Chapter Seventeen

Lisa spent the next week or so, watching everyone practice while she sat on the couch.  It was her personal torture, she would rather be out there dancing, but knew that she needed to rest her leg in order to get it back to full strength.  The only time she wasn’t at practice, was when she spent time with the tour’s physical therapist.  But each day she spent away from dancing, made Lisa sadder and sadder.  That and the fact that each day she had to go back home to her father.  Lately he had been laying off, mostly because he was so busy with his work, but he always found time to get in a hateful word or a back hand to her.  Though, she should be happier, because she didn’t need to stay at her house any more.  Her father was going away for work.  Lisa could stay at the hotel and not worry about her mother at all.  She could be free from his torture, at least for a little while.

“Hey babe, what’s up?  You look so sad.”  Carrie asked Lisa as she flopped down on the couch next to her, when they were on a break,

“Nothing.”  She sighed, “I just wish I could dance with you guys.”

“You will, soon honey.”  She smiled reassuringly,

“I know.”  Lisa shrugged sadly and Wade walked over to them,


She looked over at him, “Yeah Wade?” She replied and got up off the couch.

“Don’t get up, hon.” Wade said hurrying over to her,

Lisa waved him off, “Don’t worry about it Wade, I need to stretch.”  She walked a few steps, “It’s good for me, I swear.”

“Okay, if you say so.”

Lisa grinned, “I say so.  So what did you need me for?”

Wade’s face brightened at his ingenious idea, “I’ve found something you can do, even with a hurt hip.”

“What?”  She asked excitedly, she would kill to dance.

“Be JC’s girl.”  He grinned and her mouth dropped,

“Ex-excuse me?”  She sputtered and blushed, “What the hell are you talking about?”

“In the show Lee.”  Wade replied calmly, slightly shocked at her reaction.

“Oh…” Lee turned an even brighter shade of red, “sorry, I didn’t understand.”

Wade grinned at his favorite dancer, “S’okay, but it’s cool.  You just have to walk and have attitude, which I know you have.  It’ll be easier for your hip, because then you get to cut out of the one dance earlier.”

“Oh really?”  She said slightly disappointed and Wade laughed,

“It’s not that bad Lee.  I wanted to make it easier on your hip.”

She twisted her fingers around each other, “I know, I appreciate that.”  She looked away.

Wade tipped up her chin to look at him, “So you’ll be JC’s girl?”  He teased,

“Wade, are you pimpin’ for me again?”  JC teased coming over to the group. 

Wade looked back at him, “Yeah, like you need me to do that for you.”  Wade teased back.

“So true, so true.”  JC laughed and looked over at Lisa, “So you’re going to be my girl?”

“Um, I guess so.”  She shrugged trying to keep calm.

“Good deal.”  He smiled, “We should have dinner first, huh?”  He teased and her eyes grew wide as a frighten look came over her face,

“Oh no, I can’t…”  Lee fidgeted nervously looking away from everyone.

 JC noticed her nervous state and laid off, “I was just kidding Lee.”  He said softly and she faked a smile,

“I- I know.”  She shook her head wishing the floor would open up and swallow her.

“Well, now that, that’s settled.  We should probably get back to practice.”  Carrie interrupted everyone, “We have a lot to get through.”

“Very true Carrie.”  Wade agreed and turned towards the group.

“Come on girl. Let's get you back to the couch.”  Carrie said steering Lisa over to the couch.

“Thank you.”  Lisa said softly.

“Can't you see that he wants to talk to you?”  She whispered back,

“He was just teasing me.”  She shrugged, “Doesn't mean anything.”

“It could.”

“Carrie you have to get back to practice.” Lisa said sitting down on the couch.  She was tired of this argument with Carrie.  Why the hell would JC want anything to do with her?  She was a nobody and a cripple, there was nothing special about her at all.

After practice Lisa walked over to Carrie, “Ready to go?”

Carrie looked up at her, “You’re coming back to the hotel?”  She asked completely surprised,

“Yeah, well Jeff’s on tour and my dad’s away on a long business trip, so yeah, I am.”  She shrugged slightly. 

Carrie jumped up and hugged her tightly, “That’s the best news I’ve heard all day!”

“Yeah, I’ve missed you too.”  She replied and Carrie pulled away,

“You’re not pulling my leg are you?  You’re seriously going to be around for awhile?”

“Till we go on tour, well then I’ll be around anyways, but yeah.  I’m free.”  She smiled at her best friend,

“He’s completely gone and he’s not coming back?”

“He’s coming back to Louisiana, but I won’t be here then.”  Lisa said softly,

“And he can’t touch you on tour!”

“Carrie.”  Lisa warned looking around nervously, hoping no one was hearing their conversation.

“I’m sorry, I just can’t believe that you’re free.”

“Yeah.”  Lisa said and Carrie linked her arm through hers,

“This is like the best day EVER!”  She cheered and Lisa laughed glad to be free from her father’s torment, at least for a little while.



