Chapter Eighteen


Larson picked up the ringing phone, “Hello?”


“L?  Hey it’s JC.”


“Jace, hey!  What’s up?”  She greeted happily.  They hadn’t talked since his birthday party.


“Um, nothing hon. Is Mel home?”  He asked and Larson frowned,


“Mel?  Oh, yeah.  Hold on.”  She said and JC didn’t miss the disappointment in her voice.  Larson ran up stairs, “Mel, JC’s on the phone for you.”


Mel came out of her room, “Kay thanks.”  She replied taking the phone and going back into her room.


          Larson slowly walked back down stairs.  That was weird, why was JC calling for Mel and not for her?  It was like he didn’t even want to talk to her.  Was something happening that she didn’t know about?  Mel had been completely evasive since Larson had begun asking her about it.  What exactly happened at JC’s birthday party?



          Later on that night Mel ran down the stairs to the door, “L, I’m going out.  I’ll be back later!”


“Kay, have fun!”  Larson shouted from her room and looked out her window to see JC standing besides his car.  He looked up and saw her in the window.  He smiled and waved up at her before greeting Mel and helping her into his car.


“Okay this is just plain weird.”  Larson said to herself.  Why is Mel hanging out with JC?  It almost looked like they were going on a date.  Why would they go on a date?  Why were they getting so close now?  Why didn’t JC call her anymore?  They had basically stopped talking ever since his birthday party.  He never came over to visit her and she was really upset at that. 



Larson knocked on Mel’s doorframe, “Mel?”


She didn’t look up from her computer as she typed, “Yeah, L?”


Larson leaned against the doorframe, “Can I talk to you for a moment?”


Mel finished typing her sentence and turned around , “Sure babe, come on in, what’s up?”


Larson stepped inside and sat down on the edge of Mel’s bed, “What’s going on with you and JC?”


Mel shrugged, “Nothing why?”


Larson fidgeted with her hands in her lap, “I don’t know, you’ve just been spending a lot of time together, that’s all.”


“We’re just friends, you know?  Why are you jealous?”  She asked almost too hopeful,


Larson shook her head, “No, not at all, I mean, JC was just my friend.  There was nothing between us.  I was just wondering, you know?”


“Okay babe.”  Mel got up and went into her closet.


Larson talked to her through the door, “But, I mean I would be okay if you did go for him, you know?  I don’t feel that way towards him, he’s just my friend, so it’s okay.”


“L, you’re rambling.”  Mel yelled back and smirked knowing that this situation was bothering her more than Larson would ever let anyone know.


“Oh, sorry, I just wanted you-”


Mel stuck her head out of the closet, “I get it, you’re cool if me and Jace hook up, thanks.”


“Yeah, okay.” Larson said distantly and wandered out of Mel’s room.


          Mel smiled to herself as she changed her clothes.  Her plan was working; it was only a matter of time before Larson realized that she liked JC.




