Chapter Eighteen


Lisa walked into practice, with Carrie sans crutches.

“So how's freedom feeling?”  Carrie asked.

Lisa rolled her eyes, “Don't even start.”

Suddenly Lisa was grabbed from behind and she screamed, “Ahh!!”

“LEE!”  It was Dianna, “You're here early!”  She exclaimed,

“Holy crap, Dee!  You nearly gave me a heart attack!”  She laughed and Dee let her go and claimed the other side of her.

“That's the point.”  That's when Dee noticed that Lee didn't have her crutches, “Is this the dancing machine back in action?”  Dianna teased Lisa and she laughed shaking her head,

“Somewhat, yeah.  I’m not 100%, but I don’t need the crutches anymore.”  She shrugged,

“And how excited are you?”  She grinned,

“Put me in coach, I’m ready.”  Lisa grinned.

“So, what's with the early birdness?  I know you're a little faster because you're not as handicapped as you were before, but even this is a record for you.”

“I stayed at the hotel last night.”

Dianna grinned, “Did your rents kick you out?”

Lisa shook her head with a smile, “No, I just decided to stay at the hotel from now on.  The tour's quickly approaching and I still have to practice to catch up.”

Dianna rolled her eyes, “Yeah, like you need more practice.”

“I've been out for two weeks, I've missed a lot of instruction.  Plus, didn't you know?  Practice makes perfect.”

“You ARE perfect.”  Dee countered,

“Uh huh, sure.”  Lisa rolled her eyes, “Nobody's perfect.”

Dee wrapped her arm around Lisa's shoulders, “Well, you're pretty darn close.”

“Like Mary Poppins?”

“Yep, practically perfect in every way.”  Dee teased as Wade walked over to the group,

“Is this my dancing machine without crutches?”

Lisa placed her hands on her hips, “That would be correct.  Where do you want me?”

Wade frowned,“I think you should sit today off.  You just got off the crutches.”

Lisa pouted, “Come on Wade, please let me dance?”  She clasped her hands together and pleaded with him, “PLEASE, I think I would die if I didn’t dance today.”

Wade eyed her for a minute, “Fine, no pushing yourself and no strenuous dancing, just the hand movements and placement.  You’re taking breaks when I give them, okay?”

“Yes.”  Lisa giggled like a little schoolgirl at the thought of dancing again, “I promise to be EXTRA good today.”

Wade laughed, “Okay, my little dance machine go get ready.”

“Yea!”  Lisa did a small cheer as she practically skipped over to get ready for practice.

“Hey!  I said take it easy!”  He scolded her and she instantly stopped skipping,

“Sorry, Wade!  I promise from now on I'll be really good!”  She giggled.

After practice, Carrie and Lisa watched as Amy sidled up to JC and began flirting with him.  After a few minutes of talking, they walked out together, looking pretty happy.  Carrie rolled her eyes at the scene.

“He’s a complete idiot.”  She muttered as she stood up and then helped Lisa to stand,

“She’s a really nice girl when she wants to be.”  Lisa replied and Carrie gave her a hard look,

“Please, the girl’s a huge bitch.  I have no idea what he sees in her.”

“Well, obviously it’s something.”

“Whatever.”  Carrie rolled her eyes as they walked out of practice together,  So, Miss Lee, where would you like to go today?”

Lisa grinned at her best friend, “What do you mean?” 

“Well, you’re officially non-handicapped and I think that deserves a celebration.”

“Can it be ice cream sundaes?”  Lisa whispered like a little kid,

“You were reading my mind.”  Carrie whispered back and giggled with Lisa.

         Lisa and Carrie made it back to their room after eating ice cream sundaes at the local mall.  By then all their practicing for the day had set in and they were hurting.  Lisa leaned against the wall next to their door as Carrie opened it,

“Carrie tell me that there is a Jacuzzi in our room.” Lisa said laying her hand dramatically across her forehead,

Carrie threw a grin her way, “Nope, just a tub.  Sorry babe.”

