Chapter Eighteen

Roxy blindfolded Hannah, led her into the back of her car and shut the door.
“Quick Tim, put her suitcase in the trunk.”
“Okay, does she have any clue?”
“None, this is going to be great.”
“Are we meeting everyone there?”
“Yeah, I can’t believe our luck with that radio contest, it’s almost too perfect, our own private after party with the Backstreet Boys. I couldn’t have planned it any better.” Tim shut the trunk,
“Well let’s get going.” He said and they hopped into the car.
“Guys can I take this blindfold off?” She asked not really liking the fact that she was blindfolded.
“No.” Tim and Roxy said together.
“Well where are we going?”
“If we told you then we had to kill you.” Roxy said and Hannah sighed,
“Funny, come on.” Tim turned the music up really loudly,
“Do you hear something Roxy?” Roxy smiled and shook her head,
“Nope, nothing.” Hannah sighed and sat back in her seat. They drove for what seemed like hours. Finally they stopped and Roxy and Tim got out of the car leaving her in there. She sat there and waited for them to get her but they didn’t. After what seemed like forever the car door opened, a hand grabbed her and pulled her out of the car.
“Come on.” It was Garrett; Hannah was totally confused now,
“Garrett?! What are you doing here? Where am I?” Garrett just chuckled,
“You figure out soon enough.” He led her to a small group of people, she recognized the voices, it was the gang.
“Guys what are you all doing here? What about the bar?”
“Closed, for a special occasion.” Kerrie said and Hannah was getting frustrated now,
“What special occasion?”
“You’ll see let’s go.” Anna said and then the group led her through a bunch of things and Hannah knew they were at some sort of an arena. So she figured out that they were going to some sort of a show, but what was with the blindfold still? Finally they got to their seats and sat down.
“Where are we guys, really. I want to take this blindfold off. I know we’re seeing a show of some sort.”
“Nope, just sit there and be quiet.” Kerrie said and the group laughed. Hannah tried to figure out where everyone was. She figured that Mike was one side of her and Tim was on the other. Garrett, Anna and Sam were behind her and Roxy was next Tim Kerrie was next to Mike, but where the hell was Alex. She heard him cough and she knew that he was sitting behind her. Then she tried to figure out what show they had brought her to. It was a fairly large arena and she heard echoes all over the place. She also heard lots of young girls voice but some older ones too.

She could feel the building fill and the talking became louder. Suddenly someone whipped off her blindfold and Hannah looked around, they were in a sea of teenyboppers! She saw signs that said, ‘B-rok, you rock my world!’, ‘Howie we love you!’, ‘BSB Rules!’ Hannah grinned at the guys
“You brought me to a Backstreet Boys concert?”
“Yep,” Tim said, “it’s sort of a present.” She looked puzzled. “You’ll see.” He said with a wink.
“I’m amazed that you boys are here.” She said.
“I just hope you realize, just how much you mean to us. We’re risking our reputation for you, now that’s friendship.” Alex said and Hannah laughed,
“You’re right.” Her heart skipped beats knowing that she was going to see Nick and she could barely contain herself.

Nick had such an urge to drive to Hannah’s place and have it out with her. His lack of concentration was killing the guys even thought they understood. He just didn’t even know where to start to solve his problem. He ran out onto the stage trying to push all his thoughts of Hannah away. He needed to do a good job; he owed it to the boys. Only thing was that he wasn’t prepared for what he saw when looked into the crowd.
Hannah’s heart was in her throat, Nick looked so good on stage that she wanted to jump him right there. She just wanted to touch him and feel his arms around her. Then their eyes locked and something peculiar happened. A look of fear came over his face and then turned to anger. Hannah couldn’t figure out what was wrong with him. That angry stare was on his face every time that he looked in her direction.
Tim noticed Hannah’s worried look,
“Hannah, what’s the matter?”
“Every time Nick looks at me, I get this angry stare like he’s mad at me.”
“It’s probably part of the act. I’m sure it’s nothing.”
“I don’t know.”
“Well,” Tim said as he squeezed her hand, “you can ask him later.” He impishly smiled.
“What do you have up your sleeve, Timothy Scott?” Tim didn’t answer but kept on smiling to himself.
Nick couldn’t believe her nerve. Not only did she show up, but she brought Tim, too. It made him sick. Each time he saw them touch or smile at each other he wanted to jump down there and rip Tim’s heart out because that’s what it felt like to him.
The concert was fabulous, but right before the last song ended, big body guards came and led them away.
“Where are we going?” Hannah asked but nobody answered her. They were led to a huge room with lots of food and an open bar. It was great because Hannah was starved. After she got some food she went up to Roxy,
“Roxy why are we back here?”
“It’s a surprise.” Was all she replied and Hannah gave up asking any questions because it was pretty obvious they weren’t going to tell her anything. She was chatting with Garrett and Anna when she saw AJ and Howie walked in and she almost dropped her drink. She looked at Roxy and Tim who were beaming. She shook her head and tried to calm the butterflies that were doing the mambo in her stomach. AJ and Howie were making the rounds when Brian and Kevin walked in together. Hannah wondered where Nick was. There was other people around, two she recognized as Kristen, Kevin’s wife and Leigh Ann, Brian’s wife.

