Chapter Nineteen


Larson rolled over in bed with a groan.  This was not going to be a good day.  She felt like shit and she didn’t even want to move. 


Mel knocked on her door, “Hey babe, you getting up?  You’re about ten passed your shower time.”


Larson covered her face with her hand, “I don’t think I can move Mel.  I feel so sick.”


“Oh no, what do you want?”


Larson peeked through her fingers, “Call in sick for me please?  That’s all.”


Mel gave her a sympathetic smile, “Okay babe.”



Later that morning there was another knock on her door.  She figured that it was Mel coming to bring her a drink. “Come in.”


“L?”  JC called out to her.


She lifted her head at the voice, “Jace?  Is that you?”  What was JC doing here?


“Yup.”  He said coming into the room.


Larson covered her head with her covers before she could see him, “What are you doing here?  I’m sick, I could be contagious and I look like shit.”


JC grinned at the lump in the bed as he sat down on the edge of her bed, “Well I came to help.  I’ve had my flu shot and I really don’t care what you look like because I probably look just as bad.”  Larson peeked an eye out from under the covers.  JC looked like he hadn’t shaved in a couple of days and was in his sweats.  She smiled and poked her head out a little more.


“Okay, you do look about as bad as I do.”  She laughed which caused her to go into a coughing fit.


JC pulled out cough drops and handed her a couple, “That should help.” He looked into the bag that he had brought, “Plus I have DayQuil, NightQuil, Theraflu, Robutussin, gingerale, chicken noodle soup, Kleenex, water, crackers and couple of movies.”  He pulled things out of the bag he brought and placing them on her nightstand.


Larson smiled at JC, “Thank you.  How did you know I wasn’t feeling well?”


JC shrugged, “Mel told me when I called her at work.  So, I went to the store before coming over here.  I hope you don’t mind.”


She shook her head, she was glad for the company. “No, this is wonderful.  Thank you.”


JC plopped down on her bed next to her, “You’re welcome.  I figured it had to be bad if you weren’t going to work.”


She groaned and rolled her eyes, “Tell me about it.  I haven’t moved all day and I’m feeling like the biggest loser.”


JC furrowed his brow, “Cause you can’t work?”


She nodded, “Uh huh and I have so much work to do.”


“It won’t hurt you to push it aside for one day.”


She sighed, “I guess.” 


“Hey, your health is important.  If you wear yourself out, then it takes longer for you to recoup.  If you take a day off and get well now, you won’t have to take a week later.”  JC reasoned with her.


“Good thinking, where did you learn that?”


JC shrugged, “Personal experience, it wasn’t pretty.”


“A back in the day story?”


“Yeah, I’ll tell you about it sometime.  What movie do you want to watch?”  He said moving to get off the bed and Larson stopped him,


“Can we just sit and talk?  I feel like it’s been forever since I’ve seen you.”  She said softly and JC couldn’t deny her.  He had missed her so much since they had put the plan into effect. 


He laid down next to her, “Sure, I feel the same way.”


“You’ve been hanging out with Mel a lot.”  She mentioned with a slight frown.


“I know, we get along really well.”  He shrugged secretly smiling to himself at her disappointment.


“That’s good.”  She smiled weakly, “I’m glad you guys are spending time together.”


“You are?”  He asked surprised.  That wasn’t part of the plan.


“Yeah, I felt like I was hogging you all the time.”  She shrugged, “It’s been like her dream to meet all of you and hang out with you guys.  I swear that’s the reason she was all about moving out here to LA.”  Larson smiled, “I’m just glad she’s happy.”  Larson shrugged and JC noticed the sadness in her voice that reassured him.  Maybe this plan would work after all.



