JC stroked her hair.


Kiora woke up the next morning snuggled into JC’s chest.

“Man, have I missed my pillow.”  She yawned and stretched, before snuggling back down into his arms.  This was the one place she had been dying to be all week.

“Nice to know I’m missed.”  JC pouted playfully,

“You are, trust me.”  She grinned up at him, “That was a great nap.”

“Nap?” JC scoffed, “You slept for fourteen hours.”

Kiora hadn’t slept much all week.  Though she wouldn’t admit it to anybody, she was pretty sure that it had everything to do with the fact that JC wasn’t there to hold her.  “I needed it, thank you.”

“You work too hard.”  JC sighed wrapping his arms around her.

“I know I do.” She agreed.  All Kiora did was work, it was her life… until she met JC.

“Were you at more clubs?”  He asked, wondering where his girlfriend was all week long.

Kiora drew absent designs with her fingers across JC's chest, “A few, but most of the time I was writing reports and finishing up research.”

“For the whole week?”  JC frowned, wondering how much Kiora actually did for her father’s company.  He was beginning to think that it was Kiora who actually ran the business instead of her father.

“There were a lot of them.  I barely slept this whole week.”  She yawned again,

JC sighed, “You’re going to burn yourself out.”

“Nah, I’m used to this.  It’s cool.”  She looked up at him, “I like working in spurts.  That way I get a lot done and I have more time to concentrate on other things.”  She said walking her fingers up his chest playfully to his lips. Using her fingers, she traced them lightly.

“Could I be one of those other things?”  He said huskily and bit the tip of her finger, drawing it into his mouth.

“You’re the only thing I want to concentrate on.”  She said pulling her finger from his mouth and wrapping her arms around his neck as her phone rang.  Kiora sighed, “But I need to get that before I can concentrate on you.”

JC groaned, “Do you have too?”

“It’s Russ, yes.”  She grinned and rolled over to answer her phone, “Hey shit head….Ha, ha…yeah I’m feeling better, thanks…no, I left them on your desk……If you’d stop fucking your secretary on your desk, you wouldn’t misplace so many things.”  She laughed out loud, “Yeah, okay Russ….Uh huh, I will, you too.  Bye Russ.” Kiora rolled her eyes and hung up her phone.  She rolled back into JC's arms, “That boy is going to be the end of me.”  She said playfully.

“You’re really close to Russ.”  JC observed.

She shrugged a shoulder, “Yeah, we are.  He’s my best friend.” 

“Did you ever date him?”  JC questioned,

She shook her head, “No, never.”

“How did you meet him?”  JC asked as he brushed her hair out of her face.

Kiora laughed out loud, “That’s quite a story.  See, it’s hard to believe, but I was slightly wild when I was a teenager.”

“You?  No way.”  JC chuckled.

“Yeah, I know.  Well anyways, I was sixteen and working for my dad.”

“Wait a minute, you worked for your dad at sixteen?”

She nodded, “The business has been my life for as long as I can remember.  It’s all I know.”  She shrugged, “It’s a good thing I love my work, huh?”  She teased, “Anyways, Russ came in to interview for something, I forget what, but I had just been with my dad and he had completely blown me off, so I was pissed.  I decided that I was going to piss him off by embarrassing him.  So, I walked by the guys who were interviewing, saw Russ, who was the cutest one, climbed on his lap and proceeded to make out with him right there.  Daddy was pissed off beyond belief, Russ was hired and we’ve been friends ever since.”  She grinned,

JC mouth drooped in shock, though knowing Kiora, he really shouldn’t be.  “You made out with him?”

“Yeah, but that would totally never happen now.  Russ is like a brother to me.  I’ve known him for so long and know so much about him that there’s no attraction between us.”

“Ahh, okay, so I never have to worry about him?”  He grinned and traced her cheek.

“Never, we’re just really close.  We take care of each other.”  She admitted with a little shrug.

A light of recognition came over JC's face, “So you do have someone who takes care of you.”

“Yeah, you.”  She smiled and kissed him, “Why that is, I still haven’t figured it out.”  She teased.

JC didn’t think he could ever get enough of her smile.  “Kee,” JC said caressing her face, “When you care about someone, you take care of them.”

“I know that.”  She rolled her eyes, “I guess I’m not used to someone other than Russ taking care of me.  No one’s ever really wanted too.”

“That’s so sad honey.”  He whispered and tightened his arms around her.  He never wanted her to feel that way ever again.

Kiora saw the pity in JC's eyes and couldn’t take it, not from him.  “Not really, I’m just self-sufficient.”  She grinned, trying to change the mood of the conversation.

JC wasn’t going to let her, “Well, you don’t have to be with me.  I like taking care of you.”

Okay.”  She said, “What are your plans for today?”  She said changing the subject, she was emotionally tapped out and it had been a week since she had gotten any.

“I was thinking of spending the day here in bed.  Wanna join?”  He asked, wiggling his eyebrows at her.

Kiora bit her lip, knowing that was EXACTLY what she had in mind.  She stretched herself on top of him, “That sounds like heaven, cowboy.”