Hannah couldn’t take it anymore and excused herself to go to the bathroom. She walked out of the room and looked down the hall. Nick was walking her way, she hurried down the hall towards him. Nick saw her and looked shocked and then angry to see her.
“Hey stranger,” She smiled at him, “imagine meeting you here.” She went to move in closer to him when he stopped her.
“Don’t come near me.”
“Okay.” She said slowly as she backed up a little. “Nick what’s wrong? You haven’t returned my phone calls and you’re giving me that look.”
“What look Hannah? If you’re referring to the look of I've-had-my-heart-ripped-out-and-stomped-upon, you’re right.” Hannah was confused,
“Nick, I-“ she tried to say but he interrupted her.
“You know what, don’t talk to me. I can’t believe you, you say that you love me and then go shack up with some other guy. Then you have the fucking nerve to bring him here and flaunt it in my face! Who the hell are you? You are NOT the Hannah Amour I grew up with! She had a little bit of respect for herself and wasn’t a whore!” Nick’s last words sliced through her heart, but he wasn’t done yet. “I just want to know Hannah, was it good? Was IT FUCKING GOOD!!!” He yelled and punched the wall next to him. “I hope it was worth throwing everything we had out the window! I will never forgive you for this!” Hannah had tears pouring down her face,
“Nick what are you talking about? I haven’t done anything, why are you saying these things? I love-“
“No! Don’t say that! You don’t mean it!”
“I do mean it, why are you acting like this? I don’t understand!”
“Please, I’m not an idiot and I’m not blind, Hannah. Get out of here you make me sick.” He spat out at her and brushed by to walk into the party. Hannah leaned against the wall and sunk to the floor sobbing. Mike came out of the room and immediately went to Hannah.
“Hannah! What happened?”
“I want to go home, Mike.”
“What did Nick say to you?”
“He doesn’t want me anymore. He thinks I have someone else! I don’t know what he’s talking about!” She sobbed and Mike held her in his arms. Roxy came out of the party and was shocked to see Hannah on the floor.
“What happened?” Hannah was crying too hard to replied so Mike answered for her,
“Nick doesn’t want her anymore, he dumped her, their entire relationship.”
“What? That can’t be right.”
“Yeah, well she’s not like this for fun. We’re going home.”
“Go out to the car and wait for me. I’m gonna tell the gang.” Mike nodded and picked up the sobbing Hannah and left. Roxy went back into the party and found Tim.
“Where’s Hannah, I can’t wait to see her face!” he said to Roxy.
“Hannah’s going back home.”
“Nick apparently dumped Hannah, completely and wants nothing to do with her. She was a mess out in the hall. Mike took her to the car. They’re waiting for us, let’s go.” Tim shook his head,
“No, not till I get a word in with Mr. Carter.” He said pushing up his sleeves. Roxy tried to stop him,
“Tim, no, not here.”
“Then where Roxy? Out of my way.”
“We got your back, Tim.” Alex said and both Garrett and Sam agreed with him. Tim marched right up to Nick with the boys in tow. Nick was talking to Howie and Tim pushed Howie out of the way and got right up in Nick’s face.
“You got some nerve, asshole! What you think you’re a superstar, so you can play god with people’s feelings?” Nick tore right into Tim,
“Look who’s calling the kettle black, Tim. You couldn’t stand it that she loved me could you? The moment I was out of town you made your move on her.”
“Made my move? I didn’t make my move on Hannah. We’re just friends!”
“Yeah fuck friends! God every time I called her you picked up the phone and then I find out that she moves in with you!”
“Hannah loves you! The past couple of months she’s been pining away for you!”
“And conveniently you were there to comfort her. Bet it was fun, how good is she in the sack, Tim? Huh?” Tim was ready to beat the crap out of Nick.
“Hannah was living in my guest room because she was so depressed about you that we were scared for her, we thought that she would do something drastic!”
“Nice story, too bad I don’t believe you!”
“It’s not some story! Nick if I was really trying to steal Hannah from you, why would I be standing here defending her and trying to get you two together? That’s why we all came here tonight so that you two could get together. She had no idea about any of this! God Nick we even had a suitcase packed so that she could leave tonight with you!” Nick was now speechless but Tim went on, “Hannah’s my friend, she’s like my little sister, and she deserves better than you. Now if you even breathe in her direction, I will hurt you. That’s a promise.” Tim turned and walked out of the party room and the group quickly followed him out.

Nick couldn’t believe what had just happened. Was he wrong about Hannah? His heart wanted to believe Tim, he loved Hannah so much. Now it all kind of made sense, what Tim had said, he had been so man to her and he had been completely wrong. How the hell was he going to fix this one?