Chapter Nineteen


“Okay now I’m gonna have Lisa with Lance and Diana with Joey, Carrie with Justin, Amy with JC and Annalisa with Chris.”  Wade shouted,

“Wade, you’re taking away my cripple buddy!” Joey playfully complained,

“Joey, you just need to share hon.” Lisa joked and moved over to Lance.

“You okay Lisa?”  Wade shouted and she waved a hand at him,

“I’m fine Wade, thanks for asking.” She yelled back,

“How come you don’t ask if I’m okay?”  Joey shouted at Wade,

“Because you can be replaced, I can’t replace Lisa.”  Wade teased,

“Dude, that’s sooooo wrong.”  Joey pouted and everyone laughed.

         Lisa turned to Lance, “Be gentle,” She teased, “I’m still sore from the last time we were together.”  Lance gave her a worried look for a second till he realized that she was kidding and laughed with her.

“Cute Lee.”

“I know I am.”  She winked and they got into their positions.  The music started and they began the routine.  Lisa basically went through the motions when she was by herself.  When she had to partner with Lance, she did her best.  She wanted him to know what to expect when dancing with her.

         Someone kept messing up and they couldn’t quite get a clean run through.  The stress of the strenuous dancing was killing her hips.  She tried to push through the pain, but with each move, the pain worsened.  Finally, they got a clean run through and Wade gave them a break.  Lisa all but collapsed on the floor.

“Lee!”  Lance shouted and she held up a hand to let him know that she was all right.  Lance’s shout alerted most of the gang.

“Are you okay?”  Wade asked kneeling at her side and Lisa covered her eyes,

“Yes, please leave me alone.  I’m just tired.” She replied and most everyone backed away from her, except for Joey, Lance, Carrie and Wade.  Carrie brought her over an ice bag and a bottle of water with some aspirin.

“Thanks Care.”  Lisa smiled up at her best friend as Carrie handed her everything.

“Lance, you can’t work my cripple buddy like that.”  Joey teased,

“What?  I didn’t to anything.”  He protested and turned back to Lee, “Lee if you needed a break I would have let you have one.”

Lisa placed a hand on his arm, “Lance, shh.  I wanted to get this song done.  I guess I pushed myself too hard.”

“You’re not going to get better if you injure yourself again.”  Carrie warned,

“Yes, mom.”  Lisa rolled her eyes,

“Lee, why don’t you break for the day?”  Wade said softly,

She shook her head, “No, really, I’ll be ready in five to go again.”

“Lisa, maybe you should take a break.”  Carrie encouraged and Lisa sighed before trying to get up.

“I don’t need everyone being held up because of me.”  She winced a little at the pain in her hip as she got up.

“Lee, why are you so stubborn?”  Carrie said exasperated,

“Why are you?”  She shot back at Carrie and turned to Wade, “I’ll be ready in ten Wade.” She said before walking out of the room.

         Carrie sighed as she sat down on the floor, “Stubborn old mule, always wants her way.”  She muttered shaking her head,

“Stubborn is right, she’s so determined.”  Lance said and Carrie looked at him,

“It’s just because she loves dancing more than anything and she doesn’t want to let her injury stand in the way of it. I admire her because I know how much she’s hurting right now.”  Carrie sighed.

Instead of just giving Lee a break, Wade gave everyone a half an hour break, hoping that that would help Lisa's hip, and knowing that it would be the only way that she would take a break.

Lisa, Carrie, and Dianna were sitting down off to the side of everyone.  Carrie was pushing for Lisa to talk to JC.  She knew that if Lisa would just try, he would totally go for her.

“Lisa, I swear Joey told me that he likes you.”  She fibbed slightly.

Lisa shook her head, “No way, you’re pulling my leg Care.  Not funny.”

“I’m serious, would I lie to you?  Go talk to him, you know he wants to talk to you too.”  Carrie pushed her in his direction.

“Okay, okay, I’m going.”  She said and walked in JC’s direction. 

Diana looked back at Carrie, “Joey said that JC liked Lisa?  Are you sure?”

“His exact words, were that ‘JC likes Lisa and wants to talk to her.’”  Carrie replied,

“Likes her, likes her?”  Diana asked and Carrie shrugged,

“Well once he talks to her, he will.”

Diana groaned, “Care, you didn’t.”

Dee, look, the only way she’ll talk to him is if she thinks that he likes her too,  She just needs the confidence boost.”

Lisa walked up to JC and tapped him on the shoulder.  He turned and smiled when he saw that it was Lisa,

“Hey Lisa.” His warm smile made her instantly blush,

“Hey JC, can I talk to you for a minute, alone?”

“Um, yeah sure.”  He agreed, surprised at her invitation, “Come on.”  He led her away from everyone and leaned against a table as he drank down water. “What’s up?”

         Lisa played with her hair a bit and collected her thoughts for second,

“Um, okay, so I was talking to Carrie and Dee today, about you.  Well I wasn’t talking to them rather, they were talking to me about you.”  She ran her hands through her hair nervously and JC smiled,

“Okay, go on.”

         Lisa hated the fact that he was so calm and she was a complete nervous wreck,

“Well anyways,” She continued, “they said that you like me, as in more than a friend, and I-” She glanced up into his face to see the confusion, “I see you have no idea what I’m talking about and I just made a complete fool of myself.”  Lisa turned beet red, “I’m sorry, I’m gonna severely hurt them for telling me this.  I’ll see you around.”  She made a quick exit before JC could even get a word in.

         Lisa stalked over to Carrie and Dee who were with the other dancers.

“Carrie Catherine Pears, I would like a word with you.”  She crossed her arms and gave them the death glare. “Alone.”  She growled to the other dancers who made a quick exit.

         Carrie leaned back on her hands, “What’s wrong Lee?”  She asked nonchalantly,

“Don’t even start with me Carrie!  How the hell could you do that to me?  You’re supposed to be my best friend!  You sent me over there knowing that he didn’t like me like that! I made a complete ass of myself in front of him and he probably things that I’m some psychopath now.”

Carrie stood up and pointed at Lisa, “I was doing you a favor, Lisa.  You sit around wishing your life away!  Maybe I was trying to get you to act on a few of those wishes!”

“By making me look like a fool?!  Yeah, brilliant plan!  Why don’t you just stay out of it Carrie!”

“Fine, I’ll quit watching you stay in the shallow end of the pool barely able to put your feet in the water!”

“Well dumping me in the deep end was a great plan, fucking brilliant!  Just leave me alone!”

“Fine, I’ll leave you the fuck alone!”

“Fine!” Lisa stalked away.