“It’ll do.”  She sighed dropping over her stuff and making her way into the bathroom.

“Babe, there’s a Jacuzzi down by the pool.”

“I’m good.  It’s hot, that’s enough.”  Lisa said running the water.

“How’s the hip?”

“Not as bad as my feet.”  She winced as she pulled off her sneakers.

“Here babe, let me get your socks.”

“Thanks Care-bear.  I owe you.”

“Stop, I’m probably going to join you in the tub.”  She grinned and lowered Lisa’s battered feet into the hot water,

Man, that feels awesome.”  Lisa sighed as she leaned back onto the tub edge.

“Hon, sit in the tub.  The water’ll help your hip as well.”

“Good idea.”  Lisa said slipping off her pants and sinking into the hot water. “Oh man, I’m in heaven.”

“I’m joining.”  Carrie replied sinking her feet into the scalding hot water. “Oh hell yeah.”  She leaned back and then glanced down at her feet, “Dude my feet look nasty.”  She said making a face at Lisa who grinned at her.

“I bet mine look worse.” Lisa lifted her feet slightly and Carrie compared them to her own,

“They do.”  Carrie teased, “To think we voluntarily put ourselves through this.”

“I don’t volunteer, I get paid to do this.”  Lisa retorted playfully,

“Oh like you wouldn’t do this for free.” Carrie smirked,

Lisa laughed and shook her head, “Sad thing is, I probably would.”

         Carrie’s phone rang and she reached over grabbing it to answer it.


“Hey sexy mama, whatcha up too?”

“Hey Joey, nothing much, just soaking in the tub with Lisa.”  She smirked,

“Excuse me?  In the tub with Lisa?  Dude what a visual!”

“You’re such a horn ball.  It’s just because our feet hurt.”  Carrie laughed,

“Can I join?  You know since I have a hurt leg and all?”

“Sorry honey, there’s only room enough for two in this tub.  I’m sure you have a tub in your room that you can soak in.”

“But CAAARRRIE,” Joey whined playfully, “MY tub doesn’t have two hot chicks in it.”

“Call up room service, I’m sure they can help you out.”

“But I want to be in the tub with you and Lisa.”  He pouted.

Carrie looked over at Lisa, “Hey Lee, Joey wants to come and hang out with us in the tub.”

“I’m in my underwear, no thank you.”  She protested and Carrie turned back to the phone,

“Lee’s in her underwear and said no.”

“Carrie!”  Lisa said splashing her with some water, making Carrie laugh.

“Hey watch it!” She said splashing her back, “Joey said that he’ll come in his underwear too so you don’t feel out of place.”

“OH MAN!  That’s something that I was hoping to never see again!”  Lisa exclaimed laughing out loud and then there was a knock on their door,

“LEE!  CAAARRRIIEEE!  It’s JOEY!  Let me in!  I’m in my underwear and I have ice cream!”

Lisa and Carrie both looked at each other, “He said the magic word.” Lisa grinned,

“Magic words.” Carrie grinned, “How did he know that we’d do just about anything for ice cream?”  She laughed getting out of the tub to get the door.

Lisa got out of the tub and pulled on her pants.  She really didn't want anyone to see the bruises from her fall and she had a lot of them to cover up.

Joey burst into the room, with a t-shirt and a pair of boxers on, “Aw, Lee, you got dressed!”  He pouted.

Lisa shrugged, “Sorry Joe, I needed to get out of the water before it burnt my skin.  Where's the ice cream?”  She asked,

“Oh, I see how it is.  I come down to hang out and all you two really wanted, was my ice cream.”  He pouted and Lisa smiled, glad that she could feel comfortable around Joey.  Ever since they had been cripple buddies, Joey hadn't given her a chance to be shy around him.

“You got it, Joe.  Now, where's the ice cream?”

Joey muttered about Lisa having a one track mind before pointing behind him, into the girl's room.

“Thanks Joey.”  Lisa said skipping into the other room to get some ice cream.


